• Welcome to The Cave of Dragonflies forums, where the smallest bugs live alongside the strongest dragons.

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    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?

Hey Yo!

Ooh. Bad move, Philly. You're not supposed to tell anyone to go see a counselor...EVER!!! (Not saying you do need to see one, Arylett...)
Thank you for agreeing with me, Arylett! Some people just don't have enough patience to deal with conservative posting...
Philly been whipped to compliance among you two. + Castform.

Arylett said:
Well I'm sort of spazzy, apparently. And a bit crazy. Also hyper, yes. Quite hyper. I go around proclaiming I'm the ruler of a fictional land, for God's sakes.

Yeah, that's Styli. Except for the fictional land.
Ooh cool, an introduction thread that was posted in by HRA!

Have a cat plushie...newbie...

Ooh! Fun! I get a friggin' cat plushie! I am soo excited for almost absolutely no reason!
Everyone gets a cat plushie, I think.
I could leav you a chocolate bunny, but I'd have to comb my hard drive.
Yeah, Lucas is right, everybody gets a free cat plushie when they join. Except me, because I never made a thread here. I should do that.
Yeah, but still! A cat plushie! How can you not like a cat plushie!! Iain, you should have made a thread here, cuz now I gots myself friends on here...other than you and Lucas of course
I don't like cats or cat plushies~

But hmm... I like your style, Arylettboy. Join me and together we could conquer the planet with the forces of ARYLETTISHNESS!
I don't like cats or cat plushies~

But hmm... I like your style, Arylettboy. Join me and together we could conquer the planet with the forces of ARYLETTISHNESS!

Well well well...if you don't like cats or cat plushies you must be a fan of the special in store for a limited time dog plushies and dogs that magically appeared :)
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