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Search results

  1. Redmoon

    D/P/Pt Platinum Battle Frontier progress

    I recently beat Dahlia and Darach. I now four Silver Prints. Strange that I couldn't beat Darach when I lowered his Pokemon's levels, but I won when I didn't lower them...
  2. Redmoon

    Any Pokémon Dreams?

    Re: Any Pokémon Dreams? Yesterday, I had a dream my biology teacher made us pass a "trust test" where we had to walk to the end of a cave and back. After we got back, my Language Arts teacher from last year and Dr. House came into the room and told us that the real test was about to begin. Some...
  3. Redmoon

    How many Shiny Pokemon do you have?

    Right now I have one. A shiny Tentacool in Platinum. I used to have a shiny Tentacruel in Diamond, but I eventually deleted the file it was on because I wanted to start over. I also used to have the red Gyarados in Crystal, but I started over in Crystal as well.
  4. Redmoon

    [R/B/Y/G/S/C] Do your old games still work?

    My Crystal still works, but it freezes a lot when I start a new game and get to Violet City.
  5. Redmoon

    D/P/Pt Platinum Battle Frontier progress

    I have the Silver Prints for the Battle Hall and the Battle Factory. I've faced Argenta (won) and Thorton (lost first time, won second time). Argenta was easy, but I only beat Thorton because I got very lucky. I'm now training Pokemon to use for the other areas.
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