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Search results

  1. Fluffy the Eevee

    Sprite Contest!

    Although that looks infernoish, I don't think it really is an inferno. It's really good though, and not like any inferno I've ever seen. ^_^
  2. Fluffy the Eevee

    Open The Struggle for Power

    Alex struggled not to laugh at Bagel biting Xigbar in the nose. ((Sorry, but I really do think it's kinda funny. And Alex laughs easily. XP))
  3. Fluffy the Eevee

    You laugh you lose (aka POST ALL FUNNY STUFF HERE)

    Re: You laugh you lose I herd you liek funny piks?
  4. Fluffy the Eevee

    Open The Struggle for Power

    Fluffy went up to sniff Bagel. Alex laughed at Xigbar and Bagel, especially when Xigbar's arm was bitten.
  5. Fluffy the Eevee

    Open Warriors, Pokemon style!

    ((...Yes I did! *edits*))
  6. Fluffy the Eevee

    Open Warriors, Pokemon style!

    ((Can we skip to the part when we come back to camp? I'm still not familiar with the new Thunderclan area. :sweatdrop:))
  7. Fluffy the Eevee

    You laugh you lose (aka POST ALL FUNNY STUFF HERE)

    Re: You laugh you lose That panda one is pretty funny, but I still haven't lost! >=3
  8. Fluffy the Eevee

    Open Warriors, Pokemon style!

    "Shadowclan it is then!" Fireclaw padded out of the entrance, making sure that the others were following. Bloodfur finished his Pidgey. Feeling satisfied, he picked up the feathers, and feeling that they were soft, decided to take them to Darkheart. He padded up to the nursery, poked his head...
  9. Fluffy the Eevee

    Open Warriors, Pokemon style!

    Fireclaw nodded to her clanmates, then asked, "Should we go to the Shadowclan border or Windclan border first?" Bloodfur finished plucking the Pidgey, then started to tear into it. He just found out how hungry he was.
  10. Fluffy the Eevee

    Idea Center

    What's a chain gang? *Is stupid* Anyway, the more I think about it, the stupider it seems, so I don't feel like making it. I participate in to many RPGs anyway.
  11. Fluffy the Eevee

    Open Warriors, Pokemon style!

    ((Whatever... *edited*))
  12. Fluffy the Eevee

    Warriors Fan Club

    I'm Brambleshadow of Windclan. I'm the shadow of a bramble bush! =D
  13. Fluffy the Eevee

    Open Warriors, Pokemon style!

    Fireclaw nodded. "Of course Goldenpaw can come." She looked at the others. "Well, I guess we should go before this becomes the sunhigh patrol." She padded over to the camp entrance and waited for everyone.
  14. Fluffy the Eevee

    Open S.P. Vs. P.S. (a pokemon RPG)

    Fluffy just waited for everyone to explain to Blaze. She didn't want to remember her parents most of the time. It always made her to sad to do anything. She just waited for it all to blow over, then followed Blaze. ((Sorry for not being here. Buuusy, busy, busy, busy.))
  15. Fluffy the Eevee

    Sprite Contest!

    I'll enter with my second ever inferno! Hitmonchan!
  16. Fluffy the Eevee

    Fluff n' Snuff sprite stuff! Contests and Requests!

    I'm pretty sure I gave you one at your Gallade army thread. Oh, and your welcome for the crappy trophy. X3
  17. Fluffy the Eevee

    Fluff n' Snuff sprite stuff! Contests and Requests!

    Results are in! Enjoy your crappy trophies! X3
  18. Fluffy the Eevee

    Fluff n' Snuff sprite stuff! Contests and Requests!

    Ok, contest closed for judging!
  19. Fluffy the Eevee


    On the pokerap, they say that a Poliwrath is a Poliwag, and that Graveler is Geodude.
  20. Fluffy the Eevee

    Fluff n' Snuff sprite stuff! Contests and Requests!

    Ok, Mewtwo, you have till the end of the day to finish your splice for the contest. Terry T., I'll get right on that.
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