Arena: Easter Island
A circle of sand, surrounded by Moai statues in the shape of Nosepass. The statues send out a mystical force, stopping Pokemon from leaving. Attacks can get through, and there is ocean water to fuel attacks like surf. Earthquake does 3% less damage, due to the sand, and, for the same reason, Dig's holes fill up automatically. There is a pool of water in the middle for water Pokemon to swim in.
Awake at last and eager to dish out some payback, Obtis shakes herself a little more and glares at the impassive Dōtaku. Invade her private thoughts, will it? Stupid evil sparklies and their lack of morality. Dōtaku is just a little less than satisfied with the results of the last round but is sure it can make up for it this time. Just a few extra precautions and defensive measures and it's sure it'll have the battle in the bag.
Round Four: Begin!
Obtis catapults herself into Dōtaku and swings down with her foreleg as hard as she can, slamming into Dōtaku's surface with as much force as she can muster. Admittedly, with Dōtaku's bolstered defenses the attack does not hit as hard as it normally would have, but the blow is still hard enough to shatter that extra layer of defenses, removing the extra mirror coating and bringing the Bronzor back to normal in that department. Slightly miffed that its protective buffer seems to have compromised Dōtaku proceeds to put up a replacement. Small, sharp stones, long buried beneath the hot sand, shake free, rise to the surface and circle around the descending Zigzagoon. Obtis blinks worriedly as she lands again; the little rocks are awfully close to her, after all, and she doesn't fancy the idea of pricking herself on them. She'll have to think of some way to shake them off...
[Obtis: -0H, -3E, poisoned, defense +1, wary of Stealth Rock] - [Dōtaku: -2H, -3E, attack -1, sp. attack +1, sp. defense +1, a little annoyed]
...and, luckily for her, her next command allows her to do exactly that. She sets to work immediately, tearing into the soft, sandy ground in an attempt to burrow underground and avoid the poking, prodding rocks, and she manages it--the sharp stones, in a vain attempt to follow her, only manage to get stuck in the surface of the sand. It seems that they simply don't have the strength or shape to work their way through the grit and follow their target without Dōtaku's direct influence. Of course, the shifting sands are also very difficult for Obtis herself to work with. The sand slips and slides, filling her hole in almost as fast as she can dig it, and by the time she reaches her target distance she is not only exhausted but completely surrounded by sand. It weighs down her long fur and presses in on her from all directions; she wants to panic, to thrash around, to get out, but she tries her best to remain calm and settles for curling up as best she can, shutting her eyes and holding her breath as though she were underwater. Incapable of showing emotion as always, Dōtaku has no way to express its feelings of smugness and derision. That was a dumb idea... and now Obtis is going to pay the price. Dōtaku lowers itself to the ground and begins to vibrate, faster and faster until it is resonating at exactly the right frequency to cause an earthquake. The earthquake would probably be more devastating if the ground were properly solid, though, and as it is Obtis is only shaken around in her sandy prison instead of tossed or buried--she's already buried, after all.
[Obtis: -6H, -10E, poisoned, defense +1, claustrophobic and panicking] - [Dōtaku: -0H, -5E, attack -1, sp. attack +1, sp. defense +1, underwhelmed]
Disappointed with the apparent ineffectiveness of its earthquake, Dōtaku picks itself up from the ground and resumes hovering. It isn't sure what kind of shape Obtis is in or what she might be able to do to it, so it is relatively on edge as it looks around and waits. Once again Obtis has to fight for every inch of headway she makes, although her efforts this time are filled with renewed vigor; she is positively desperate to escape her underground tomb, rest and
breathe. At last she breaks the surface and stops, panting heavily. Without the purchase offered by regular solid ground she can't leap into the air straight away, and quite frankly she's far too tired to try it at the moment anyway. Dōtaku relaxes somewhat; feeling reassured at last, it sits back, takes its time and chills, watching with some amusement as the hovering stones currently buried in the sand quiver back to life and surround Obtis again. The Zigzagoon curses under her breath as she sees herself hemmed in by the rocks again, getting to her feet gingerly to avoid being poked. She's still exhausted, but at least she's caught her breath enough to try attacking. The results of her attempted iron tail, however, are rather anemic; her tail glows silver with steel energy, but she is just too tired to put a significant amount of power behind it and so she pings off of Dōtaku without causing it too much harm. She hits the sand clumsily, aching all over from her effort (and her tail stinging after coming into contact with the sharp stones around her).
[Obtis: -2H, -13E, poisoned, defense +1, tired and dejected] - [Dōtaku: -2H, +7E, attack -1, sp. attack +1, sp. defense +1, relieved]
Round Four: Close
Feeling somewhat refreshed after its relaxation (but still a little tired), Dōtaku resumes watching the sharp rocks continue their swarming dance around its opponent. Obtis watches them, too, albeit a lot more warily. Her only consolation is that they don't hurt her if she doesn't move... and she is
far too tired to want to move at the moment.
Post-Round Stats
Team Blastoise (1/1 Pokémon Remaining)

Obtis (F) [Gluttony]
Health: 45%
Energy: 48%
Status: Poisoned (very severe; 6% this round, 8% next); Defense +1; exhausted and irritated
Team Screw the Special Characters (1/1 Pokémon Remaining)

Dōtaku (X) [Levitate]
Health: 96%
Energy: 61%
Status: Attack -1; Special Attack +1; Special Defense +1; trying to chill
Arena Status: The strange time-warping, speed-altering energy that had settled over the arena has lifted at last and things are back to normal. Nothing else has changed.
Imprison: Blastoise428's Pokémon cannot use Trick Room, Iron Defense, Toxic, Calm Mind, Hypnosis or Dream Eater. 1 round remaining.
Stealth Rock is floating around Blastoise428's team.
Ref's Notes
-Rock Smash lowered Dōtaku's Defense.
-The arena specs don't lie--Dig is incredibly difficult to pull off in shifting sand, and so it took an exorbitant amount of energy for Obtis to execute the move. It also made launching herself out of the ground very difficult, reducing the effectiveness of Iron Tail.
-Similarly, Earthquake's damage was reduced (rather severely, as it happens) by the sand.
-Dōtaku's nervousness prevented him from relaxing fully (-3%).
-Ekibyōgami attacks first next round.