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Ever "caught 'em all"?

Ever "caught 'em all"?

  • Yes!

    Votes: 40 36.7%
  • No!

    Votes: 32 29.4%
  • Nearly!

    Votes: 37 33.9%

  • Total voters
I have all the Hoenn pokémon apart from Latias and Jirachi on Ruby, and I think including my brother's we have nearly all of the 3rd Gen pokémon.
Shame Kyogre and Milotic are only in my dex from data trades.
Now all I need to do is finish Emerald
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Ahh... I still have my Red version. The last Pokemon I needed was a Tauros (not counting Mew). God, I went crazy for over a week in the Safari Zone. I remember that I'd heard somewhere thay going to the Pokedex and repeating the cry function like 10 times was supposed to make that pokemon more likely to show up, so I kept doing that between every battle hoping for a Tauros. It really didn't work, obviously. I did get the Tauros eventually though.

Oh! And then, one day at a bowling alley, I remember I overheard a kid yell "I'll trade a Mew to anyone who can give me an Electabuzz!" Lucky for me, I was the only kid in that group who had completed the Pokedex and had an Eelctabuzz. And now I still have that Mew. From like... 10 years ago now? <3

Lesse... I also completed Ruby, and nearly Leaf Green, before all my 3rd Gen. games mysteriously vanished.

And currently... I only need a Lunatone to complete my Diamond (Okay, so I hacked the event items for Arceus, etc, I still /caught/ them manually. >.> I don't use them anyway, it's for the data.) The most frustrating part is... I have a Shiny Lunatone on my Pearl Version from the gts, and I can't trade it over. >.<



It's those darn Eevee Evolutions that get me!

I only recently learned about the Ditto thing... *fails harder*
hahaha... I wish. I have 485 on my Pearl cart... but no Magmortar. Curse my lack of WiFi! Stupid parents passwording it... Now I'll never be able to complete it, since I can't trade to get one. Add the fact that I can't even GET a magmarizer, due to complete lack of Leaf Green... (The only third gen game i don't have.)

I managed to get 151 pokemon on Red ages ago and caught them all manually. I had all the 150 and wanted Mew, so I could trade it onto my Silver, so I looked on the internet and found out the glitch to get it. Once I had it I traded it to Silver and cloned it so I could have one on Red and one on Silver.
In LeafGreen I completed the Kanto 'dex, all 151 no cheats :sunglasses:.
I also completed the Hoenn 'dex in Emerald (including Jirachi and Deoxys) no cheats :grin:!
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Recently got an official Movie Shaymin, so now my Pokedex is 100% complete ^^

And the contests... And the main story...

...Man, I made Pearl boring ;.;
No; I don't think I've ever even tried. My approach has always been that I'd rather train up a few I like than go around catching everything, so I always preferred just restarting. Who knows, maybe on my Pearl I might decide to try it one day, since I'm keeping that save, but otherwise I don't really care.
Coming very close in Diamond (events included), I now have the Kanto Dex complete on FR if that counts.
I hope I'm actually able to complete a Pokédex of mine someday. :/ I have two GBASPs with my sister's and two DSes with my sister's in addition to a link cable that works on both GBA and GB(C) games, and the only games I'm missing (including my sis's LeafGreen) are Red, Silver and Sapphire. According to Bulbapedia, the only G/S/C version exclusive I actually need Silver for is Vulpix, and that... is available in my Blue. Gold and Crystal also probably provide the Red exclusives for my Blue.

In FireRed I actually have at least the basic evolution of every Kanto Pokémon available in FR with the exception of Porygon, Liciktung, Jynx, Farfetch'd and Mr. Mime, so I might actually be able to complete it sometime in the future! :o

... and now I feel so ashaaaaaamed that I haven't ever finished a Pokédex. 8D8
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I filled the Hoenn dex in Emerald. I had to borrow my friend's GBA, of course, and "borrow" some Pokemon from her Sapphire version, but it was worth it.
I finished my pokedex (all 151) in Red and Yellow, with the wonderful help of the mew glitch.
And in Ranger.
And then in Emerald, simply for the sake of getting myself a cyndaquil. I actually got my Saphire entirely for getting a lunatone, 'cause no one I knew had Saphire. Then Saphire was stolen before I could get the chance to trade. :dead: Then one day, when I was at some random camping ground, with my friend Typhloise, we met some random kid who happened to have Saphire. Damn lucky there. So I finally managed to get a lunatone and complete my Emerald Dex.
I'd complete my National Dex in Diamond, but I'm not in the mood, dammit. I'll do it in Platinum once I get it.

But it's just not worth completing the pokedex in any game but Emerald, 'cause you get a Johto starter. But that's it.
only in my yellow and red games because it's the easiest and most of the time i just fill my rby pokedexes up with stored n64 pokemon from old game saves
I completed the Hoenn Dex once... Normally I don't bother trying because I'll never get those stupid event Pokémon.
On Crystal I was missing only Mew, Celebi, Kabuto, and Kabutops.

I managed to fill the Pokédex on Sapphire, using Action Replay in some instances. On Fire Red I have about 50 to go.
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