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Hey Yo!

Booyah!!! Freakin' general of an army!!! I shall serve you well, my queen... And Philly, you wish you were as smart as me! My Arylettishness gives me supersmarts too!

Edit: I am not a pacifist! I just tell my friends that to avoid getting in trouble...
I can't believe I'm getting soooo many awesome points already! I would like to know what they are and what to use them for, though...
They are Arylettopian moneys. You can use them to buy things, donate to the Museum, or more importantly, pay strippers.

Also, I keep track of your money in the bank so that you don't use moneys you don't have.
Yeah! Gotta love the strippers, but Arylett...can I trust Philly with my money? I mean, he could do embezzlement or something like that! Is there something you could do to assure me my money won't dissappear if the Arylettopian stock market crashes...?
Please, I don't invest in any of the Stocks other than Stripper Stocks, and they are showing no decline! In fact, they have grown by 75% in just the past week!
Are you sure it's the stocks, or something else...hmmmm. Has Iain admitted to having a _____?
...........a boner..........

I'm sorry, just had to say it! If I offended you, I'm really sorry
Suuuuuuuure....I'll believe it when I see it..

My God, that was soooooooo perverted...
Well, well!

I assure you, if Philly screws up in any way, he will be severely punished. And I will get all of your money back, you can trust me Arylettboy.

And what's this about boners? ;;Interested;;
Ooh, don't worry about it. A week ago, I believe, he came over for a party. He stayed up all night with Lucas watching a video of an orgasmic handshake that didn't even look like it was real...

And don't ask how I know what a real orgasm looks like...
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