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Open Legend of the Fifth


disaster pigeon
OOC/Signups here.

Again, you'll want to be around, or heading towards the evolution stone cave.
By human time, it would be about four thirty in the morning, and damn freezing, almost cold enough for any Pokemon to see their breaths. A Chatot squawked an off key tune above the tree line, and was suddenly cut off by screeching, the sound of flapping wings, and then silence. It was obvious that it was going to stay quiet now, for sure, Storm noted, and breathed out a small cloud of mist. Of course, that was just one of the perks of living in the Fifth, after a while, no one noticed the cold.

That much.

It had rained a day ago, and whenever someone walked in a patch of mud, or even just touched the ground, their paws came away with a squelching sound and mud. It was still pretty early, but every Pokemon, or almost every Pokemon had to be awake by now; when you lived in a place like the Fifth, being a heavy sleeper was death. Literally.

Storm hated the rain, it made the ground disgustingly soggy and left tracks, and the place stunk of wet dung. Though, it was easier to find prey, when she could see through the undergrowth and at their tracks. And then.. Storm licked her lips as she spotted a few tracks leading through the mud, to a small warren under a tree. Smiling grimly, she padded to the small hole and peered in, spotting a small, shivering, malnourished looking Rattata. Giving it a pitying look, Storm reached into the hole and pulled it out, noting how small the prey in this area was. It wouldn't do much to quell her hunger, but nothing was really big enough too.. The claw holding the Rattata flared up with blue-purple fire, suddenly.
"Rose," a voice behind the Leafeon called, making her twitch.

"Alright, you're here," she said as she turned, rather relieved. "I thought.." Storm stepped out of the undergrowth, and Rose winced as she spotted the flecks of blood and fur around her claws and mouth. "You should learn to just eat plants, too," she tried again, both of them knowing what a waste of breath it was.

"Maybe later," Storm answered, as always, wiping the blood away from her mouth with the back of her claws. "Go on."

"So supposedly there's a great river to the east of us, and across that is a small cave where you can find evolution stones," she started, and looked at her paws. "I went to go take a look at the river, you can hear it from here.." Rose motioned with her tail towards the east, where a distant rumbling could be heard. "It's white water, we won't be able to swim for sure. Across, it must be almost seven times your length.. So we'll have to fly. Or, you will."

"There isn't anywhere we can cross? A ford, maybe a place where we can walk around the river?"

"Well, there's a spot, but it would be almost a season's travel down south. I know you don't like to fly with cargo, but.."

"No, it's fine." Storm looked towards the east, past Rose. "We should start heading towards the river, then." Nodding to the Leafeon, both Pokemon ducked below the undergrowth and made their way quietly towards the river.

((The point of this part is so everyone will know what everyone else's characters look like, maybe even getting names.

..Holy shit, did I write all that in ten minutes?))
((Im here!))
Scazzer groaned. He hated rain. But it didnt matter- he was used to it. He was in a rather dense part of the forest, near a small 'lake'- a pond big enough for several Gyarados.
He scratched his backfin- he was happy and sad it was okay. Happy because he wasnt one of these hollow headed fight machines, sad because most Garchomps called him a female. One of the reasons he deserted the garchomp family he used to live in.
He heared a loud squeak- maybe a nice meal. He jumped up on his legs, and zoomed towards the sound, not caring that he might very well make it run away. Then he understood what happened- a small furret was stuck under a small tree that fell, and a grinning zangoose stared at it greedily.
Scazzer gritted his theeth, and jumped forward, releasing a stream of blue fire from his mouth. The zangoose shrieked when he saw the flames, but it was too late- it was already roosted like a steak. Scazzer grabbed the tree on top of the furret, it wieghed around 50 pounds- easy for him to lift, hard for the poor furret. He lifted the tree, while groaning, and smiled at the furret. It looked at him in confusion, and walked away, while looking back and smiling lightly. Scazzer sighed in relief, grabbed the zangoose remains, and started chewing on them. These who tried to eat the helpless were the ones who deserved to be eaten.
He smiled again, and looked at his light coloured body- he had the colour of a Gible. He sat down and leaned on a tree, and slowly eated the zangoose meat, while eating a sitrus berry he had with him in addition, making it tastier.
(( Finally open!))
Dawn's purple eyes glowed darkly in the rising sun, and she looked down from far above, on the silky web that she had created. There were quite a few bug Pokémon flying about, but rarely did they come to this exact level. However, to her luck, a Venomoth began to rise up, unaware of the web that was shadowed by trees and thus almost completely invisible. As soon as it got close, Dawn spit silk from her mouth, wrapping the Venomoth in a sticky thread, and biting it in a few places to inject poison and slowly weaken it. The Ariados began to eat the prey alive, before it stopped struggling and its eyes clouded over. Success. She looked across the river in the distance, seeing a large cave. She could probably find prey there, like Zubat, but how exactly would she reach it? It wasn't like she was a flying Pokémon that could easily glide over it...
Pike was feeling rather satisfied for the moment. Although the ground was wet and muddy from the rain, it made it easier to find food -- just follow the smaller tracks, and there's bound to be something edible at the end. Although the half-dead ratatta was rather measly of a meal, it was the only meat he had for months. The little stash of berries that came with the small mouse was quite filling, however, and Pike, for the first time in quite a long time, was actually full.

The smeargle trailed through the mud, pressing his body close to the ground for stealth. His whole belly had been coated with mud, although it's not as if he cared -- the mud helped him blend in, and the dung, although putrid, drowned out his scent. Pike was careful not to leave a trail -- predators love to prey on the pretty much defenseless smeargles, Pike had found out over the years.

Pike stopped suddenly and sniffed the air. There was an unfamiliar scent... no, two. There were two creatures here, one an unfortunate (and dead) ratatta, the other something strange, something that he had never seen before. The scent was quite fresh -- whatever was here had left only a few minutes ago. The smeargle carefully followed the scent, all his senses on high alert. It wasn't long before he spotted the tracks of the strange creature. Whatever it is, it was huge, and clawed; definitely not a good combination. Pike thought it over quickly -- should he risk tracking the creature for a chance of picking up some leftovers, or should he flee? The smeargle peered at the unfamiliar tracks again. Large pokemon are, although powerful, usually quite slow, and he was pretty sure he could escape as long as he stayed a distance away. Also, who knows when he'll have his next meal? Pike sank lower into the mud slid into the grasses, his muddy fur and painted green blending perfectly with the environment, and began to follow the tracks.

The tracks went on for a while; Pike could hear the roaring of water getting closer. Ah. He must be getting closer to the river. With raging, white water, it was pretty much impossible to cross unless he could fly. The scent was getting stronger, too, and there was another smell, a slightly more familiar scent this time -- a leafeon, no doubt. Although he had never met one personally, he had heard from various sources that leafeon were gentle creatures that, most importantly, did not eat meat.

Something red rose out of the horizon, and Pike slowed. The red things probably belonged to the mysterious creature that ate the ratatta, and he definitely should not get too close. Pike felt a bit sorry for the leafeon; it was probably going to become the meat-eating creature's next meal.

Of course, if it did, Pike wasn't going to let such a good pickings go to waste. He watched from a distance, still keeping himself hidden in the mud and grasses.

((That was longer than I intended. :P))
Squeak squeak.

Squeak squeak squeak sque-



The golden Persian lifted his head from the carcass of the Zigzagoon he had found, blood spattered at his fur, contrasting darkly with his brilliant fur. A good ten or twenty feet behind him, a blue-ringed Umbreon lay coiled under an overhang created by a fallen tree, dry and out of the mud. She was trembling slightly, her swollen belly making it hard to lay down without discomfort, but she knew the kits would be born soon and would then need a different sort of care.

The Persian picked up the dead rodent and picked his way though the mud, carefully stepping on stone and patches of grass to leave as few footprints as he could, and set the corpse at her feet.

"You need to eat, the kits will need milk when they come...keep your strength up." He hissed, mist forming from his words and dissipating into the icy air.

She took a bite from the Zigzagoon's side, pulling off meat, fur, skin... she swallowed it without much chewing; she hated the taste of rodents and much preferred plants, but meat would let her make the nutritious milk her kits would need. She looked up at her mate, licking blood from his muzzle. Such a messy eater...!

He froze as the sound of something large moving though the trees; he had spotted that Salamence earlier and was hopping to keep out of it's way. He hissed softly, settling his body so he could pounce if he needed to, and watched. The dragon was talking to a small green and brown fox...a Leafeon? He swiveled his ears so he could hear their words.

"So supposedly there's a great river to the east of us, and across that is a small cave where you can find evolution stones," the small grass type said "I went to go take a look at the river, you can hear it from here.." Rose motioned with her tail towards the east, where a distant rumbling could be heard. "It's white water, we won't be able to swim for sure. Across, it must be almost seven times your length.. So we'll have to fly. Or, you will."

A cave...?

The Persian looked towards his mate, her small frame heavy with kits...she would need somewhere safe. Perhaps this cave...?

He resolved to follow them.
The grass was tall, almost 5 feet tall- enougth for even the biggest of garchomps and other dragon species, that is, if they were talented in stealth. Scazzer was quite talented in it, although he hated stalking- he wasnt dumb, but his mentor, Kelly the dragonite, has simply made him believe a wee bit too much in her honour code. However, he was still able to think properly, and could easily stalk easy prey if he had to- although he would rarely do so. He was satified by the Zangoose anyway, so he decided to train his stealth skills. He slowly sank in the muddy ground, until only his head looked out, looking like an aligator while hunting. He quickly dug his way trough the mud, until he was 7 feet from the- seemingly blue ringed and golden- umbreon and persian. He jumped out of the mud, roaring loudly and landing 5 feet from them. "Why are you and why should I spare you?"
Although they wouldnt know it, Scazzer wouldnt hurt them- especially because he noticed that the female seemed to have kits.
He licked his lips, although he acctualy thought about a tasty sitrus berry rather than about fresh meat.
He stood in an offensive stance, growling loudly and collecting fire in his mouth.
((You guys less killing of prey >:/

If you do, it's supposed to be scrawny and not very much to eat >_>))

Storm stopped, and ducked below the undergrowth. Those scents..

"What, what do-" A glare from the Salamence silenced Rose, and they both were quiet. With a claw, Storm pointed backwards, and started crawling forwards.

"Other Pokemon," she growled. "This can't be good, I should have silenced erm, that Rattata, and we shouldn't have stopped to take a break. At least, below the undergrowth we won't be that obvious. Here, this tree should do," Storm poked her head above the undergrowth, and nodded in the general direction of Rose. "Okay, I gotcha." Holding the Leafeon gently by the scruff, in her mouth, Storm scrambled up the tree and looked out across the white water river.

About a good distance away, an oddly bright green thing moved slightly in the mud and grass, something.. someone? Another Pokemon? "Hhhod sill," Storm mumbled around the Leafeon hanging in her mouth, and launched herself across the river, high above the water. It seemed they were destined to be wet; even far above the roaring water the two were soaked by spray. Storm didn't dare flapping her wings, she had a hard enough time keeping her own weight up normally, with the added weight of Rose they wouldn't get very far.

She touched down at the edge of the river, both Pokemon quickly pulling themselves out. The Salamence let go of Rose, making sure she didn't draw blood from her friend. "Ugh, you taste like mud. I never want to do that again," she grumbled, and Rose smiled.

"Thanks, though there was no other way to cross. You know that," she accused, and pointed again with her tail. "It's not far from here, now. About half a day's hike, we should about be there by.. sunhigh," Rose thought for a moment, forgetting to lower her voice. "Alright, into the undergrowth you go, you blue-gray target," Rose joked, and pushed Storm into the plants. "Keep your head down, we might as well wait for the sun to rise. It won't be long now."
"Who are you and why should I spare you?"

Edward growled and stood on guard, golden eyes locked on the intruder. A Garchomp...a tough foe but he had fought off worse. He snarled and extended his razor blade claws, Rinna squealing and wiggling so she was sheltered behind her mate. The Persian arched his back, fur standing up so he looked larger, his hackles raised. Black energy swirled around his paws and faint wisps of ice-cold energy spiralled from his mouth.

He took a step forward, the dark energy encasing his paws slicing into the muddy ground. He growled in a low voice.

"Who are you and why shouldn't I eviscerate you and feed your entrails to my kits when they are born." He growled, drops of ice falling from his maw.

Behind him, Rinna whimpered.
((Late late late…

Twiggy, if Scazzer's cave was on the other side he would have had to cross the river to get across in the first place.))

Ariel glared at the tendrils of dawn slowly creeping up the sky. Light always seemed to come too early for her to properly eat. Usually she was forced to eat berries, which, while enough to live on, weren't too satisfying. Bugs like Metapod and Silcoon were much more filling and tasty. But then, living grew harder every second you were alive, here, and she had been alive a long while.

Lots of Pokemon were already active. She'd have to hurry before her black feathers gave her away in the greens of leaves, or they caught the sunlight and gleamed slightly and made her easier to spot.

Of course, if she was spotted, they'd have to catch her first. And not many could do that, considering that Ariel had wings.
((Twiggy, you can't land 10 feet away, you can't land even three feet away. There is no space to land, Scazzer would have went *crack* face first into a tree. >_<))

Storm snapped her head up, looking across the river again. Through the foam and spray, she could see an odd blue thing moving incredibly fast, and shook her head. Did no one realize they would end up dead that way? Anything that wasn't small and green died if they moved too fast, she thought with a snort. Rose was incredibly lucky.

"What, what do you see," Rose asked, nudging the dragon.

"Something.. or someone blue," she muttered. "We must be surrounded by fools. We should start moving, before they hurt themselves and we get involved," Storm laughed, and ducked below the undergrowth again.

"No, I'm still hungry," Rose laid her tail on Storm's back. "You.. had something to take the edge off your hunger, I still haven't eaten anything solid for a few days. Hold on.." Rose's leafy parts deepened in colour, before returning to normal. "Well, I guess I can hold up a while. Still, it's kind of dark, and tripping and breaking a leg, or into a pack's territory might not be a good idea.

"A good bunch of Pokemon will be up in a few hours and we can be wary then, meanwhile, let's have something to drink, there's a huge river in front of us!" Leaping for the river, Rose laughed, the sound covered by the roar of it. Looking back towards Storm expectantly, the Salamence followed her to the edge reluctantly.

"You don't know the meaning of caution, do you," she grumbled, her words taken by the river. "Never mind."
Scazzer flinched reflexivly when he saw the ice on the persian's fangs, but then growled with a low tone. "Kits you say?
So you two are mates, huh?
Fair enough. that's another reason for me not to attack you and spill blood without any good reason. Besides, im almost vegitarian."
He jupmed up, landing on a branch which was 15 feet above the ground, and started climbing up. He had no reasons to interact with the feline and canine any more- they were aggresive nontheless.
((Alright...here I go!))

Roaring water. That was all that could be heard if anyone sat underneath the trees lining the great river. Among the trees, one of their shadows was darker than the rest, as if some creature was lurking or plotting within the enamoring shadows. Slowly, out of the ground, a Gastly emerged. Its form looked like a normal Gastly, except that it was more black than usual, with icy blue eyes and tongue. The vapor flowing behind it was dark gray...the color of smoke. This was Seraphim.

"Morning already?"

His voice was crackling and wispy, like the crunching of dead leaves on a cold, Autumn afternoon. This wasn't his usual time to be awake...since, of course like all Ghost-types, he hated sunlight. He sighed. It seemed like the days were getting more boring with time.

"Maybe there's a darker area across this river I camp by every day..."
Edward snorted when the dragon backed down, spitting out a few chunks of ice into the mud. Wuss. He didn't dwell on it much longer, however, as he had more pressing matters to attend to; namely, following the Salamence from earlier. He made a motion to Rinna, who got to her feet and stumbled after him, but he stayed close. Moving her was dangerous, but she needed a safe, warm, dry place to give birth.

He snuffled, lowing his head to the ground hunting for the scent. There were a few already there to sift though; Rinna's, his own, the Garchomp's, and the measly little Zigzagoon he had caught...but he caught it, faint as it was. He had a good nose.

The pair followed the trail until it came to an end, near the banks of the river. Edward hissed, shaking his head in a vain attempt to rid himself of the spray, and rooted out a small tree hollow that Rinna could fit in.

"You stay here until I come for you. I'm going to investigate." He instructed, helping her climb into the safe - for now - place.

"Be safe..." She urged him, nuzzling his muzzle lovingly and nipping his ear. "We need you."

"I know." He said, slinking away along the banks, the faintest of faint voices reaching his sensitive ears from nearby...but where?
Seraphim twitched. Something was coming near...and he was vulnerable. A ways off he could make out the shape of a small golden Persian that was slowly making his way towards him. "A...Persian? Hm...if he were to attack me it would be ineffective. But I've heard Persians can learn other dangerous elemental attacks, so I should be careful."

He could feel the presence of a dark-type in the vicinity as well...but the river kept disrupting his thoughts. Seraphim shook off the feeling and floated beneath the tree, where only his icy eyes could be seen.
Pike froze as the creature suddenly popped its head out of the undergrowth. The creature -- whatever it was -- was definitely large. Three spikes grow out of the sides of what Pike is assuming is the head, and two, large, red strips run down its forehead. The creature ducked down, and when it came back up again, it was holding a leafeon in its jaws. The leafeon did not seemed to be struggling, but there was no scent of blood -- perhaps it was knocked out by an attack. The creature sure looked big enough to knock a leafeon out easily.

The creature seemed to have noticed something as it quickly scrambled up a tree, still holding the leafeon. It was blue, Pike noted, with a long, thick tail and red, wing-like things growing out of its back. The two quickly disappeared in the thick leaves -- Pike could barely make out the creature's outline, but from what he had seen, it was huge. The creature looked around, alert, straight at his direction.

Pike cursed under his breath. The creature had the leafeon already, so it shouldn't start attacking soon. It was still dangerous to hang around though, and Pike sunk deeper into the mud, ready to flee at a moment's notice.

Snap! The creature launched itself out of the tree, still holding the leafeon in its jaws. It spread its wings and glided over the river. Pike cursed again. There goes his potential food source... But he might get something from it, even then. There were no other creatures around, and the large blue thing was focused on getting across the river without falling. Pike grabbed his tail and waved it in the air, the dark green, paint-like liquid spraying out and forming itself into a shape like the creature. The paint blob flapped its wings, and Pike stared intently -- he could do that. Flying. It wasn't that hard, now that he had learned how. With a flick of his tail, the paint sketch spread out and formed into two, wing-like things, and attached themselves to the smeargle's back. Pike flapped them experimentally. Could use some more work, but they would have to do. He quickly scrambled up the tree the creature was in and also launched himself off, flapping his makeshift wings to keep himself in the air.

The flying business was harder than it looked -- Pike had to focus really hard on keeping himself aloft and flying straight, and, as he crossed the river, he realized that he would be easily spotted like this, for mud and olive green does not blend into blue sky or white water very well. He cursed again. A (relatively) full stomach always made him a bit slow, and he should have waited a bit before blindly following the strange creature. But the prospect of more food kept him going. Food is food when you can get it, and Pike was not about to let up on a feeding opportunity. He just hoped that the dark morning sky would keep him hidden enough so that nobody big enough to eat him would not notice.

Pike landed on the riverbank awkwardly, the paint wings already melting away. He would have to work on his flying skills later; they could come in handy. The undergrowth was thick here, and the smeargle quickly scrambled into the bushes. He could still smell the creature and the leafeon faintly, and he had seen them hiding into the undergrowth. He would have to be really careful here, for although the thick plants hid him, they also hid predators as well. Pike checked himself over and smeared some paint on his belly, where the water had washed off the mud and left a splotch of his original cream fur, and stiffed the air again. Where ever the creature and the leafeon are, they should not be far away. Pike decided to wait for a while before tracking them; growing some distance should let the creature feel safe enough to start eating the leafeon, and Pike planned to be there to pick up the leftovers.
"In a placed where life is a battle for survival, it's easy for someone who feeds on fear to live."
Hexagon had that line burned into his memory, because his mother repeated it several times, as if it was some sort of holy rule he had to live after, and it was actually something that he could figure out himself.

The Mismagius was floating forward, since he didn't really have anything that could hurt him in particular, he was one of the few creatures who could actually relax.

Simply floating around trying to find something to do or someone to mess around with a bit. Then, quite a bit far away, he saw something.
An Umbreon, with blue rings, but still an Umbreon, was hiding under a fallen tree, and it didn't seem to have noticed him, either.

Sneaking around in a large angle, Hexagon aproached from behind, and phazed through the tree pop up in the Umbreon's face.
While being upside-down.


((They've met before, and talked enough to know each others names, in case you're wondering))
Scazzer silently followed the persian and Umbreon from a safe distance, and when he saw the mismagnius pop up before the umbreon- which was pregnant it seemed- after the persian left, he decided ot go into action. He jumped out of the muf, shouting "Leave her alone! In case you dont know, this umbreon is pregnant!"
He growled, and loaded up fire in his mouth.
((Goddammit Twiggy, me and FMC had something planned here! >:C

And besides, I Hex wasn't attacking either way))
Rose laughed and splashed Storm with cold, cold river water, and Storm smiled and slammed her paw down, almost drenching Rose. "Hey, that's not fair," the Leafeon giggled, and leapt downstream a bit. Storm chuckled under her breath and moved after Rose-

What? An unnatural green.. shape moved out across the river, flapping shrinking wings. The thing quickly blended into the undergrowth and dirt again, but not before Storm had taken a few seconds to study it. The shape of it was of a bipedal Pokemon, too small to be a human, and too big and thin to be something like a Clefable. Humans couldn't fly, anyways. But the wings.. seemed like dye, or juice of some kind. Storm felt she should be able to recognize whatever it was for its wings, but came up with nothing.

"Are you sleeping," Rose asked, trotting above Storm on the river banks. "Are you asleep on your feet, or what?" Storm glared at her and hissed quietly, trying to get the Leafeon to shut up. Rose's face hardened, and she joined her at the edge of the river. "What is it, what do you scent," she asked, her voice dropping.

"You don't smell that, even over the river? There are other here, definitely, but.. I don't know how many, more than we'd see in a day, usually." Rose scented the air, not really sure what she was trying to find.

"I can scent something, but the river is the main thing I can scent.." She pointed with her tail, suddenly, at an odd gold spot across the river. "Is that it? Gold isn't a very common colour of trees, I'm sure we didn't see that on the way over, and it must be a Pokemon." Unknowingly to the two, their voices had rose to be heard over the roar of the river, though they could still barely hear each other.

"It might be.." Storm shook the few drops of water that clung to her off. "We should get back into the undergrowth and take a rest, we'll be seen if we stay out here. And with all these Pokemon around.. That can't be good, unless we want to get swarmed. Let's go," and with that, the two disappeared back into the undergrowth.
Rinna squealed when Hex appeared before her, but her muzzle broke into a smile. She giggled.

"Oh hullo Hex, it's nice to see you again..." She started, when...

"Leave her alone! In case you don't know, this Umbreon is pregnant!"

Edward heard the outburst and his ear swivelled around, soon followed by the rest of his head. He growled and turned on his heel, darting back to Rinna's side. The icy energy started to gather at his maw again, and he didn't wait before firing it off. He then darted between the Garchomp and Rinna and Hex.

"Didn't I tell you I would eviscerate you if you went near her again?" He hissed, blackness swirling around his paws.
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