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Search results

  1. Morgan

    G/S/C Fun with Crystal

    I'm still wondering how that Teru Sama came up. I mean, I've heard of people getting it after cheating or doing glitches, but I never mess around with stuff like that on my games...
  2. Morgan

    G/S/C Fun with Crystal

    Didn't think of that. I was focused on trying to get the game to work... I bet that's one of the things that messed up my game (other than dead internal batery) Oh well
  3. Morgan

    G/S/C Fun with Crystal

    I tried playing the game by just leaveing it on all the time but it froze this afternoon while talking to Frieda. Also, anytime I tried to use the mailbox thing on the PC, this screen comes up saying that Crystal is only ment to be played on a Gameboy Color... Then, the game freezes..
  4. Morgan

    Pokemon nicknames.

    I remember that whenever my friend and I caught a pokemon in Yellow that we didn't like (usualy in the Safari Zone) we would always nickname it a bunch of blank spaces then shove in a box with other likewise pokemon. We'd have whole boxxes of pokemon named " "
  5. Morgan

    G/S/C Fun with Crystal

    So yesterday I managed bring my Crystal back from the grave where it had been hiding for at least a year. After a good bit of blowing in the cartradge, I manged to get it to work on my old SP. Turn it on and my old save file was gone. I wasn't surprised cause the pak was like 8 years old or so...
  6. Morgan

    Funny Player Names/Rival Names

    I always named my character either Morgan or Meowth(my favorite pokemon). I don't really remember my rivals eccept that I too named my Chrystal rival '??'. As for Diamond, my rival was named Taz because he looks like this person I know named Taz. I also remember that in LG I had a persian name...
  7. Morgan


    I'm a newbie here but certainly not a newbi to pokemon. I've been playing for about eight years. I also used to be fairly active on the Serebii forums
  8. Morgan

    Nostalgia in Pokémon Games

    Re: Nostalgia in Pokémon Games My first game was Yellow. I got for Christmas when I was like six. I had to get my dad to help me because I couldn't figure out how to get out of my house. After that I figured things out but never could beat the Elite Four. I remember I had this Pigetto that was...
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