Blastoise428 vs. Ekibyōgami, Round Seven
Pre-Round Stats:
Team Blastoise (1/1 Pokémon Remaining)

Obtis (F) [Gluttony]
Health: 54%
Energy: 19%
Status: Confused (mild); Defense +1; Heal Blocked; utterly exhausted
Obtis's Commands:
Swagger ~ Swagger/Facade ~ Swagger/Facade
Team Screw the Special Characters (1/1 Pokémon Remaining)

Dōtaku (X) [Levitate]
Health: 83%
Energy: 45%
Status: Attack -1; Special Attack +2; Special Defense +2; mah butt is cold
Dōtaku's Commands:
Confuse Ray ~ Chill/Psychic ~ Chill/Psychic
Arena: Easter Island
A circle of sand, surrounded by Moai statues in the shape of Nosepass. The statues send out a mystical force, stopping Pokemon from leaving. Attacks can get through, and there is ocean water to fuel attacks like surf. Earthquake does 3% less damage, due to the sand, and, for the same reason, Dig's holes fill up automatically. There is a pool of water in the middle for water Pokemon to swim in.
Round Seven: Begin!
Bright, colorful lights weave through the air a third time, dancing hypnotically toward the exhausted and befuddled Obtis. This time, however, she finds that she is not particularly impressed with the display; she has no idea what it is, why it's there and why she should care about it when she should be focusing on more important things. Sitting down and ignoring the lights for now the Zigzagoon takes a deep breath and tries to sort out her jumbled thoughts. What to do, what to do, what to do and how to do it... At last she remembers that her current state is pretty much all Dōtaku's fault. Stupid sparkly. And given how relaxed it appears to be, Obtis thinks it's only fair that Dōtaku shares in her frustration. Her fur bristles and she spits insults at her foe, mocking and goading it and trying not to stumble over her words in the process. Though its immobile face cannot show it, Dōtaku finds itself fairly upset by Obtis's snide remarks. It tells itself to stop and think rationally for a moment, forcing itself to remain calm and remember that its opponent is just a confused little raccoon that hasn't been able to hurt it seriously so far and doesn't pose much of a thread. Why lose its cool now?
[Obtis: -0H, -3E, defense +1, heal blocked, confused, frustrated] - [Dōtaku: -0H, -1E, attack -1, sp. attack +2, sp. defense +2, disappointed and a little angry]
The Nosepass statues, still resonating with the strange, time and speed warping energy, cease emitting the particular mystical power Dōtaku had temporarily imbued them with. Obtis smiles a little as she feels her tired body returning more or less to its normal, mobile self; thus invigorated she wastes no time resuming her swaggering and insulting, certain that repeated abuse will cause Dōtaku to crack eventually. And crack it does. The second round of bragging and taunting manages to strike a nerve and incenses Dōtaku. Why, that little... but it stops itself. Some shreds of serenity and mental soundness are still left in the Bronzor's mind from its earlier calming exercises and meditations, and they manage to get through to it for the time being.
Don't freak out, Dōtaku tells itself.
It's not worth it. Just relax... she'll get hers plenty soon enough! And so Dōtaku takes it easy, turning its back in the sun's general direction to speed up the melting of the ice still on its back. Obtis scowls, angry that Dōtaku isn't... doing... whatever she'd been hoping it would do. She's forgotten again. In her confused and irritated state she fails to notice that a few specific areas of her brain have perked up a little. If she could think straight enough to accomplish it, she might be able to heal herself again...
[Obtis: -0H, -3E, defense +1, confused, miffed but not entirely sure why] - [Dōtaku: -0H, +8E, attack -1, sp. attack +2, sp. defense +2, confused, very upset but trying to stay calm]
Too frustrated to care about the sharp rocks still hovering around her--or perhaps she's forgotten about those, too--Obtis leaps into the air and crashes into Dōtaku again, flailing, scratching and smashing with as much force as she can muster. Dōtaku sinks a little under the assault, worried slightly by it, but it notes with some relief that at least it seems to be less powerful than it was the first time she attacked like this. Maybe she isn't upset enough... or maybe she's just tired. Or maybe she has some sort of weird feelings for it (hey, she tried to attract it earlier, after all) and wants to go easy on it... wait, no, that doesn't make sense. Or does it? Dōtaku isn't sure any longer, but whatever it is it's really annoying and confusing. The floating mirror spends the next few minutes trying to make up its mind and figure the whole thing out, all thoughts of anger and even relaxation completely pushed from its mind.
[Obtis: -2H, -4E, defense +1, confused, panting heavily and ready to fall over] - [Dōtaku: -4H, -0E, attack -1, sp. attack +2, sp. defense +2, confused, buh...]
Round Seven: Close
Neither Dōtaku nor Obtis is able to think clearly at the moment, although Obtis's mind is ever so slightly less muddled than her opponents is. Which is a good thing for her--she hardly has the energy to sort out her swimming brain. She just wants to close her eyes, sleep for a few days... that is, of course, going to be exceedingly difficult with Dōtaku around, and more difficult still if it is able to calm itself down and think rationally again.
Post-Round Stats
Team Blastoise (1/1 Pokémon Remaining)

Obtis (F) [Gluttony]
Health: 52%
Energy: 9%
Status: Confused (mild); Defense +1; about to collapse
Heal Block: Ended
Team Screw the Special Characters (1/1 Pokémon Remaining)

Dōtaku (X) [Levitate]
Health: 79%
Energy: 52%
Status: Confused (moderate); Attack -1; Special Attack +2; Special Defense +2; kind of angry but mostly puzzled
Arena Status: A strange time-warping, speed-altering energy has settled over the arena, reversing attack order for its duration. Nothing else has changed.
Trick Room: Ended
Stealth Rock is floating around Blastoise428's team.
Ref's Notes
-Confuse Ray generally failed because Obtis was already confused; I did give it a small chance of aggravating her confusion, but the random number gods said it was not to be.
-Obtis's first Swagger failed.
-Dōtaku's confused and aggravated state prevented it from recovering full energy on the second action.
-Dōtaku was fully confused on the third action and so was unable to focus on chilling.
-Blastoise428 attacks first next round.