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Watch you Die


Your cries of pleasure are my greatest treasure.
You’re so beautiful when fear dances in your eyes
Just looking at them makes me want to cry
My soul feels your wounds as if they were carved in my skin
Corrupting the hate within

But if I try to overcome
I know that I’ll be the one
Who gets the last laugh
Who’ll kick you when you’re down

I want to make the blood pour
From your mouth
To silence your screams
To strangle your shouts
I want it,
I want it,
I want,
I want it all

And you, my dearest love
Will cease to take in your lungs
The offerings of this bitter, pointless life
I’ll cut you open
Your beauty intact

I want your skin to turn blue
I want your soul to be freed
I need to be killing you
In order to save what’s in me

I want to drink your memories dry
And stop your heartbeats in their tracks
It makes my ache grow so, so small
I want it,
I want it,
I want,
I want all
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That is very cleverly written, well done. Its easy to read into but hard to decipher. [Thats a good thing], you should try and get this published. A cunning "story" in there as well.
I think they should both be either "I want it all" or "I want all". It seems to defeat the point of repetition since you made it different.

I like the first line of the first verse, but the whole verse itself seems a bit awkward. Not sure why, because I'm not very smart.

I wonder what NWT said. Probably will never find out, though.
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