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Search results

  1. Amadeus Windfall

    Alakazam is too smart to be serving humanity and such.

    It could be that there's a deep and complex reason for Pokémon to serve humans, and with its incredible brain-power, Alakazam have discovered this reason; not that they could communicate such a mighty thought to a lesser mind, of course.
  2. Amadeus Windfall

    Ever "caught 'em all"?

    No; I don't think I've ever even tried. My approach has always been that I'd rather train up a few I like than go around catching everything, so I always preferred just restarting. Who knows, maybe on my Pearl I might decide to try it one day, since I'm keeping that save, but otherwise I don't...
  3. Amadeus Windfall

    Nostalgia in Pokémon Games

    Re: Nostalgia in Pokémon Games I remember getting a Game Boy Colour and Red for Christmas, and playing it so much; by Christmas dinner, I had beaten Brock and was on Route 3, by the man who suggests saving. I remember thinking I couldn't save, because I didn't have a "Game Pak", whatever that...
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