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  1. Blue

    Post here to get your +1 while pretending to care about my feelings

  2. Blue

    Post here to get your +1 while pretending to care about my feelings

    I actually hate that genre of music BUT NOW IT IS A PRIMARY PIGMENT OF WHICH THERE IS MORE THAN ONE. that made no sense And nope, no new sprites have been made :V
  3. Blue

    Post here to get your +1 while pretending to care about my feelings

    It disappeared! This was actually the original name I wanted, but it was taken 2 days before I joined. 2 DAYS. WHY
  4. Blue

    Post here to get your +1 while pretending to care about my feelings

    KROM. And still as active as ever :V
  5. Blue

    Post here to get your +1 while pretending to care about my feelings

    Is this who I think it is? @RandomTyphoon:
  6. Blue

    Post here to get your +1 while pretending to care about my feelings

    It's like a dream come true!
  7. Blue

    Post here to get your +1 while pretending to care about my feelings

    derp. WELL HEY GUYS. I'm a generally boring, unfun person who sits around watching Saturday morning cartoons. I like to talk to people in CAPS LOCK on MSN. I also tell unfunny jokes. WHY DID THE CHICKEN CROSS THE ROAD? TO GET TO THE OTHER SI- Oh wait, he got hit by a car. I'm terrible at intros.
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