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Search results

  1. Objection!

    Open the Rehab Center

    Okay. What if he goes crazy and starts thrashing for hours instead of going superpowered. Is Axis accepted?
  2. Objection!

    Closed The Smash Dojo - A Brawl RP

    No thanks. I'm fine with Fox, he's my main.
  3. Objection!

    Open the Rehab Center

    Nickname:Sky Species: Delibird Reason: Goes phsyco on certain types of pokemon and gets super powered when angry/scared, needs to be kept under control. Area: Abadoned House, like the Pokemon Mansion but deserted. Background: Had a troubled past and was abused by a Houndoom pack. He worked as a...
  4. Objection!

    Open The Rhythm Era- Elite Beat Agents

    This is my first RP so go easy, I wanted to do something light-hearted. It is a dark, dark time. 9th January- A Dark cloud forms over the world. 11th January-The United Nations fall against the new threat from the sky. Creatures appear out of the sky, featureless creatures with blank faces...
  5. Objection!

    Closed The Smash Dojo - A Brawl RP

    Aww... what the hell, as soon as i'm finished catching up with the plot and whats going on I'll join in. Character: Fox (My favourite) Nickname: Sky
  6. Objection!

    You laugh you lose (aka POST ALL FUNNY STUFF HERE)

    I lost. BIG TIME.
  7. Objection!

    Did Alexandra deserve to win X factor?

    All 3 of them were talentless this year anyway. Eoghan or whatever was crap, I know he was young but he was very flat. JLS would've been better but they'll all get contracts anyway so it really doesn't matter.
  8. Objection!

    Take and Add (Literacy)

  9. Objection!

    Word Assasination Game

  10. Objection!

    £120 and nothing to spend it on.

    Re: £120 and nothing to spend it on. Nice choice. Try and get PMD2 or one of the PW games. Nice choice my friend. PS3 in my opinion is overrated its the games that are good.
  11. Objection!

    Dialga Vs. Palkia

    It is 50-33, Dialga doesn't stand a chance. Meh heheheheh...
  12. Objection!

    £120 and nothing to spend it on.

    Re: £120 and nothing to spend it on. Nice choice, I assume you already have a good idea of games to get?
  13. Objection!

    Word Assasination Game

  14. Objection!

    Word Assasination Game

  15. Objection!

    £120 and nothing to spend it on.

    Re: £120 and nothing to spend it on. A DS or save it into your bank account. Thats what I would do?
  16. Objection!

    Word Assasination Game

  17. Objection!

    Hi!, read your post in Friend Code thread. I'm on Brawl right now! I'll add you, could you do...

    Hi!, read your post in Friend Code thread. I'm on Brawl right now! I'll add you, could you do the same with me please? My FC is : 4940-7988-5756 and I have a Venom mii for my profile Picture. Please reply! (Also, how often are you on?)
  18. Objection!

    Word Assasination Game

  19. Objection!

    pokemon yellow revamp challenge

    Very nice! keep going! Could you do Starmie?
  20. Objection!

    TCod Advent Calendar 08!

    11th and 12th day are up.
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