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Search results

  1. F

    What originally drew you into Pokemon?

    I first got into Pokemon when it was absolutely huge and there was Pokemon everything everywhere. I can't remember what part of the franchise drew me in, but it was probably either the anime or the video games.
  2. F

    Easiest Final Bosses in video games

    Ix from Sonic Chronicles is really easy, but that's hardly surprising when you take into account the difficulty of the rest of the game. Bowser in Super Mario Sunshine is pathetically easy.
  3. F

    Ever meet someone famous?

    Met J K Rowling once at a book signing a few years ago. I met Ant and Dec around 8 years ago in Japan.
  4. F

    Find your Pokemon.

    fnph - Xatu First name and surname - Tauros First name - Houndoom Abbreviated first name - Quilava Full name (First, middle and last) - Primeape Machoke - Quasire (wtf?!) machoke - Skarmory (seriously, what?)
  5. F

    Level Up Your Adoptables

    My babies want to grow.
  6. F

    Pokemon Memorial Thread

    R.I.P shiny Whismur from Sapphire. I started a new game and remembered that I hadn't traded you over to Leaf Green too late.
  7. F

    What were you and your partner in PMD red and blue?

    First time I was a Mudkip with a Cyndaquil for a partner. This time I became a Charmander and picked Bulbasaur as my partner, because sleep powder + leech seed = win.
  8. F

    Yeah, hi

    Hello bunch of people hiding behind fake names, I'm another person hiding behind a fake name. I've been visiting CoD for ages now, mainly to do the crosswords and I thought it was about time to join the forum. Me, me, me, me, me. Disclaimer: I in no way joined up for the sole reason of getting...
  9. F

    Ever "caught 'em all"?

    I caught them all on Leaf Green except for Deoxys, Mew and Celebi. I'm so, so close on Pearl. I've got everything except Arceus and Porygon-Z, which, by rights, I should have. A very evil person refused to trade back and now I'm stuck with no dubious disc.
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