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G/S/C Fun with Crystal


New member
So yesterday I managed bring my Crystal back from the grave where it had been hiding for at least a year. After a good bit of blowing in the cartradge, I manged to get it to work on my old SP. Turn it on and my old save file was gone. I wasn't surprised cause the pak was like 8 years old or so.

So I start a new game and I'm cruising around with my new Totodile (nicknamed 'Leto') when I get to Cherrygrove. I go heal my pokemon and just for the heck of it, I go up the secound floor trading center. I talk to the guy at the first desk and he give me a TM for Dynamic Punch. Strange, I think, so I talk to him again and he gives me a Teru Sama. I'm like WTF!?! Now everytime I talk to him he either give me another Teru Sama or a Dyanmic Punch.

I'm thinking the internal batery is dead cause the pak won't hold a save.

Also, all the battle animation up are messed and so are a few other graphics (like the map)
That's a terrible idea. You exhale moisture. Get a can of pressurized air.
I tried playing the game by just leaveing it on all the time but it froze this afternoon while talking to Frieda.
Also, anytime I tried to use the mailbox thing on the PC, this screen comes up saying that Crystal is only ment to be played on a Gameboy Color... Then, the game freezes..
That's a terrible idea. You exhale moisture. Get a can of pressurized air.

Kids these days. I didn't know of such things as cans of air back when I was playing Silver regularly.

Honestly, that's how every old Nintendo game cart was fixed back in the day. Mankind has been blowing into Nintendo carts for years. It's instinctive.
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That's a terrible idea. You exhale moisture. Get a can of pressurized air.

Didn't think of that. I was focused on trying to get the game to work...
I bet that's one of the things that messed up my game (other than dead internal batery)

Oh well
Honestly, that's how every old Nintendo game cart was fixed back in the day. Mankind has been blowing into Nintendo carts for years. It's instinctive.
Mankind has also been dealing with games breaking. Why do something that has an easy alternative when one option sometimes damages it and the other doesn't?
It's instinctive. It's what we (at least, some of us, experiences may vary) were told or shown as kids.

Not everything needs a reason.

I'm just going to get back to the topic at hand now. >_>
I'm still wondering how that Teru Sama came up. I mean, I've heard of people getting it after cheating or doing glitches, but I never mess around with stuff like that on my games...
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