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Hey Yo!

Good. When shall we set off on our excursion to take over? (My God, I sound like some 18th century British man who's had too much tea and crumpets!)

Edit: Not saying that British people aren't cool or are stupid and stuff! I was just trying to be a bit...sarcastic...PLEASE DON'T HURT ME!!!
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No! Not more sexual harassment! *Throws Styliboy on Philly* And there will be no fission and expansion!
Hur hur, this thread is hardly an introduction anymore.
My goodness gracious! All this happens in the short amount of time I'm sleeping waiting for freakin' Santa to come! Philly, no CPR...EVER. Lucas, not only did you totally ignore the fate of the universe to be Arylettified, but you threw me on top of Philly! They have the Internet for that!
Ahaha, perhaps! He must quit, if he is to be my General. ;;Also gives him *50;;

(* = Awesome Points, for Arylettboy, since he don't know about them yet.)

Also Philly... aren't you like... the Head of Financial Affairs or something?
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