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Search results

  1. Kalylia


    Thankies! And no, I haven't disappeared from anywhere.
  2. Kalylia


    I don't know... Does the name "Ben" mean anything to you? 'Cuz that's my fiance... And my name's super original, so if gave it out, you'd know. Nateal? :P It'd be WAY weird if you did know me.
  3. Kalylia


    Okay, so we've been engaged for a couple weeks, and I'm still super-new here, but I had to squee again. I'm ENGAGED! EEEEEEEE!
  4. Kalylia

    I hate Nintendo.

    Since I turned 19, moved out of my parents' house, got my own place, got a full-time job on top of being a full-time college student, and started having to pay for my own bills, food, housing, school, and everything else. See, being an adult kinda sucks in that regard. I don't really have TIME...
  5. Kalylia

    [MATURE] Fetishes?

    I'm in to being dominated. My fiance and I live a BDSM lifestyle, focusing mostly on D/s, though there is a good bit of bondage in the bedroom. I'm not much of a masochist, but mild pain can be really pleasurable if administered properly.
  6. Kalylia

    I hate Nintendo.

    That's exactly my story with Mew. Mew is my FAVORITE Pokemon of ALL time, but I can't have one, because it's an event Pokemon.
  7. Kalylia

    Nervous Habits

    I do that, too, RR. I also pick at my nails, cross my arms in front of me, and bounce my foot. All nervous habits.
  8. Kalylia

    What is your favourite single Pokemon ever

    Mew. I've loved that beautiful creature since the day I first saw her. (Yes, I prefer to think of Mew as a female Pokemon, despite the fact that it's genderless.) Even before I knew Mew was a legendary. My younger sister brought home some cards a friend at school gave her when we were both...
  9. Kalylia

    Alakazam is too smart to be serving humanity and such.

    I actually haven't gotten that far in Diamond, yet. I purchased Diamond only a few days before I had to pawn my first DS for rent money. I recently got another DS, and I'm just started to get back into Diamond. Note that Pokemon is the plural form of the word as well as the singular. I...
  10. Kalylia


    Thanks for the warm welcomes, everyone! *dashes off to get involved in Pokemon conversation* Eager Beaver! Yay!
  11. Kalylia

    New Pokemon Movies news.

    The first movie was still the best. I just ordered it off Amazon again. it should be here tomorrow. I freaking love Mewtwo Strike's Back...
  12. Kalylia

    Alakazam is too smart to be serving humanity and such.

    That's actually a really interesting point. When it comes to Pokemon, the fact of the matter is that most Pokemon, if they had the gumption, could destroy the entire human race. Pokemon, in general, are much, much stronger than humans. That's the thing about all of this. It's fiction. I...
  13. Kalylia


    You roleplay, Dragon? Oh my, you would be interested in my project... *heads off to send you a PM*
  14. Kalylia

    I hate Nintendo.

    I've always been disappointed with Nintendo and its insistence upon events. I live in North Dakota, and for most of my life, I grew up in a tiny little town with no hope of ever getting to an event, even the rare ones that came to Fargo. Even though I now live in Fargo, I do have a life and...
  15. Kalylia

    Childhood Question-Which pokemon would you have as a pet?

    Re: The Ultimate Pokemon Question- Which pokemon do you want as a pet? Raichu. Nicknamed Ruby. No questions. Raichu has always been my favorite Pokemon (tied at the top with Mew, but I figure I shouldn't choose a legendary pet. :P), and for as long as I've been playing, I've always nicknamed...
  16. Kalylia

    What pokemon do you never want to evolve?

    I never want to evolve my Azuril. They're just too adorable in that form. *squees* In more realistic non-evolutionary preferences, I don't like to evolve Misdreavous. Her evolutionary form is frightening, and just not worth it.
  17. Kalylia


    Good Evening, everyone. You can call me Kalylia. I've been known by many names on the internet, but this one is new. Perhaps signaling my fresh start into the realm of Pokemon. I came to this forum at the suggestion of a friend in the hopes of finding some adult, mature conversations on...
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