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    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?

£120 and nothing to spend it on.

Grim should get a-

  • DS

    Votes: 8 80.0%
  • Few more sockets

    Votes: 1 10.0%
  • PS3

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • New PC

    Votes: 1 10.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Probably shouldn't be here.
£120 and nothing to spend it on.

I have finally earned £120! Plus my Christmas/Birthday money will be an estimate of about £40-£60 which gives me £200 by the end of the year!

I need something to spend it on.

I can either:

  • Get a DS Lite and get Diamond/Pearl, Platinum plus FireRed and Ruby/Emerald when my birthday/Christmas money comes in (£150~)
  • Buy some wires and sockets to improve my room since it only has 1 power source (£15~)
  • Wait until about February-ish and buy a PS3 and Rock Band 2 (£360~)
  • Earn some more and get a decent PC and get The Sims 3 on it (£350~)
Re: £120 and nothing to spend it on.

Assuming you don't already have an old-school-style DS, I'd say go for the Lite. I remember you saying somewhere you play ROMs, but playing them on an actual handheld is not only more fun, but you can take it on the train/bus/doctor's waiting room/whatever. They're only about £85 preowned now; imagine how cheap they'll be after Christmas when everyone's selling the crap they don't want.

Get those sockets, too, though :)

...I thought you were saving up for a PS3 in the first place, though?
Re: £120 and nothing to spend it on.

Assuming you don't already have an old-school-style DS, I'd say go for the Lite. I remember you saying somewhere you play ROMs, but playing them on an actual handheld is not only more fun, but you can take it on the train/bus/doctor's waiting room/whatever. They're only about £85 preowned now; imagine how cheap they'll be after Christmas when everyone's selling the crap they don't want.

Get those sockets, too, though :)

...I thought you were saving up for a PS3 in the first place, though?
I saw a brand-new DS and Diamond for £133 and it kept teasing me.
Re: £120 and nothing to spend it on.

Nice choice. Try and get PMD2 or one of the PW games. Nice choice my friend. PS3 in my opinion is overrated its the games that are good.
Re: £120 and nothing to spend it on.

I voted for the DS, because its the cheapest on your list (besides the electric equipment). There's a few good games for it, and I recommend Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney (good luck finding it) and The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass.
Re: £120 and nothing to spend it on.

^^ Good for you!

^^ I has $297 myself, not including four olympic loonies. I'm saving $160, setting aside $70 for Platinum, and then getting supplies to make gifts with
Re: £120 and nothing to spend it on.

Hooray for DS :3

Make sure you try out the Ace Attorney series, The World Ends With You, and any other epic DS games I've forgotten all about but should really recommend to you~
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