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Search results

  1. Seraphim

    [OOC/SIGNUPS] The Sound's Specimens II

    Gahaha I find something deliciously epic a month or more too late. Oh well.
  2. Seraphim

    Open Lurking in the Shadows

    *jumps the gun so he can get active again* Thank god I have two fancharacters that are PERFECT for this. Name: Sunset (Cheesy, I know. >_>) Age: 16 Gender: Male Species: Espeon Team: Regular Personality: Determined. Sunset has almost all the qualities of a leader. Except that he's a bit clumsy...
  3. Seraphim

    Open Pokemon: Attack of the Perfects

    EDIT: Accidental double post. Please erase this.
  4. Seraphim

    Open Pokemon: Attack of the Perfects

    The Gastly twitched. Deceitful? The word ran through his mind like a Combusken with its head cut off. He dares call me deceitful? "Stereotype, you. >_> I was given the name as..." He snarled, shifting around so he couldn't be seen. "Forget it. You make it seem like I'm teaching Oak's Theory of...
  5. Seraphim

    Open Pokemon: Attack of the Perfects

    Seraphim winced. Something had noticed him. Perhaps he shouldn't have shown a spot of fear in this situation. Impossible. He was all but undetectable. But nonetheless, Seraphim decided to quarter-emerge from the shadow he inhabited. So it was a Blaziken...An observer would see icy blue eyes on...
  6. Seraphim

    Open Pokemon: Attack of the Perfects

    Seraphim shuddered within the shadow he occupied. So It was true. All of the adult Pokemon were wiped out.....no wonder I haven't seen any around......Perhaps this Ralts can help me out....
  7. Seraphim

    Open Pokemon: Attack of the Perfects

    Seraphim gasped. It sounded like the dead air on a cold Autumn day. A PERFECT Pokemon? Is that even possible? He thought back, the hypothetical gears in his head turning. Nothing can be 'perfect'...everything is SUPPOSED to have been created equally. No more, no less. This was of course cited...
  8. Seraphim

    Open Pokemon: Attack of the Perfects

    Seraphim was lurking quietly through an alley, looking for a nice small place to sleep for the day. It was the same as always: Hide and sleep in the daytime, scare random people in the night by accident. But today was different, he felt. The planets are unbalanced...I'll cross paths with an...
  9. Seraphim

    Signups & OOC for Pokemon: Attack of the Perfects

    Um....may I join? This seems....interesting...storyline-wise. Screen/User Name: Skylar Pokemon Name: Seraphim Gender: Male Pokemon: Gastly Personality: The shadowy type; prefers to work alone and blend into the background unless he is the only option for somebody's survival. Calm. Cool...
  10. Seraphim

    Open Legend of the Fifth

    ((Dragon...is this dead now? >_>))
  11. Seraphim

    Open Legend of the Fifth

    Seraphim's mind (well....you get the picture. ^^;) lit up. She had responded to him. "Hello miss Umbreon. I am Seraphim....and you were the only trustable Dark type in the vicinity, so I came to you. Please do not be alarmed. As a Ghost-type, I have chosen to hide within your shadow...and that...
  12. Seraphim

    Requests Open HEY YOU LOOK HERE

    Re: Dragonshop+Dragongallery Wow Dragon it looks aweshume!~ Thanks so much~
  13. Seraphim

    Open Legend of the Fifth

    Seraphim twitched when the form rolled out of the nook in the tree he was hiding under. So the energy he sensed was an Umbreon...it was natural for a Ghost type to sense other Pokemon...mostly Dark types. "It appears to be pregnant...a she?" Seraphim tried to keep his voice as quiet as...
  14. Seraphim

    Open Legend of the Fifth

    The Persian was retreating. This was a promising sign. "Now may bee a good time to escape, but..." The dark presence was back. Several Pokemon were gathering around a tree quite a ways off. Its over there... He quickly sunk back into the ground, bursting towards the commotion. Anyone looking...
  15. Seraphim

    Open Legend of the Fifth

    Seraphim twitched. Something was coming near...and he was vulnerable. A ways off he could make out the shape of a small golden Persian that was slowly making his way towards him. "A...Persian? Hm...if he were to attack me it would be ineffective. But I've heard Persians can learn other dangerous...
  16. Seraphim

    Open Legend of the Fifth

    ((Alright...here I go!)) Roaring water. That was all that could be heard if anyone sat underneath the trees lining the great river. Among the trees, one of their shadows was darker than the rest, as if some creature was lurking or plotting within the enamoring shadows. Slowly, out of the...
  17. Seraphim

    Legend of the Fifth OOC/Signups

    Re: [Open] Legend of the Fifth OOC/Signups Alright, I think I understand what you mean, Dragon. ^^;
  18. Seraphim

    Requests Open HEY YOU LOOK HERE

    Re: Dragonshop+Dragongallery Oh hey, Dragon takes requests? Awesome. I have an interesting request...It shouldn't be too hard. A computer drawn version of my two RP characters fighting. And they're Eeveelutions ^^. Sunset vs. DivX...sorry but DivX is the only sprite that I have...^^; Sunset...
  19. Seraphim

    Life after Death?

    Didn't mean to get everyone riled up at EVERY funeral, just saying that most of the ones that I'VE been too.
  20. Seraphim

    Life after Death?

    Well in my opinion, apparently the person that has died is watching over the people in the world they have left. I dunno the concept is quite odd...
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