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Search results

  1. Chiropter

    Group One: Magma Storm Bracket [MC2012]

    Sylar and Milo, let’s demonstrate the futile struggle to stave off the inevitable decay of industry, shall we? Sylar, you’ll be representing the “heart” of the refinery, as it were. Float around the refinery, watching with satisfaction the proper functioning of all the machinery (and the human...
  2. Chiropter

    The Birthday Center

    And hey, two more! Sorry. I noticed them, but I thought less time had passed than actually had... anyway. Thanks! Could I have a Murkrow (female, Insomnia) please? And thank you! How about some Leftovers?
  3. Chiropter

    The Birthday Center

    Ah, sorry, Flash Fire.
  4. Chiropter

    The Birthday Center

    Thanks, guys! Sorry, 11 minutes means I can't accept your gift anymore. How about a Lucky Egg? Different time zone still works, though. Thanks! Could I have a male litwick please?
  5. Chiropter

    The Birthday Center

    Here y'are. Enjoy.
  6. Chiropter

    The Birthday Center

    Happy birthday, Negrek! Have one of anything on me.
  7. Chiropter

    Group One: Magma Storm Bracket [MC2012]

    I’ll be using Psychopomp, my male dusclops. Alrighty, Psycho, our selection of moves doesn’t really lend itself to flashy dramatics, so we’ll go for some macabre comedy, instead. I’ll be joining you onstage today, wearing an unzipped jacket (hopefully the weather is more season-appropriate in...
  8. Chiropter

    The 2012 Metronome Contest

    Is it permisable for me to go onto the stage myself and interact with my pokemon as part of the appeal? Also, I need to know if any of the following non-move actions would take up a move slot, or if they would be "free actions" so to speak: - A short bit of play-acting before and after the...
  9. Chiropter

    Bank of TCoD

  10. Chiropter

    The 2012 Metronome Contest

    Well, the message at the top of my screen tells me I need to get active again... and hey, how 'bout that, a ready-made activity to participate in! Have some money for it. Also, I can be an "emergency judge" if needed. Primary or secondary.
  11. Chiropter

    Pokémon Registration Office

    Re: Pokémon Registration Office [Zoe] Carnivine (Female) Ability: Levitate Signature Move: Amnesiac's Fog There is something inherently trying about being a carnivine in the wild. Like all of her species, Zoe traditionally caught prey the easy-but-annoying way; hanging from a tree in the Great...
  12. Chiropter

    ASB Gift Exchange 2011

    Wow, two presents! That's... two more than I was expecting, given my sporadic presence here. Thanks, Mai and Kratos! Dammit, I knew I'd heard that second one before, but it didn't come to me until I looked under the spoiler. Mleh.
  13. Chiropter

    Bank of TCoD

  14. Chiropter

    Sunnenrain Berry Mart [berry bags now available!]

    I would like an Enigma Berry, please.
  15. Chiropter

    [09] Negrek vs blazheirio889 (ref: Chiropter)

    Round 16 Negrek (XO) Absol Mandarb (F) <Pressure> Health: 13% (capped) Energy: 46% Status: In very bad shape, and feeling it. Chills: 3/3 Direct Healers: 1/1 Blazheirio889 (XO) Typhlosion Khao (M) <Blaze> (Item: Magmarizer) Health: 38% Energy: 33% Status: Not long now… -3 Sp. Attack Chills...
  16. Chiropter

    The Battle for Asber

    Hmmmmm... You know, I'm beginning to harbor some doubts about the supposed coincidence of losing to you twice in such similar situations... Eh, I suppose it's too late to throw in my lot with the legendaries. But still, I wonder if we're not choosing the lesser of two evils...
  17. Chiropter

    Bank of TCoD

    - $10
  18. Chiropter

    The Oracular Slugma

    Re: Kusari-Mart One Leftovers, please. Here's your money stuff.
  19. Chiropter

    [Event] Battle for Asber

    Whoa-ho-ho! Epic legendary battle in the sky? I most certainly shall lend a hand. Or rather, a giant floating venus flytrap.
  20. Chiropter

    [09] Negrek vs blazheirio889 (ref: Chiropter)

    Ah, I see the problem: the ASB Attack Guide has it at BP 80, and apparently I was in a let's-not-bother-double-checking-anything-at-veekun mood while writing this round. Anyway, edited so that Khao took a little more damage.
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