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D/P/Pt Platinum Battle Frontier progress


Bask in the awesomeness of Piplup!
This thread is for posting how far you've gotten in the Pokemon Platinum Battle Frontier. (prints obtained, frontier brains battled, your best frontier building, etc.) So, have fun posting!

I have obtained two silver prints: Argenta's and Dahlia's

I have faced four frontier brains: Palmer (lost), Argenta (won), Dahlia (twice, one loss, one win), and Darach (lost).

I am AWESOME at the Battle Hall, and not too bad at the Battle Roulette. I'd like the Battle Castle, but as soon as you lose, you lose all your CP and rank ups. That happened when I lost to Darach.:sad:
Silver Prints: one (Arcade)

Brains Faced: three (Arcade, Hall, and Factory)

Next Mark: Tower. Gunna breed and rase to perfection a Vaporeon (since my main problem is always his damn Milotic). haven't decided on the rest of the team (Electivire?)

I really dislike the Castle. xC But I love the Arcade! I have a pretty good amount of skill at stopping the Roulette where I want it. I've only had a bad thing (paralysis) happen to me once and my lead (Torterra) wasn't affected anyway. So hah.

My highest streak in the Hall is 50~ with Rotom, and then 40-something with Floatzel.
So far I've beaten all of the Frontier Brains at least once... except for Palmer. So I've only got one silver print left before I've got the whole set.
Eh, I faced both Argenta and Darach yesterday. Dahlia was really really easy, but I barely won Darach, even after I lowered the lvls of all his pokemon. Garchomp pwns ^_^

I was working my way up to the 100th battle in the Battle Hall but got KOed but a lvl 85 ponyta with a Flare Blitz that was a critical hit. On my 72nd battle. >.>

Anyways, I'm workin on the Battle Arcade. For some reason, I really really like teh Battle Castle. ^_^
At this point I've completed my first streak at Battle Factory and not much else; right now I'm more focused on training up some good Pokemon to pwn it. :P
I've fought and beaten Darach and Dahlia, and lost to Palmer and Thorton.

I don't see how you guys are saying the Hall is easy, I think it's actually very hard. I can never make it past 20.

EDIT: I beat Palmer. I was caught by suprise; didn't know brains could change the order of their team. But I managed to muddle though. Next up, another tackle with the Hall.

Darach: 84-09867-50715
Dahlia: 52-66456-54617
Palmer: 10-80688-08659
My videos, if you guys want any inspiration when you go for the brains.
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I only just beat the E4 and got to the Battle Frontier...but I just got a Silver Print from The Battle Hall...cause I love short battles. And then I celebrated too much and lost a few matches later...I won't be so reckless next time...

Hmm...I'm going to train my Battle Frontier Pokemon properly(EV training, breeding the best movesets etc) cause I feel like it. I only did the Battle Hall out of boredom after some training.

Yeah. But then again I got the game a good deal of weeks later which is in terms of gameplay a long time.
Just beat Palmer the other day, which means I now have the full set of Silver Prints. I wasn't expecting him to use his Milotic first this time, though... every other time I've fought him, Rhyperior was always first.
But the change actually helped me, since I ended up beating him with only my Gallade and Mamoswine (my third Pokémon, a Gyarados I've been training recently, never even got switched in...)
I love the Battle Hall, because my Gastrodon (yes, a Gastrodon) is really good. But I was trying to get Grass over with, and I lost on the ninth battle. And I tried to beat the Water types, and I lost there too. Once I did some of the other types and got the Silver Print from Argenta, but then I lost to another trainer. >_<

I haven't lost on any of the other facilities yet, but I haven't put too much time into them, so no prints for me there.
I have the Silver Prints for the Battle Hall and the Battle Factory. I've faced Argenta (won) and Thorton (lost first time, won second time). Argenta was easy, but I only beat Thorton because I got very lucky.

I'm now training Pokemon to use for the other areas.
Damn it, I can't enter Rotom's alternate forms into the Frontier without it getting reverted! If I can't do that, what use are the forms?...

It's going to be a while before I get my next print, I assume...
Stupid Rotom...I trained it for the BT in my Hail team and now I can't use it! Waste of time :(

Hmm...checking if Rotom formes work in contests because of boredom.

Edit: They work...
I beat Dahlia a few times. Of course I managed to poison her Pokemon each time, so they'd use Endure or something and then die from poison... Fun.

I'm addicted to those scratch-off cards, so I like fighting Brains because they give me more BP.
My new Scizor won me a print at the hall! I'm so happy, it was not hard at all... I just needed to find the right candidate. Hehe...

Here's the video, but it's pretty short: 37-40962-96463
I'm working toward Argenta Silver print with my souped-up Garchomp. I think the only reason I beat all ten ranks of Ice was that my Garchomp knew Fire Fang and Stone Edge.

Once I've gotten a Silver Hall Print, I'm going to work towards the other facilities
I've been working on a Battle Frontier team, but my all-star team is Garchomp-Infernape-Gyrados. Any team suggestions?

Prints: Dahlia's (silver)
Brains Battled: Dahlia (won), Argenta (lost)
Next Marks: Battle Arcade (color), Battle Hall (silver)

By the way, I lost to Argenta with my Garchomp because I battled her on a bad type. (Garchomp's move set is: Dragon Claw-Dragon Rush-Earthquake-Fire Blast) I'm great at the Battle Arcade since I can stop the Roulette when I need to and my Garchomp and Infernape have really varied movesets.
^You keep going farther in the arcade, the roulette will become harder. Specifically one full win streak after Dahlia.
I got the silver print from Argenta! It was only because I got really lucky, too - she used a Metagross, and my Vaporeon's Signal Beam managed to confuse it. I probably wouldn't have won if that hadn't happened. :V
Today, my PorygonZ managed to snag the Silver Print for Battle Hall. It's most likely because when i used Tri Attack, it paralyzed her Arcanine, letting me finish the job.

I'm now getting ready to tackle the Battle Tower/Battle Factory
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