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Open Legend of the Fifth


The hounchkrow either was insane or stupid -- nobody wasted energy in the Fifth and got away unharmed. The bird was basically broadcasting everyone where his (or her) location is, and, in the Fifth, that has the basic effect of screaming "I'm stupid and defenseless! Come eat me!" It was a Dark Pulse, too, a powerful attack that takes quite a lot of energy to use.

Stupid the bird might be, the attack was still going to be a problem. Pike shot off into the nearby undergrowth, his speed boosted by a Quick Attack, and got out just in time to watch the bushes behind him sizzle and wither from the Dark Pulse. There were a few terrified squeaks as a Ratatta ran off beside him, its long, curly tail scarred from the attack.

The stupid honchkrow was definitely going to be a problem, and Pike knew that there's no way that he'll be able to do anything once the honchkrow's buddy comes back. And running will be a problem, too, because Pike knew that most bird pokemon know Aerial Ace, and getting hit by one of those is definitely not good.

Now in a new path of undergrowth, Pike relaxed his muscles and ran around in a jagged path, letting the Agility power up his speed. Paint splattered out from his tail and formed a familiar wing shape on his back, and the smeargle launched off the ground with a Quick Attack, aiming for the hounchkrow. Pike still wasn't that great in the air, but his speed, boosted by the Agility and Quick Attack, should make up for it.
((O.O I forget to subscobe to the thread and I miss over a page…))

Ariel glanced around. Fromher place in the weakening shadows, she couldn't see too well, but she see and hear enough to make sense of everything. For instance, a Honchkrow (though not her acquaintance farther away) had flown up in the air, using Dark Pulse. A few tendrils of it had reached her branch, making her wince. The thing was stupid; any sleeping Pokemon nearby would likely have been awakened, and any Pokemon larger than it could be heading over to make a meal out of him.

There had also been a lot of movement, mostly in browns and greens and some cream. She couldn't tell what Pokemon they were, but they weren't as large as the Honchkrow. Weighing her options, Ariel decided to go with the more fun one - pointing out to the Honchkrow how stupid he was.

She edged closer to the end of the branch. She still didn't have a clear view. After flapping to a closer tree that still had plenty of shadows, she called out, "You know that that was pretty idiotic, right?" She immediately hopped to the next tree, trying to quietly make her way at least a quarter of the way around the Pokemon; if she was lucky she could confuse him and not be spotted.
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Dawn growled as the Dark Pulse was released; she could see the plants ahead of her wither, but the pulse didn't reach her. She heard a Honchkrow's cry, and thought, Hm... wonder if he would make a good meal. She began to crawl over the ground, trying to stay hidden, and as soon as she was close enough, suddenly released silk from her mouth to try and wrap him up. She only hoped everyone would be too scared of an Ariados, a very powerful predator, to attack her.
((tsk tsk tsk, Blazie :DD))

Rose snickered a little from her safe spot, and let the substitute fade away. There was no point in keeping it up, since it was gone, anyways.. With a start, she realized how bad a decision that was, as she reappeared on the ground, almost in plain view.

Immediately, Rose took off in a quick circle, leaving images of herself behind. Double Team. She moved away from her four clones, which did the same, and left enough space between them all so she wouldn't burn as much energy keeping them up, and still being far enough away from the Honchkrow to dodge any more stupid moves.

It seemed there were others, oh yes. That green thing, a Smeargle or something had painted things for its back, and was rocketing towards the Honchkrow, who seemed to be the target of the Pokemon around her. A voice had rose from the trees around her, mocking the Honchkrow. Rose smiled up at whoever the voice was, forgetting she couldn't be seen

Oddly, a thread of silk shot up from the ground near her, and the Roses tilted their heads curiously. What just happened? Silk shots were something bugs did, weren't they.. And Rose, as a Leafeon, was weak to bugs.

"What the hell is going on here," a voice demanded with a growl, voicing her thoughts. All the Roses looked up, and let out a sigh of relief as Storm pushed her way through the undergrowth.

"Finally," the real one muttered under her breath, and all five Leafeons jumped at Storm. The Salamence blinked in surprise for a moment as a clone slammed into her and disappeared, and the real Rose landed softly besides her.

"Thought you could take care of yourself," Storm muttered, and bared her teeth.

"I can, what was I doing? Leave them, we should keep moving," Rose pleaded, tugging at Storm's wing. Hissing a dragon flame out, Storm turned to leave with Rose not far in front of her.

Hopefully none of them would follow, Rose hoped, only the stupidest Pokemon would get into a fight with a very close to fully grown Salamence. The Honchkrow was pretty stupid, though.. But they had the element of surprise. "Come on, let's go," Rose urged the Salamence, and they disappeared from sight, but not scent, into the undergrowth.
((Huh? Was that suggesting that people should wake up or controlling other characters? I edited just in case. And if you were kidding... >_< Oops.))
However, the ariados has done a certain mistake- the silk web was flying towards him, yes, but the flying smeargle was in the silk web's way. Lancelot started flapping his wings violently, creating strong gusts of wing that would make the smeargle a hard time flying, and make the silk web blow away. Once he left the web's route, he released a dark pulse towards the smeargle, releasing purple rings of energy towards it.
Scazzer was underground, busily digging. He was in around 10 meter depth, makinh it almost impossible to spot ihm.
((First, you can't make Pike be in the way. Crazy Linoone is the one to decide that, it's their character. Same with creating strong gusts of wing that would make the smeargle a hard time flying'. That's implying that Pike has to have trouble, instead of giving Crazy Linoone a choice.

Also, Ariel's waiting for a response.))
oh what its happening agaaaain ;_;


Storm glared back at the other mess of Pokemon, sticking her head into the air. "So apparently prey is so easy to find that Pokemon will just let another predator walk away with a meal?" She snorted, and spat a small shred of fire at the Honchkrow. "Pathetic. It seems even the rumours of humans make Pokemon grow weak and fat."

Rose whined, and pawed at Storm's side. "Leave it, we got away with our lives, or my life anyways. We should go-"

"No, all those Pokemon, any of them who eat meat are so lazy they won't even take on a half-grown Pokemon for a meal. Any you couldn't get away from them."

"Could you stop implying I'm a meal? It doesn't matter, anyways, this isn't why we're moving!" Rose yelled the last bit, before realizing where they were. "..Forget it. Let's just keep going." Bounding off into the trees to the east, away from the river, Rose quickly left the Salamence behind, who gave the Pokemon a last glare before chasing after her.
((aaahg, sorry, been occupied with CPIII and college and yelling at my tablet for being a retard.))

"I'm not fat you silly wisp of smoke!" Edward hissed, trying to keep his voice low, but his annoyance was clear. He took a snap at the Mismagius's face, not aiming to actually hit, and glared. Annoying purple thing. Why did Rinna like him so much? He made a face by sticking his tongue out between his fangs.

Rinna giggled, waving her tail happily behind her as she watched her friend and her mate's antics.

"Well, I'm sure you could carry us, you're so stro-"

She froze in mid-sentence, and Edward jumped, looking around, and, not seeing anything, pushed closer to Rinna.

"Hello? Can you...hear me?" She heard a voice say.

"Are the kits coming? It's too early god no..." Edward yelped, panicking. But Rinna shook her head, and he calmed. She lifted one of her ears and swiveled it around.

"Hello? Who's there...?" She asked timidly.
Seraphim's mind (well....you get the picture. ^^;) lit up. She had responded to him.

"Hello miss Umbreon. I am Seraphim....and you were the only trustable Dark type in the vicinity, so I came to you. Please do not be alarmed. As a Ghost-type, I have chosen to hide within your shadow...and that I have a spiritual connection to Dark-types and other Ghost-types. I hope that I do not frighten you..."

That was stupid. Why would he confide in a timid girl Umbreon that could easily blow his cover any time? Unfortunately, he did not come across many Dark-types in the Fifth that looked in the least bit friendly.
After waiting a good minute for the Honchkrow to respond, Ariel gave up on it. Thin is no fun. He's either hard of hearing or ignoring me, and I'm not about to draw attention to myself.

Careful to stay quiet in the shadows, she flew around for a bit before hearing a disturbance. Stopping immediately and surveying the undergrowth, she waited…although nothing seemed to be near-

A Leafeon. Nothing to be feared, Ariel would easily be able to take it in a fight. No. Last time I underestimated an opponent I nearly died. This isn't the time to grow lazy. Watching the grass-type, the Murkrow was startled to see a Salamence lumbering after it. Two such vastly different Pokemon, and the Leafeon obviously hadn't yet become a meal. Ariel vaguely wondered how they could trust each other, or at least, how they had trusted each other when they'd met. They obviously weren't mates, yet they trusted each other.

Reminding herself that she was nocturnal, that she needed to sleep, she forced down her curiosity. She couldn't afford to get low on sleep.

Then again, her tree wasn't exactly ideal. When the sun rose higher there would be no shadows to hide in, and the branches were few and far between. She needed camouflage. Now.

Her curiosity sparked up again and got the better of her. She could follow the pair while she searched for a proper hiding place, couldn't she? It was a pitiful excuse, but to see two seemingly unrelated Pokemon coexisting peacefully in this forest…it was interesting. Careful to stay in the slowly dispersing shadows, Ariel kept a good distance behind the two, reminding herself to spare glances at the surrounding trees.
((I think its time to give up Lancelot. He's no fun anyway...lol.))
When the slamnce released flames towards Lancelot, she was behind him, making him unable to respond in time. The flames hit his back, scorching it to the core and making him drop to the ground. All of his back feathers were eaten by the flames, and almost every spot in his body was black- probably only a fire or dragon pokemon would dare to eat the now half-dead Honchkrow, since his flesh was now more coal-like than flesh or meat. Lancelot was still alive, even if not for much longer, and in lots of pain. His body was on fire, some of it reaching the undergrowth...
Alright, go post in the OOC. And uh, have Lancelot fail and fall into the river. Content tiem.))

Storm caught up to Rose, and ducking a low branch, picked her up by the scruff and placed her on her back.

"Okay, fine, chill, we're away from the others now." She looked at her oddly, pushing her way past two closely growing trees. "How does that bother you? It's not like we don't do stuff like this every day. This is life." Storm turned to glare behind her, at the fading patch of undergrowth and Pokemon over the horizon. "And like it or not, you could've been eaten by any one of those Pokemon, I think, and they just let you go."

"They're stupid," Rose cut in. "Or were distracted by that Honchkrow. It loosed a Dark Pulse over the entire patch of area."

Storm paused, before grinning and moving forwards again. "Well, let's hope he get's eaten, then. Here's to living for a few more hours."
Alone smelled pokemon, most quite close together. Strange. There are not many pokemon in this forest, except ones bigger than him, as far as he could tell. He had been resting under a tree for quite some time. Now he figured he had begin moving before he never got up again. He stretched out his legs and began walking towards the scent, careful to avoid any trees in the way. He could smell most of them, cedar especially, and so it was easy for him to pick his way through. After walking for ten minutes he heard voices, and could now also identify which pokemon were there. There were others beyond them, but he had no care for them. There was a leafeon and a salamence. One was female, the other male. As he approached the two pokemon, he kept his guard up. Too many times had he been attacked by a pokemon the thought might be friendly. "Pardon my intrusion," he said, "But I don't smell many pokemon such as yourself way out here. Who are you?" He had never known that all this time there were others. Maybe he was not Alone after all.
There was a leafeon and a salamence. One was female, the other male.

((Um actually both are female. Also thank you for giving me something to post about :o))

Storm eventually picked Rose off her back to walk on the ground again, and they continued in silence. Best to keep quiet than get attacked. Not too far ahead was the evolution stone cave, it seemed Rose had estimated wrong.. The cave was much closer to the river than they had thought, not even a five minute journey.

The Salamence threw her tail in front of Rose as the undergrowth, which was still taller than Rose's ears could stretch, started to rustle, and a Flareon popped into sight, asking them who they were. Storm exchanged a glance with Rose. The Flareon was odd, not many Pokemon would dare walk up to a Salamence, at least, no Pokemon that could be a potential meal, and if Rose was, so was this Flareon. She paused, lifting a claw. He would be so easy to kill, just a flick of her claw and he would die.. Though killing another Pokemon in front of Rose, killing another Eon... She would run off, away from Storm, and be killed herself within the next day.

So the Flareon could live for now. Until Rose left. There seemed to be something wrong with his sight, as well, as the Flareon's eyes were an odd, unnatural white, and instead of looking at her, he was looking slightly to the side of her.. And he hadn't said he met, or saw many Pokemon out in the Fifth, but rather smelled. Interesting.

"I'm.. Storm, and this is Rose," Storm answered, rather warily. Either, like the Honchkrow, this Flareon was too dumb to live, extremely lucky, a Legendary in disguise, or hiding a secret, powerful attack that could kill with a glance, or a thought. In any case, giving him both their names would make no difference to him, and could cause no harm. Hopefully. "We're on our way across the river, that way." She flicked her tail in the direction they had come, forgetting that the Flareon seemed to be blind.

Rose stepped over Storm's tail, wondering why she had lied to the Flareon, he didn't seem like much of a threat, anyways. "I-" Before she could continue, Storm flicked her with her tail, seemingly by accident as she pointed backwards, towards the river. Rose glared up at the Salamence, who returned the glare, and stared forwards again at the Flareon. Pouncing on her tail and pinning it down, Rose continued.

"And who are you, then, to be travelling alone and jumping out at random Pokemon? Where are you going?"
((Yay half-assed post~ This is what you get when you deprive Dragon of RPs.

While being underground, lars sensed movements- four small legs, no, eight, and two big ones. Supicious. He decided to check it. He started climbing up, slowly, until hsi head was 4 feet from te surface. He concentrated, finally deciding he was a good distance away. He moved another bit out, his head now popping out 1 foot over the ground, looking like a blue stone. he seemed like an aligator in the water, only he was in the mud, and looked at the three pokemon before him- they were 30 feet from him, a Leafeon, a white eyed Flareon, and a salamance. He decided to keep an eye -they might prove as dangerous enemies or as useful allies.
((lul. failpost))
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