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Search results

  1. Flareth

    Uh.....I'm back

    Uh, yeah, I'm Flareth. I left in the end of 2012 after.... incidents occurred, and I migrated to Tumblr. Now I've migrated back, because Tumblr's getting a bit too toxic for my liking to hang around too much on. It's sad that the RP forum is dead (but slightly humorous, given it died...with...
  2. Flareth

    Ever Meet Anyone Famous?

    I know there's been one of these before. In fact.....I made the last iteration of the thread. But I don't want to revive it since it's a year old and such. Anyway... People I have met ----- -Aaron Carter (Only sorta at a girl makeup place event) - The band Gloriana - Some Food Network star (I...
  3. Flareth


    http://prillalar.com/drabbles/ It's basically a mad lib where you put in two characters and some words and it generates a love story deal. It's much more hilarious than it sounds. Go ahead, try it. I'll post some results later.
  4. Flareth


    .... I'm 18. Really don't care or feel any different but it's still my birthday! :D
  5. Flareth


    Anybody still go on it? I know, there's been a lot of changes ever since it got taken over by Nick and Viacom...but it still is as fun as I remembered it. Plus, the games are addicting (if only my computer could actually take the games anymore). Though, I won't be forking over money for Neocash...
  6. Flareth


    Do you have something you seem to say a lot? For me it's saying the word "yes" twice in sentences (Examples: "Yes, yes I did." "Yes, yes I am." etc) I also have a habit of saying "I'm aware." when somebody tells me something I already know or think is simple. And my third habit isn't really...
  7. Flareth

    Epic TV Theme Medley

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8i7u3fl-hP8 Found this yesterday and this is amazing. There are a lot of theme songs i don't know but many I do. :3 Post your opinions or whatever...I just wanted to get this out there.
  8. Flareth


    Based on a few posts in the Weird Ads thread (....some were mine, alright), I thought we needed a thread about just looking back on our childhood. Early Childhood ------- Gullah Gullah Island, Eureeka's Castle (Which I became scared of sometime during my childhood for some reason), and Blue's...
  9. Flareth


    So yeah, it's my seventeenth birthday.... Not much to say right now. But yeah....I needed to post a birthday thread
  10. Flareth

    German Teen in Court for Drawing Rabbits on Blackboard

    http://www.spiegel.de/international/zeitgeist/0,1518,701034,00.html Your thoughts? I'm surprised it's the SECOND TIME she's taken a student to court.....I find this to be an overreaction....
  11. Flareth

    Never Ending Cheat

    It's exactly what it says on the tin. Okay, I'll post a beginning of a "cheat" for Pokemon. And you guys carry it on. A neverending cheat.....I know we had this game but it hasn't been posted in in like a year so. Let's GO! ----------- Start a new game. You must be a female character. Name...
  12. Flareth

    Beat the Picture Above

    Pretty sure this game isn't on the forum...at least not recently, anyway. Okay, here's how it goes. One person posts a picture of something, then the next poster posts a picture of something that can beat it, and the next poster posts a picture that defeats the previous one Okay...lemme show...
  13. Flareth

    World's Worst

    Another Whose Line game for the forum... Of course, everyone can participate, not just four. And I'm playing too..so... *opens fake envelope* You are going to act out "The world's worst person to defend in a court of law"
  14. Flareth

    The Terrible Crossover Fanfic Idea Generator

    http://kaction.com/badfanfiction/ Here are some of the gems I got: Your challenge is to write crossover fanfiction combining Grease and Professional Wrestling. The story should use shopping for a Wii as a plot device! Your challenge is to write crossover fanfiction combining Superman and...
  15. Flareth

    New game! New game!

    http://bulbanews.bulbagarden.net/wiki/New_Pok%C3%A9mon_RPG_Announced A NEW GAME! THIS MAY BE THE 5TH GEN, PEOPLE! -is excited- :DDDD
  16. Flareth

    [OOC/Signups] Plain Sight

    Human beings of purest heart The land is ravaged, fires start A curse flying on devil wings The other universe is ready to sing Some will leave their world behind And now we can finally rest our mind An old legend, some call it a fairy tale, tells of an odd creature, different from most of...
  17. Flareth

    Birthday time :D

    Yep, I'm now 16. Hard to believe. So...I dunno what else to say except... IT'S MY BIRTHDAY!
  18. Flareth

    Whose Club is it Anyway?

    Yes...a cheesy title, I know. This club is for fans of the show Whose Line is it Anyway (doesn't matter if it's the US or UK version you like). Truthfully, I've only really seen the US version, so I gave a co-owner spot to someone who has seen the UK version. We've talked it over and she is okay...
  19. Flareth

    Safe Haven (OOC and Signup thread)

    Pain. Suffering. Abuse. Things in this world that will never vanish. Humans get the most abused by other humans, but sometimes the innocent are as well. Pokemon that didn't do anything wrong. Pokemon just gotten to be abused by sick freaks. Most of the time, the abuse is caught and reported to...
  20. Flareth

    Totally Insaney: The Animaniacs Fanclub

    Like Animaniacs? The cute little creatures, Yakko, Wakko, and Dot, who lived in the Warner Brothers Water Tower. How about Slappy Squirrel and her nephew, Skippy? Pinky and the Brain? The Goodfeathers? The search for a fanclub is finally over. Member list: 1. Flareth Question of the Now Who...
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