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Search results

  1. Objection!

    Least favourite pokemon in Competitive Battling.

    I don't mind Machamps. I can KO them quickly. I hate taking on Espeon and Glaceons.
  2. Objection!

    Take and Add (Literacy)

  3. Objection!

    Closed The Smash Dojo - A Brawl RP

    Fox was lying in bed. He was playing with his laser, tinkering with it, this is what Fox did when he was bored. Fox picked up a transmission, people were already fighting outside, Fox went outside of his lonely cabin to try and find someone.
  4. Objection!

    Goodbye, beloved Meowth...

    Mewoth was one of the voices they hadn't ruined like Ash, Brock, James and so on. What a shame, this is terrible.
  5. Objection!

    Completely Ridiculous Pokemon Matchups

    Dialga VS Duskull... EDIT: Oh and Lugia VS Igglybuff, hmmm... I wonder.
  6. Objection!

    Yeah... It was a good avie but loads of people told me to change it.

    Yeah... It was a good avie but loads of people told me to change it.
  7. Objection!

    Open the Rehab Center

    Axis looked around a little more before going back into the TV, waiting until someone came. Axis heard a strange noise, a very strange noise in fact.
  8. Objection!

    You are a...

    Because I am a pirate... hey-hey-diddle,dee-dee... I'm going to go lie down.
  9. Objection!

    Open the Rehab Center

    Axis was scared. He would jump if he had legs, he intoduced himself and about his past. Axis asks why he was brought here and if other people were going to arrive soon in the mansion.
  10. Objection!

    Open the Rehab Center

    Axis yawned. He floated out of what he was currently in. Aaahh... Fresh air. Axis liked fresh air. He looked around and realised he had come in through a TV. He had no idea where he was but the last thing he saw was a Dusknoir.... Feeling dizzy.... going back to sleep... -Later- Axis decides to...
  11. Objection!

    Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Oddity

    Re: Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Oddity (Sprite Comic) I love the new issues. Issue 75 is LEGEND. My favourite thread on the whole of TCod.
  12. Objection!

    It's Fredie's birthday~

    I'm gonna wish him a happy birthday through his youtube account. Merry Christmas!
  13. Objection!

    Open the Rehab Center

    ((You've posted it like 3 times.)) sorry for pointing out the obvious.
  14. Objection!

    Favourite Elite Four Champion?

    Cynthia, she is BADASS. oh and has a Garchomp and a Lucario too.
  15. Objection!

    Uhhh... h-hi?

    So a shy themed person, great. welcome to TCod, I may seem scary but get on my good side and...I won't leave a ferret in your bed at night. Sorry, i'll stop scaring the new guy. Welcome do you like to RP?
  16. Objection!

    Rate the signature above you!

  17. Objection!

    The Music People -SIGN UPS-

    Nice idea. I won't be on all the time. Name: Ryan (not my real name) Gender: Male Song: Objection! (No really thats the name of the song.) Hair: Long brown hair,sharp edges, not fluffy Appearance: Friendly, baggy jeans always a smile on his face. Personality:Funny, Victorious, Good leader...
  18. Objection!

    Open the Rehab Center

    Sorry! i'm on the right lines now, sorry. I'll just forget about Sky the Delibird, can I keep Axis?
  19. Objection!

    Is it me or...

    Its not you, you've spent too long on Youtube.
  20. Objection!

    Open the Rehab Center

    Meanwhile. In the Abandoned House. A new Pokemon is brought into the rehab. A Delibird is brought in kicking and screaming. The Dleibird looked around the room, only 2 pokemon stand in the room. A Dusknoir and a Rotom. The friendly looking Dusknoir told him to introduce himself. Reluctantly he...
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