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Search results

  1. A

    Closed arix and silver chronicles

    Firetail sw the move just in time to parry with headbutt. Arix saw the exchange and quickly told tailfire to attack. Tailfire charged the pokemon with extremespeed
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    Closed arix and silver chronicles

    after a nights rest, they reached the first cliff. "Why couldn't we just fly?" Tailfire asked. "Too obvious," Arix said, "Thats the way they'd be expecting us to come.
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    Closed arix and silver chronicles

    After resting for the night, Arix and his pokemon set off towards the mountain, the sky was cloudy and Arix could hear thunder in the distance. "Great!" he said sarcastically, "Just what I need!"
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    Closed arix and silver chronicles

    When they were far away, Arix, Firetail, and Tailfire stopped to discuss what just happened. "What did she want with me?" Arix asked to noone in particular. "Dunno," Firetail said. "Well, whatever it was, it obviously has something to do with the mountain," Tailfire joined in. Arix looked at his...
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    Closed arix and silver chronicles

    "Why would I be going there, I'm just headed for the airport in the next town," Arix said as he grabbed his pack and told Firetail and Tailfire to hold off the golem so he could start peddaling again. Firetail quickly lept at the golem, using headbutt.
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    Closed arix and silver chronicles

    Suddenly Tailfire and Firetail burst from the hiding spot in the bushes. "Whats going on?" Firetail demanded. Tailfire and Firetail were both shiny nintails, who grew 27 tails, and can learn any move. Firetail was a boy, Tailfire a girl. They'd been mates since before Arix found them. "This...
  7. A

    Closed arix and silver chronicles

    As Arix started petaling from the city, he noticed a golem rolling down the mountain at high speeds, about to crash into him. "SHOOT!" he said as he quickly did a sharp turnand crashed into the mountainside. "WHAT WAS THAT???!!!" he yelled at the golem, Steady, Steady, he then added to himself.
  8. A

    Closed arix and silver chronicles

    anyway... let's get started... As Arix walked out of the pokemon center, he noticed that the pidgey weren't chirping. Funny, he thought, usually at this time of day they're chirping so loud it gets annoying. He continued to walk towards the road leading away from Viridian City. Just gotta get to...
  9. A

    Requests Open Psymon's Sprite Shop

    hi... um... first off, great sprites. second, can you make a ninetails with 27 tails, wings, shiny (ninetails shiny) and make it look bird-like... thanks... o, and can you also do the same thing but make it dragon-like... thanks again... your sprites are great!
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    Closed arix and silver chronicles

    welcome aboard... o, and mewtwo is one of my favorite pokemon
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    Closed arix and silver chronicles

    well... Erindor has talked to me... and your record speaks for yourself... so, welcome aboard!
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    Closed arix and silver chronicles

  13. A

    Closed arix and silver chronicles

    This chronicles Arix (i know it says arix and silver but silver decided not to join >:( ). Welcome all. Anyway, here goes... Trainer name: Arix Home town: Pallet town Favorite pokemon: Tailfire (legendary [made up])and Firetail (another legendary [also made up]) First...
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    Hey, my real name is Kendrick Scott, ive joined before, but then the site crashed, and i havent gotten around to rejoining... but, here i am! I am an amateur spriter, and i really enjoy pokemon...
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