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Search results

  1. Inkedust

    Tyrrier Cornèbre Forest

    Coniferous trees towered over any pokémon who wished to reach Tyrrier's northern border. Cold air from Malantau brought thick fog and overcast days that threatened heavy rain with a perennial scent. It made it difficult for light to reach the forest floor, even when the day was at its brightest...
  2. Inkedust

    Sojaveña Wilds Doorway to Huzan
    Threadmarks: Ch07: Finale ~ Among the Ashes

    They say that some Divine Dungeons forge connections to other dungeons across the world so that when the dungeon is sieged by unnatural forces, the Relic within – following the remnant will of its Saint – has a chance to be relocated, far away from the calamity. If this was true, one has to...
  3. Inkedust

    Blaguarro Town Terminal Two Holding Cells

    A horrid smell accompanied a cacophony of howls, cries, roars and screams that echoed through the hallways. The cells that lined every inch of the walls were small and hardly able to accommodate a medium-sized pokémon, the cells for larger species relegated for the lower floors. Peering through...
  4. Inkedust

    Sojaveña Wilds Timeless Oasis

    About a several day walk away from the Ranger HQ was a great expanse of uninhabitable land, hotter than anything else in Sojaveña. The clear skies allowed for the sun to relentlessly beat down on the land, not allowing for a single drop of water within the surface's many cracks or the dried...
  5. Inkedust

    Frontier Town Jailhouse

    Frontier Town's jailhouse was not a large building at all. Consisting of only two rooms, the marshal's office and the jail, the two connected through a simple, doorless archway. A watchog was stationed here, eyeing visitors with a healthy dose of scrutiny but remaining stiffly silent as to not...
  6. Inkedust

    Sojaveña Wilds Bedaurejo Castle Mystery Dungeon

    Built by the Tenacine Protectorate, Bedaurejo Castle stood proudly on a hill, from where it overlooked a town left behind by time's indifferent march. They said Bedaurejo was one step from being a ghost town. Though its layout was warped by distortion, the castle's magnificence was preserved...
  7. Inkedust

    Blaguarro Town Residential District

    The east side of Blaguarro bustled with the most activity as the residents made their homes in the tightly packed buildings of wood and cheap metal. This led to these buildings being prone to being worn down by the elements, most holes were patched up by any spare cloth or even poorer material...
  8. Inkedust

    Blaguarro Town The Dragon's Cellar

    When you lived in a town so rough and rundown, it was hard to find a better reprieve outside of some hard liquor. As a result, the pub known as The Dragon's Cellar stood as one of Blaguarro Town's last bastions of mirth. Run by Tala, the matriarch of a family of jang, haka and kommo-o, the...
  9. Inkedust

    Blaguarro Town Town Hall

    Second to only the Dragon's Cellar, the town hall stood as one of Blaguarro's liveliest locales. Situated close to the centre of town, it was a simple, wooden single-storey building. The interior saw many seats and tables irregularly scattered about (with most folk being more than happy to do...
  10. Inkedust

    Blaguarro Town Abandoned District

    If there was ever a desired to attain a glimpse of what Blaguarro may have been like in its heyday, then one wouldn't need to look further than the western reaches of town. The derelict husks of mills and refineries dotted the streets, standing purposeless in the wake of barren mines. Alongside...
  11. Inkedust

    Blaguarro Town Main Station

    The railway station was the closest thing Blaguarro had to a central square. In keeping with the town's rundown nature, only the bare minimum was taken into consideration here. A pair of metallic platforms flanked the railway with little care for shade or seating. Only a few shoddy sets of...
  12. Inkedust

    Frontier Town Traveller's Haus - Dining Hall

    Every morning, at the break of dawn, the kitchens of the Traveller's Haus would errupt with activity. Lively mornings were not only common but the status quo. The labours and bounties from the kitchen were proudly displayed on the wooden tables of the breakfast halls, free to be taken and...
  13. Inkedust

    Frontier Town Traveller's Haus - Guest Rooms

    The rooms of the Traveller's Haus could not be described as anything other than cozy. Though not particularly tiny the rooms were modest in size, leaving it a rather tight squeeze for any larger species of pokémon, and featured little more than a shelf, bedside table, chest and bed. A small...
  14. Inkedust

    Frontier Town Industrial Park

    At the northern end of Frontier Town, in stark contrast to its commercial, southern district, was its industrial heart. More spacious than most other parts of town, the northern district acted as the town's hub for construction as all sorts of material work; wood, stone, and metal was done by...
  15. Inkedust

    Frontier Town Traveller's Haus - Lobby

    Out of all the places to stay when visiting Frontier Town, the Traveller's Haus was by far the largest. It sat not too far from the outskirts of town for the weary of travellers who had less than a few minutes before collapsing to exhaustion. Within, countless, tiny pulley systems clicked away...
  16. Inkedust

    Blaguarro Town Blaguarro Outskirts

    In the face of the battering elements, between crooked, dust-covered craigs, stood the unwelcoming features of Blaguarro Town. Rusted metal and worn wood composed most of Blaguarro's features. From the many hovels that lined the wide dirt road that cleaved the town in two, to the pair of...
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