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Search results

  1. Ayame

    Sleep Paralysis: The Horror

    Sorry for using colons like the name of a cheesy sequel, but I decided that Sleep Paralysis (while it could fit into dream threads) should totally get a thread devoted to the terrible, terrible fear that it instills in your heart. So, so, before, I was curious. I searched for information about...
  2. Ayame

    Personality Counts

    Okay, so I'm not going to use names, but some webmasters/webmistresses are really, really unpleasant. It's one thing if you ask them irritating questions and they respond in an annoyed manner, but it's another if they are complete jerks to you for no reason whatsoever. A nice little tale: I...
  3. Ayame

    Do you fear needles?

    So, do you? A lot of people fear needles horribly. I used to, admittedly, but I grew out of it... Well, at first I never fidgeted during shots, but once I had to have a tetanus shot, and afterwards my arm ached, so I became angry at needles. I had a horrific blood test, too. My fear is gone.
  4. Ayame

    So, Server Side Includes? (Clueless)

    So, I've been looking around awhile and I'm actually not entirely sure what SSI does. I know you can use it to include things but I don't know what. I have no idea what the limitations are. Could I, for example, use it to include all the links on a left (or right) menu? And how would I go...
  5. Ayame

    What would you do if you were terminally ill?

    If you were terminally ill or diagnosed with brain cancer, what would you do? I guess you could milk it for all it was worth, doing everything you'd ever wanted to, but it's not going to be that convenient or glamorous. :/ If you had something that would really make you deteriorate and lose a...
  6. Ayame

    Affiliate Classes

    What do you think of having Affiliate Classes, like Junior Affiliate and Top Affiliate? Personally, I think they are pointless, and sometimes degrading. People rarely go to a site that's a Junior Affiliate because they know that these sites aren't considered good or get a very low amount of...
  7. Ayame


    What do you think of owners going on hiatus, or taking long, dramatic breaks? Discuss here. Personally, sometimes they deserve the breaks, but some people are just going off because someone hurt their feelings and dramatically refusing to update because they feel wounded... I hate when sites...
  8. Ayame

    Stories/comics you wrote/drew when you were younger!

    I know my offerings aren't that funny, but I have a heck of a lot of old writings from when I was young (the ones from when I couldn't write at all were dictated to my mother). Some of them are just wacky, one of them is a fanfiction that was inspired by Angelina Ballerina, and some just sound...
  9. Ayame

    Fires in Southern California area.

    So, you likely don't know this, but there are some severe fires in southern California right now, in several different locations. It's all over the news here, but it's not the most major event in the world, so I don't know if you guys had any idea. It's not that important that you do, but it's...
  10. Ayame

    Hooray for Speech Recognition

    Yesterday, while bored, I discovered the wonders of Windows Speech Recognition. It's amusing how it messes up many things. I don't think I enunciate enough, and maybe it doesn't like how I pronounce a. Anyways, it's pretty hilarious. So I'm going to say things and see what it thinks they are...
  11. Ayame

    Spoilers for Life: Santa Claus

    If you're like ten, begone now. Just go... Please! I remember when I believed in the Tooth Fairy, and the Easter Bunny, and Santa Claus. I first disproved the Tooth Fairy by telling my parents NOT to give me money while I slept. Needless to say, there was no money in the morning. I just...
  12. Ayame


    ANGST RESOLVED. :3 Wheee. So, I might go Disneyland instead of just having a sleepover at my house. I kind of argued against going to Disneyland because of the cost, but somehow my parents are willing to pay for two friends, themselves, and me. <3 *happy dance* And my guinea pig improving a lot...
  13. Ayame

    One-Shot Mr. Mifflin's Dummy

    A one shot detailing an interesting idea I thought up, along with a terrible excuse for a plot, with deus ex machina for side dishes galore. I am going to revise it; I wrote it for school just today, because I liked the idea of a nice dummy, instead of the usual homicidal, power-crazed, or just...
  14. Ayame

    How long do Pokemon live?

    Seriously, how long do normal Pokemon (like Skitty, Charizard, nonlegendaries) live? Like, even in the game, Pokemon die... But in the anime, Ninetales supposedly lives ages... I know that's based on kitsune legends and such, but seriously, who is dying first? Your Pidgey, or you...
  15. Ayame

    Bloody Mary

    Now, I know there's a Folklore discussion, but in that one, people were mainly discussing awesome local legends. I think Bloody Mary is amusing; it scared me badly when I was in second grade. How did your school react to the legend? Did you even have Bloody Mary there? I wonder who started...
  16. Ayame

    Electric Soldier Porygon Exaggeration?

    I have no idea, but I heard that the episode Electric Soldier Porygon's supposed thousand (or another large number) children who had a seizure is a bit of an exaggeration, and that only a few children in Japan actually had seizures. I did not hear this from a Pokémon fan, but from the (mostly)...
  17. Ayame

    I've faced my fears once more. (I'm baaack.)

    God, so after the forums crashed and burned the first time, hey I was devastated, but you know, hopeful, because TCoD was my life- or a part of it, a really important one. So I wanted it back. But then it was announced that it was gone- all gone- every single thing. Forever. And I was afraid...
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