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Search results

  1. G

    I wasn't 'still at' anything in the last thread. I was dealing with it as neutrally as possible.

    I wasn't 'still at' anything in the last thread. I was dealing with it as neutrally as possible.
  2. G

    Why did you add me on MSN when I don't even know you? ¬_¬

    Why did you add me on MSN when I don't even know you? ¬_¬
  3. G

    The Clue Game

    Italian, hint for 30? ._.;
  4. G

    Blastoise428 vs. Ekibyōgami

    Eh, triple Dream Eater. Dream Eater ~ Dream Eater ~ Dream Eater
  5. G

    Blastoise428 vs. Ekibyōgami

    Elaboration? Pah! Let's just go with these orders.
  6. G

    Your Timetable

    M: Double Chemistry, Further Maths, English Literature, private study T: Religious Education, private study, English Literature, double Further Maths W: Double English Literature, PHSE, double Further Maths T: Double Further Maths, Religious Education, double Chemistry F: PHSE, Further Maths...
  7. G

    Blastoise428 vs. Ekibyōgami

    Let's put that little blighter to sleep with Hypnosis and hit her with Dream Eater. If you fail to use Hypnosis (or the move itself fails/misses), use it in the second action, or in the third if you were unable to in the first or second actions. Hypnosis ~ Dream Eater/Hypnosis ~ Dream...
  8. G

    Blastoise428 vs. Ekibyōgami

    Hit Obtis with a Confuse Ray to begin with - two can play at her game. For the next action, if she succeeded with Swagger, just chill. If she couldn't pull it off, use Psychic. Final action, if a Swagger has worked, chill, if none have, use Psychic. Confuse Ray ~ chill/Psychic ~ chill/Psychic
  9. G

    Blastoise428 vs. Ekibyōgami

    Tired. Elaboration upon orders is pointless. -_- Heal Block ~ Confuse Ray ~ Psychic
  10. G

    Blastoise428 vs. Ekibyōgami

    Bronzor is Steel- and Psychic-type, and as such Fighting-type moves have a 1x effectiveness. ^_^;
  11. G

    How Tall Are You?

    6'3" at nearly-16-years-old. :D
  12. G

    Blastoise428 vs. Ekibyōgami

    Okay, Dōtaku, let's begin with another Trick Room, then follow up with a Confuse Ray, because Zigzagoon hitting themselves is always fun. Then go with Calm Mind. Trick Room ~ Confuse Ray ~ Calm Mind
  13. G

    The Clue Game

    Any hints for #30, Emerald Espeon? ._.
  14. G

    Blastoise428 vs. Ekibyōgami

    Ah, the problem with Imprison was that I had just assumed it worked as in the games. I hadn't bothered to check the Attack Guide. We don't even have Imprison in PFUASB either - it's banned, for whatever reason. *shrugs* Dōtaku, begin by using Stealth Rock, then use Earthquake while she's...
  15. G

    The Clue Game

    A winner is you. Thankies! O_O 28 now! \O/ EDIT: Bloody hell, I'm on a roll. 29 now!
  16. G

    Referee Headquarters

    I'll be happy to take Advanced level. =]
  17. G

    Blastoise428 vs. Ekibyōgami

    Begin by using Imprison. That should lock him down for the whole round if she remains asleep, and stop Rain Dance if she awakens. Next, use Dream Eater if she's asleep and Confuse Ray if she's awake. Finally, Dream Eater if she's asleep, and Flash Cannon if she isn't. Imprison ~ Dream...
  18. G

    Blastoise428 vs. Ekibyōgami

    Can I be a ferret or something instead of a guinea pig? =D Dōtaku, let's begin with a Calm Mind. Next, if you have an opening, use Hypnosis, and if not use Calm Mind again. Finally, use Dream Eater if Obtis is asleep, and Hypnosis if he's not. Calm Mind ~ Hypnosis/Calm Mind ~ Dream Eater/Hypnosis
  19. G

    ITP: Swearing and Insults in Other Languages

    How come I was never told Swedish swear words? ._. I only know "din fula fan", which is something like "you ugly devil", isn't it? Also, what's up with being from Göteborg? I bet Skåne is just as bad. xDDD
  20. G

    The Birthday Center

    August 27th. Less than two weeks. =D
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