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Search results

  1. Mira


    No. Just no. Even if it's used rarely. When the child who gets spanked as a child grows up and has children, they might use spanking or even worse punishment. Teaching a child that it's ok to hit someone because they did some minor bad thing is wrong.
  2. Mira

    Guilty Pleasures

    >.> No thanks. What I consider as violent anime is when there is blood flying through the air and bullet holes in people. Anything more I start to feel gross. I have small terms in what I consider violent. But, I also like romance anime(preferably yuri). I have strange tastes...
  3. Mira

    Guilty Pleasures

    That made my day. Ah guilty pleasures...it might be kind of werd but, I like watching some of the cartoons(not just pokemon) on cartoon network. And I like really violent anime too, like Code Geass. I'm such a weird person...
  4. Mira

    Yep. Can't you tell by my avatar?

    Yep. Can't you tell by my avatar?
  5. Mira

    Glitchy baby!

    Welcome Glitch. :3 TPTers(or in my case former) unite!
  6. Mira

    Things that make no sence in Pokemon

    But Magikarp is supposed to be made out of mostly bone. Remember in the episode where James buys a Magikarp and tries to eat it? He can even make a bite mark in it. I always thought it was weird when in the episode where Ash and Co. are on the S. S. Anne and Ash trades his Butterfree for a...
  7. Mira

    Hi, I'm Mira!!~<3

    Hey I'm Mira! I just left the Pallet Tribune forums and this seemed like a really nice place! I really like all of the pokemon games, but my favorite has to be gold.(Come on you damn SoulSilver, come to America!) ~~About Me~~ I live in Minnesota, USA My favorite anime are: Strawberry Panic...
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