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Search results

  1. Xelac

    The Amazing Atheist!

    I do agree to an extent what this guy is saying; like we shouldn't ban things completely just because their offensive to some people ('if you don't want to see something, don't look at it' sort of thing) and a girl raping a guy is just as bad as a guy raping a girl. I guess that if we want to...
  2. Xelac

    Girl Scout song lyrics?

    ...Then again, we have elk, but no moose. I should have guessed that it came from further north.
  3. Xelac

    Girl Scout song lyrics?

    Thanks guys, I didn't expect to get this many answers. I guess since this was the song for our Quapaw thing, we changed the 'boom-didi-yada' or whatever part to make it fit. It's a Canadian song? I'm surprised it made it all the way south to Arkansas. That makes it a little more awesome!
  4. Xelac

    Girl Scout song lyrics?

    I know this song from Girl Scout camp, but I don't know what its called or how it goes entirely. I know that it begins like this: Land of the silver birch, Home of the beaver, (something about a moose?) Freely at will, Blue lake and rocky shore, I will return once more, We are the Quapaw, We...
  5. Xelac

    Pokemon ALIVE! Only on Discovery Channel.

    I don't think that people would be eating Pokemon... Think about it, the Pokemon world has, as of now, 649 Pokemon, and ours has millions of animal species. So, Pokemon may be the strongest and smartest creatures in the world, but there must be lesser creatures without types that could be edible.
  6. Xelac

    You Know You Fail at (insert game here) When...

    You know you fail at Kingdom Hearts if you didn't realise Sora was a guy until Kingdom Hearts 2.
  7. Xelac

    You Know You Fail at (insert game here) When...

    You know you fail at Kingdom Hearts when you lose to Dusk Nobodies. You know you fail at pokemon if you think Pikachu is the strongest pokemon. You know you fail at Sly 2 if you get caught by Carmelita. Just post what you think will happen if someone utterly fails at a video game.
  8. Xelac

    Kingdom Hearts

    I think Roxas's life is depressing. I mean, first, he loses Xion, then he gets frustrated with Axel and leaves the Organization only to get his memory wiped and forced to live in a fake Twilight Town! Then, when Axel tries to get him out, Roxas fights him, and when he actually does remember...
  9. Xelac

    The Disney Thread

    Disney and Kingdom Hearts are awsome :)! TWILIGHT YOU FAIL!!!!!!!!!! ...Finally got that out of my system....
  10. Xelac


    Here's one from Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire: First think of the person who lives in disguise, Who deals in secrets and tells naught but lies, Next, tell me whats always the last thing to mend, The middle of middle and end of the end? And finaly give me the sound often heard, During the...
  11. Xelac

    Rate The Song Above!

    It's not exactly the kind of song I'd listen to, and I didn't understand some of it, but what I did get I kind of liked. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EZUZWaMY0hk The video itself dosn't teel the name of the song, but it's called Stand My Ground by Withen Temptation.
  12. Xelac

    What really annoys you about the Pokemon Anime?

    Wait... I get it now. So, 4kids just makes the pokemon TV show from the games and the pokemon creators didn't have anything to do with it? That'd make sence...
  13. Xelac

    Funny Discussions

    Me and Taliax sometimes just start talking about the word "stuff", how it's so unpacific, how it can mean anything or evverything... Then we start pointing out random things and call them all a "stuff"... random...
  14. Xelac

    The "Durr" Thread.

    I often try to put the milk in the cuboard and the cereal in the refrigerator. I also try to throw stuff away in my room, rather than in the kitchen trash can, which is most of the time closer than the trash can in my room. Sometimes I even try to put the toaster in the refrigerator XD.
  15. Xelac

    Warriors Fan Club

    On Youtube, I've seen some tributes to a cat named Shade (sometimes Shadestar or Shadeheart) who becme leader of Blood Clan after Scourge. I don't know if that's true, since there aren't any books on Sade, but after the fight with Lion Clan, Blood Clan would have been lost without Scourge...
  16. Xelac

    The Dream Thread

    I had a dream that there were Halloween creaturs in my house, and I could turn into a dragon. The vampier bit me on the neck, and I turned into a dragon and roared. Then I passed out. When I woke up, (still in the dream) Axel from Kingdom Hearts was beside me. Then, I woke up. I also had a...
  17. Xelac

    Weird Phobias?

    Err... I don't know if you're saying that emetaphobia is fear of snakes, but I read a book that said ophidiphobia was fear of snakes. I might just be really shy, but I think I have anthropophobia, fear of people.
  18. Xelac

    Kingdom Hearts club

    What dose "redunant" mean? There's a club now!
  19. Xelac

    Kingdom Hearts club

    Well, I finally got around to it! From a few threads in the video games section of the entertainment forums, I saw that enough people liked Kingdom Hearts. So, I checked to make sure that there wasn't already a club for Kingdom Hearts and made this. I mainly like Organization XIII though.
  20. Xelac

    Kingdom Hearts

    I like Kingdom Hearts. So... What is your opinion on what Organization XIII members are most annoying to fight?
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