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Closed arix and silver chronicles


New member
This chronicles Arix (i know it says arix and silver but silver decided not to join >:( ). Welcome all. Anyway, here goes...

Trainer name: Arix
Home town: Pallet town
Favorite pokemon: Tailfire (legendary [made up])and Firetail (another legendary [also made up])
First pokemon: Charmander
Age: 20
Description: Arix's age got frozen in time when he first found Tailfire and Firetail, forever locking him at age 20. He serves as a pokemon trainer, ranger, and researcher, traveling throughout the regions studying the pokemon as he goes.
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Legendary Name: Erindor
Species: Psycheon
Age: 30 years since last rebirth.
Description: Basically the top picture, but shiny espeon green with dragon wings (I got permission from the original artist):


Personality: Depending on how long it was from his rebirth, Erindor varies from a childish eevee to a wise and powerful Psycheon. Despite the stage, however, Erindor looks out for those he trusts and would give his life for them.
Nah, I'm joking. But this sounds cool, so I'd be interested.
Legendary Name: Demice
Species: Demicat
Age: 36
Description: A black cat with dragon wings a devil tail, and a >:3 face.
Personality: Very secretive. Almost seems like the bad guy, but has some goodness in her.
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anyway... let's get started...
As Arix walked out of the pokemon center, he noticed that the pidgey weren't chirping. Funny, he thought, usually at this time of day they're chirping so loud it gets annoying. He continued to walk towards the road leading away from Viridian City. Just gotta get to the airport and i'm back in Sinnoh, Arix thought as he got on his bike.
((You're on the road from VIRIDIAN CITYYY~))

Demice looked down from high in the mountains. She saw her kingdom was working for her, like they should.


"Yes, Sam?"

"I spotted a human leaving Viridian City, saying he was heading toward Sinnoh. He's apparently a Pokemon Researcher. If he decides to go up Mount Coronet..."

"Don't worry; I'll train my best fighters for this." Demice turned zaround and meowed real loud. "Attention kingdom!" she boomed. "There is apparently a human coming to SInnoh as a reseaecher. I'm sending Sandy down there. the Golem, just evolved, nodded, and rolled down the mountain. "If they ever try to come near me, they will die trying, and the Demicat will still be undiscovered!"
As Arix started petaling from the city, he noticed a golem rolling down the mountain at high speeds, about to crash into him. "SHOOT!" he said as he quickly did a sharp turnand crashed into the mountainside. "WHAT WAS THAT???!!!" he yelled at the golem, Steady, Steady, he then added to himself.
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Suddenly Tailfire and Firetail burst from the hiding spot in the bushes. "Whats going on?" Firetail demanded. Tailfire and Firetail were both shiny nintails, who grew 27 tails, and can learn any move. Firetail was a boy, Tailfire a girl. They'd been mates since before Arix found them. "This golem keeps attacking me," Arix grunted between dodges.
"Why would I be going there, I'm just headed for the airport in the next town," Arix said as he grabbed his pack and told Firetail and Tailfire to hold off the golem so he could start peddaling again. Firetail quickly lept at the golem, using headbutt.
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When they were far away, Arix, Firetail, and Tailfire stopped to discuss what just happened. "What did she want with me?" Arix asked to noone in particular. "Dunno," Firetail said. "Well, whatever it was, it obviously has something to do with the mountain," Tailfire joined in. Arix looked at his two best pokemon, and probably his two best friends, "I say we investigate," he said quickly. The two pokemon agreed, and they packed up to head back to Mount Coronet.
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"Great, I got them on my trail." Sandy said. SHe rolled all the way back up.
"Demice, ma'am, they're still coming."
"WHAAAAT? Rrr, send in Mark." Now, Mark was a very, very high-leveled Machamp.
After resting for the night, Arix and his pokemon set off towards the mountain, the sky was cloudy and Arix could hear thunder in the distance. "Great!" he said sarcastically, "Just what I need!"
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after a nights rest, they reached the first cliff. "Why couldn't we just fly?" Tailfire asked. "Too obvious," Arix said, "Thats the way they'd be expecting us to come.
Mark saw the young Trainer in the distance. "You should not be here!" he yelled, and used Arm Thrust on them.
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