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Search results

  1. Karkat Vantas

    ultraviolet vs. Music Dragon

    Veteran MUSIC DRAGON's active squad: steelix Pravus, Steelix M (Rock Head) exeggcute Doctor Proctor, Exeggcute M (Chlorophyll) aerodactyl The Beast, Aerodactyl M (Pressure) Body Modification: Poisonous Salivary Glands Move Modification: Cursed Frenzy whiscash Goach, Whiscash M (Oblivious)...
  2. Karkat Vantas


    Okay, so the "Featured Section" is supposed to link you to a random page, but for some reason it always redirects me to the RBY capture algorithm page. I... I don't even.
  3. Karkat Vantas

    Herman Cain loves Pokémon

    Herman Cain loves Pokémon Godfather Pizza CEO and presidential candidate Herman Cain's favorite inspirational quote is from a Pokémon movie. Discuss what this means for the country.
  4. Karkat Vantas

    Nuevo Nieve Nueve (n0)

    Nuevo Nieve Nueve (d1) .
  5. Karkat Vantas

    Amy Winehouse dies in tragically predictable manner

    Amy Winehouse died of a drug overdose at the age of 27 yesterday. Absolutely no one was surprised. Did anyone here like her? She had a pretty great voice imo, shame she had to go and OD.
  6. Karkat Vantas

    Why can unregistered members view the Coughing Cupboard

    Considering the nature of the posts in the Coughing Cupboard, I don't think it's a very wise idea to just leave it visible to anybody who visits here.
  7. Karkat Vantas

    Nuevo Nieve Nueve (closed)

    Nuevo Nieve Nueve (New Winter Nine) the mafia ~~~ The first snowflakes fell in the town, the air grew chilly, the days grew shorter. Winter had come again, and with it had come an assassin with a heart as cold and black as the winter night. ~~~ Fancy gratituous Spanish title, boring vanilla...
  8. Karkat Vantas

    Machine of Death Volume 2!!!

    !!!!!!!! So, for those of you who aren't familiar with Machine of Death-- it's an anthology of short stories based off an episode of Dinosaur Comics. The connecting theme between the stories is that they all revolve around the titular Machine of Death. You stick your finger in the machine, it...
  9. Karkat Vantas

    I'm on a boat

    Okay, so there's this mysterious black boat in the harbor at Castelia and I have no idea what it's doing there. :? Also, we need B/W tags, but that's not the issue.
  10. Karkat Vantas

    SomeGuy vs. Mendatt

    Mendatt's Active Squad riolu minccino ralts feebas Eidolon (M, Steadfast) - Saliasteio (M, Technician) - Gelio (F, Trace) - Psari Anir (M, Swift Swim) SomeGuy's Active Squad squirtle cacnea vulpix gastly rattata nidoranm ledyba Turtles (F, Torrent) - Spikyman (M, Sand Veil) - Firefox (F...
  11. Karkat Vantas

    bulbasaur vs. Patar

    Not looking forward to reffing this... ha ha ha oh god I'm fucked :( But anyway, active squads: bulbasaur's active squad bulbasaur Thallium the Male Bulbasaur Ability: Overgrow Item: Leaf Stone vulpix Bromine the Female Vulpix Ability: Flash Fire buizel Cuprum the Male Buizel...
  12. Karkat Vantas

    Blinkingsky vs. thunder

    Blinkingsky's Active Squad: mudkip pichu shroomish ralts starly Jack - M - Torrent Pika - M - Static Loom - F - Poison Heal Psy - F - Trace Star - F - Keen Eye Thunder's Active Squad: magnemite vulpix gastly squirtle diglett Magnemite - X - Magnet Pull Vulpix - F - Flash Fire @ Fire Stone...
  13. Karkat Vantas

    I liek Squirtles vs. Pwnemon

    ILS's Active Squad/Locker Room: magikarp squirtle growlithe hoothoot teddiursa blitzle poochyena drilbur shinx Mr. Gasatoo (Swift Swim, M) - Mr. Turtle (Torrent, M + Wacan Berry) - Cave Canem (Flash Fire, M) - Cuckoo (Insomnia, M) - Roosevelt (Quick Feet, M) - Marty (Lightningrod, M) - Lupus...
  14. Karkat Vantas

    Comma Police vs. Parasitic (DQ)

    Active Squads-- Parasitic: bronzor elgyem bulbasaur bidoof magikarp ralts Atlas (Levitate, X) - P-Body (Telepathy, M) - Ralat (Overgrow, M) - Justin Beaver (Unaware, F) - Jaws (Swift Swim, M) - Borealis (Trace, F) Comma Police: murkrow elgyem spheal Krona (Super Luck, F) - Pseyer...
  15. Karkat Vantas

    TCoD got mentioned on Cracked!

    (link) ...on a list of "things nobody wants to read", but still. Media exposure!!!
  16. Karkat Vantas

    Gay people should die

    Or at least, that's what the Ugandan government thinks. It might be a good idea to sign this petition.
  17. Karkat Vantas

    Standard Mafia (D1)

    All role PMs are sent out. 48 hours.
  18. Karkat Vantas


    As some of you may know, I'm a pretty big fan of Rock Band. So, Pat and I have decided to tackle the Endless Setlist III! For anyone who hasn't played the game before, it requires you to play every song in the game in a row. There are 83 songs in this game. I think it's going to be a good 6...
  19. Karkat Vantas

    Standard Mafia

    The sleepy town of Standardville was a peaceful place... until the Mafia came. Exactly what it says on the tin. A standard game of mafia with only three power roles (Don, Doctor, and Inspector). The roles contained within this game are: Mafia Don Mafia Goon Doctor Inspector Bulletproof Bomb...
  20. Karkat Vantas


    See title. I want an Audino but I have no idea how to summon a dark patch.
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