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Search results

  1. Objection!

    Don't click

    ^That normally happens.
  2. Objection!

    Word Assasination Game

  3. Objection!

    Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Oddity

    Re: Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Oddity (Sprite Comic) Mike, stop being natural, everyone knows you rock.
  4. Objection!

    Word Assasination Game

  5. Objection!

    If you could live in any historical period, what would it be?

    1900. I couldn'r do 1950's because that would be boring. 1900 would be interesting because i'm not intirely sure what lies there, as long as I didn't live to the wars.
  6. Objection!

    It's All Mike's Fault

    Mike has a LOT of friends, welcome you look like someone I could like. HI! *Gives Attorney Badge"
  7. Objection!

    Pokémon Special Manga Being Re-Released in the US

    Re: Pokémon Special Manga Being Re-Released in the US I have never read the manga. I actually like a lot of manga so heres a good place to start.
  8. Objection!

    You laugh you lose (aka POST ALL FUNNY STUFF HERE)

  9. Objection!

    Word Assasination Game

  10. Objection!

    Galactus Cave of Sprites :D

    A ground type Flygon if you could please. Thanks!! (Also, if possible please can you PM it to me? I 'll be off for a few days and might forget to pick it up. Thanks!)
  11. Objection!

    Watch you Die

    That is very cleverly written, well done. Its easy to read into but hard to decipher. [Thats a good thing], you should try and get this published. A cunning "story" in there as well.
  12. Objection!

    Word Assasination Game

  13. Objection!

    Word Assasination Game

  14. Objection!

    Word Assasination Game

  15. Objection!

    Word Assasination Game

  16. Objection!

    Word Assasination Game

  17. Objection!

    Word Assasination Game

  18. Objection!

    Name a Pokemon A-Z

  19. Objection!

    Word Assasination Game

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