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Search results

  1. MurrMurr

    Crazy Linoone vs. Kindling Queen

    And the active squads: Crazy Linoone [Crunch] Croconaw (M) [Zigzag] Linoone (F) [Riley] Riolu (M) <Steadfast> [Death Cannon] Porygon (X) @Up-Grade <Download> [Spazz] Rotom (X) [Ragnarök] Rasqueon (M) <Anger Point> Kindling Queen Charmeleon (M) Growlithe (F) <Flash Fire> [Fafneer] Houndoom (M)...
  2. MurrMurr

    Aethelstan vs. Blastoise

    Aethelstan's active squad: [Dominic] Mudkip (M) <Torrent> [Kenneth] Geodude (M) <Sturdy> [Thea] Vulpix (F) <Flash Fire> Blastoise's active squad: [Sceratio] Trapinch (M) <Arena Trap> [Husk] Shedinja (M) <Wonder Guard> [Shino] Ninjask (M) <Speed Boost> [Aximili] Wooper (F) <Water Absorb>...
  3. MurrMurr

    Dragon vs. Chiropter

    The challenge: And the active squads: Dragon: -[Valour] Spraylet (F) -[Blaze] Charmander (M) -[Storm] Bagon (F) -[Freezefire] Sneasel (F) Chiropter: -[Hecate] Gastly (F) -[Agro] Totodile (M) -[Ophelia] Ekans (F) -[Rook] Meowth (M) -[Tuari] Spearow (M) -[Milo] Spinarak (F) -[Dionaea] Carnivine...
  4. MurrMurr

    thor165 vs. Chewy the Crispy Crunch

    Doctor, thor165, not docter. And armies instead of armys. Atrocious spelling asiid, (oh wait) the active squads are: thor165 [Move] Lapras (F) [Poke] Carvanha (M) [Blazie] Chimchar (F) Chewy the Crispy Crunch [Shroud] Treecko (M) [Frost] Snover (M) [Glade] Budew (F) Magic Coin that's my...
  5. MurrMurr

    Blastoise428 vs. Kindling Queen

    Just for the record, it's "stalactites" and "stalagmites". Anyway, active squads: And the magic coin of flippage says: 1. Kindling Queen sends out 2. Blastoise428 sends out and attacks 3. Kindling Queen attacks 4. I ref Good luck to all participants! (ooh, double battle with switch, so...
  6. MurrMurr

    Minnow vs. Blastoise428

    The challenge goes as thusly presented: And the active squads are as follows: And the magic coin of supermagic says... 1. Blastoise428 sends out 2. Minnow sends out and attacks 3. Blastoise428 attacks 4. I ref Good luck to both sides, and remember it's a double battle so send out two...
  7. MurrMurr

    Animorph vs. OMGLOLZORS

    And active squads sans bolding etc: Coinflippy the coin flip wants you to know: 1. Animorph sends out. 2. OMGLOLZORS sends out and attacks. 3. Animorph attacks. 4. I ref. Good luck to all, and to all a good luck!
  8. MurrMurr

    Empoleon vs. Prettzel

    And the active squads: Coin says: -Prettzel sends out -Empoleon sends out and attacks -Prettzel attacks -I ref Good luck, mortals! *fufufufufufu*
  9. MurrMurr

    rock-ground vs. Melati2008

    And Active Squads: And the coin says... Melati2008 sends out rock-ground sends out and attacks Melati2008 attacks I ref Good luck to both sides!
  10. MurrMurr

    Open Presidency Gone Wrong

    The story goes as such... A new, tropical island has surfaced just off the coast of the Kanto reigon. Various Pokemon drifted across to the island, word of mouth spread, and eventually several colonies were formed. Human advancement has been repelled thus far by a small defending army, but no...
  11. MurrMurr

    And just when you thought I was dead...

    I'm back. With My Pokémon Ranch. And about 6 billion photos from a digital photography camp. My internet had mysteriously died. Not surprising, seeing as how this computer is from the dinosaur era. Now that it's fixed, I'm ready to try ASB. But, on the minus side, I've given up RPing. I've...
  12. MurrMurr

    Open Conquest of the Unwanted

    In the distant Nebloh reigon, two intelligent individuals decided that Pokémon should be properly happy while being trained at the Day-Care, so they built a Pokémon Playland. Trainers could drop off as many Pokémon as they liked, for a low daily charge. Once there, Pokémon were fed, educated...
  13. MurrMurr

    Hello, all!

    Hi, I'm MurrMurr. I've been lurking for a little while, and...now I'm here. *waits patiently to develop a psycho alternate personality* You're not supposed to SAY that! OK, 5 seconds. Not bad.
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