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Open Legend of the Fifth

((Two things, three really: Who is Lars, I haven't really accepted your Mary Sue character, and you still haven't killed off Lancelot, which makes this three characters. Don't post with characters I haven't approved yet.))
Alone chuckled. "I am Alone. And of course for your own sanity you would like to assume that to me you are simply 'random pokemon' but perhaps you should ask yourself whether or not you have been followed. Contemplating this you would also realize that I have answered your second question as well, should that be true. The answer would be obvious: Wherever you are going. And by the way, I would appreciate it if you finished your sentences." He looked in the general direction of Rose. "You were about to say something, but you were cut off by your friend. This means that you are hiding something from me, and though I can't blame you, I assure you that you have nothing to fear from me. I am only dangerous when threatened, as perhaps you are as well. That remains to be seen though, and I can only hope you know where you are going in this forest. There is no river in that direction. If there was, I would smell salt, seeing as all rivers in this forest are composed of salt water. So you are either lost, or lying to me, both cases dangerous for you, but only one threatening to forge unfriendly relations between us. So which is it? Lost or lying?" Alone finished. His sense of logic was undeniably confusing at times, and perhaps these two ladies would not like it.

((Sorry about the mix up Dragon. >.<))
Damn it all. Now she'd have to go past them to keep looking for a tree. Well, this could be an opportunity to enjoy herself, something rather rare. If the Salamence hadn't eaten the Flareon yet, the Murkrow probably wouldn't be incinerated on sight.

Carefully making her way to a branch close to the group, Ariel called tauntingly, "Well, with logic like that it's hard to think up a comeback, huh? Seems you two are digging your graves."
((Twiggy: No, he's Scazzer. :p))

Storm narrowed her eyes, looking carefully at Alone. "Well, there is a river where we're heading, and it's not salt water. How would you know every river in the Fifth is saltwater, have you been to the cold, dry north and down to the south, and finally come here to our little point of land in the east?" She blinked up at the voice, which had sounded so oddly familiar.. "And anyways, you can't have followed us since we've taken a good few breaks and turned around a few times, and so would have scented you." The lie came easily, and Storm looked up in the trees, at an odd dark spot that could be the source of the voice, an oddly coloured leaf, or even just a patch of shadow..

Rose spoke up, her voice joining cutting off Storm's. "If you are following, or going the same place as us, where would that be? It might be we are going to the north, or to go to the humans in the south. And what if we fly?" Storm winced at that, but Rose ignored her and continued. "Will you hold us down until we bring you along, or sprout wings and fly along? Or what if we're going to an underwater cavern? Will you, a Water type, swim with us?" Until she spoke, Rose hadn't realized how much she mistrusted the Flareon.. unlike Storm, who seemed to be amused, or intrigued by him. With a glance down, Storm blinked at the Leafeon.

"Rose," she muttered, stopping the Leafeon. What was she trying to do, start a fight?
It was Alone's turn to narrow his eyes. His voice became full of venom. "If you'd really like to know, Miss, I was abandoned in the North by my parents as a pup, and ever since I have scoured this land for food, and yet all I've received from this land is an empty stomach and several scars. If you think you know this land, you're oh so very wrong, and will do well not to anger one who has lived in this damned place his ENTIRE LIFE, BECAUSE HIS PARENTS COULD NOT ACCEPT A SIMPLE DISABILITY!" Alone stopped for a minute before continuing. "True, I have not been following you, nor did I have any intention of following you, but you seem to know very little of this land, and it would be beneficial to your survival if you had someone like me with you. Go ahead and fly, but swimming is dangerous. For every predator you see on land, there are ten you do not see beneath the water. And there is no river nearby. If you are looking for one, I can guide you to the nearest one, but either you are lying," he snarled the next word, "Again, or you are lost, and I will be able to help you find your way." If he had eyes, he would have been staring intently at the one named Storm. Then he lay down, and began cleaning one of his newer scars, awaiting an answer.
Rose hissed under her breath, glaring at the Flareon. "So none of us have lived here our entire life, none of us have to hunt for food or starve for days because they refuse to eat meat, and none of us had to keep moving, always running from predators and hiding from or under someone stronger than them? You're the only one who's ever experienced trouble?" She did her best to keep her voice even, but found her voice beginning to rise. "What could a blind Flareon know about the land that an able, travelling Leafeon wouldn't already? For example, the fact that yelling, loud noises and bright colours attract predators, or scavengers?" Storm placed her tail on Rose's shoulder, feeling her twitch under the contact.

"Rose," she said simply. "Calm down." Turning to Alone, she clawed the ground uneasily. "There is a river not too war from here, only a few minutes journey if you run. If you want proof, just walk west and you'll come to it eventually," she sighed. "We are not lost, or lying, I assure you. Lying to you has no purpose to us, and the only guide we need is the sun, though another companion may be welcome." She looked hard at Rose, who had closed her eyes and was clearly not listening to anything.

"You'll forgive Rose, she.. believes things," Storm hinted, rather drily. The Leafeon flicked her side with her tail in response, still closing her eyes. Rose would be dead to the world until she calmed down, it seemed.
Now there was someone else yelling. Dawn could see from her hidden spot in the tree that it was a Flareon. She probably shouldn't pick a match with it -- it was Fire-type -- and furthermore, there was a Salamence nearby. Still, the Salamence had said "blind" -- that meant an easy meal. Usually. The Flareon could easily burn her web, so she had to attack it when it was alone... for now, the Ariados would follow from the trees.

Another voice. It was a harsh squawk. Probably a Murkrow. Now that would probably be easy to take down. But for now, at least, Dawn couldn't locate it. She was in such a spot that she could directly see the ground, but not any trees clearly. Obviously, she was on the trunk of a tree, hidden.
Alone stopped cleaning the scar, and looked up at them. "I know what you speak of, but it is neither a river nor is it safe. That place is the reason I have but one ear. If you wish to be half deaf as well, be my guest, but I suggest you avoid that river. Also, you should know that we are not alone. We must begin moving now. We have no time for questions, or doubts. If you wish to avoid a fight, you will follow me. But if you would prefer to tear someone's head off, you may do that as well, though I cannot guarantee that someone will not have friends." And with that, Alone got up a began walking away. Whether the two females followed or not was their decision, but he prayed they would not be foolish.

((Darksong, if you're wondering how he knew, people who have lost one sense have their other senses improved greatly, i.e. blind people can be incredible piano players because their hearing is greatly improved. I am simply translating this into my character.))
Was it her fault that she'd become distracted by the conversation? Ariel sighed softly. She had to get her brain moving again. She shook her head and ruffled her feathers, causing her grip to loosen and her body to slip off of her branch. "Dangit!" she cried. She knew she was in view of the Salamence and the Leafeon—Rose. Quickly flapping her wings, she squawked and managed to fly to a different tree. "Uh…hi." Her brain was blank of coherent comments—just great.
Scazzer, from his hideout in the ground, was still looking and listening. It turned out the flareon was blind and half deaf, which could mean that he might very well sense Scazzer, and that the Leafeon was called Rose. Either way, the salamance would only turn into an enemy- after all, he has seen how agressive she is. Scazzer relaxed a little- there werent enemies looking forward to skewering him at the moment, after all, and only few would acctualy be a threat to a Garchomp. He looked again, noticing a Murkrow appear. Seems they are all friends here. pfft.

Lancelot squeaked one last squeak before his remains turned to ashes, leaving only scorched bones on the ground.
The sudden burst of flames narrowly missed the flying Smeargle. One of his paint wings instantly evaporated in a sizzle of flames, and Pike quickly angled himself so he would fall not as fast. He landed in the burnt bushes and quickly scrambled for cover, letting his other paint wing fade away behind him. The Honchkrow was definitely dead -- nobody would survive looking that charred. Even if it was still alive, the river would have drowned any pokemon that was not a water type.

Pike cursed at his own stupidity. He should have known that he was not the only one planning on attacking the Honchkrow, and shouldn't have recklessly attacked. The smeargle hid deeper into the undergrowth, soon finding the familiar scent of the Salamence and Leafeon again. It was strange that the Leafeon had not become a meal, and even stranger that such a peace-loving pokemon would be traveling with a carnivorous dragon. Either way, they're bond to catch something soon -- either the Leafeon is going to become a meal, or the Salamence is going to take down something big enough that Pike will be able to take a piece of. The Smeargle trailed the scent carefully. He stopped when could hear voices in the distance -- someone was yelling. A fight?

A fight meant injured pokemon, and injured pokemon meant food. Pike decided to stay around and listen. The Smeargle hid himself in a large bush, where he could see the back of the Salamence and Leafeon. The position wasn't the greatest, since he still couldn't tell the owner of the other voices, but it was good enough for now. He was already too close to the group, and if he move, he will probably get spotted.
Rose's eyes snapped open the moment Alone had walked away, and Storm cuffed her over the ears. "Rose! What was that for, he.."

"Was a blind, half deaf Flareon who is mentally unstable and delusional," the Leafeon finished dully. "And like you said, we are attracting attention. It would be for both of our lives that you stay quiet." Storm glared daggers at her, hating that she was right.

"Well, if it makes you happier I can go chase him down and eat him," she commented, drily. Looking in the direction of Alone, she raised her voice. "Well, we don't seem to be injured, and I myself have crossed that river three times already. And yes, we may not be alone, but if you think we would follow you, who happens to be moving in the direction of the river we mentioned, think that we'd follow you when we have no reason to trust you, you're wrong."

Looking up at the Murkrow who had dropped out of the tree almost in front of her face, Storm blew a SMALL shred of fire towards her, not enough to hurt her, but just enough to scare her. "Get out of here," she growled. "Before I change my mind and rip you apart."

Rose looked up in shock at Storm, rather surprised by her mercy. Normally, at the sight of a possible meal she would turn and rip the Murkrow from the tree.. and Rose would run, so not to see any blood. And that Flareon.. Absolutely no one could tell there were others around, had they just not mentioned there was a gathering of Pokemon in the way he was going? They had probably dispersed by now, but..

"Storm," she nudged the dragon gently. "There was a bit of truth in what he said, we should get moving." Knowing the Fifth, all the yelling had likely attracted a lot of Pokemon, and there was a gathering of Pokemon that found her scent, so that meant they were likely surrounded.

Storm nodded, and both Pokemon took a final glare around the area, before racing off in the direction of the cave, away from where Alone had walked to. It wasn't that far ahead, they could see it already from where they stood..

((Turn yourself around or get your arses to the Batcave so we can kinda start the plot :p))
Scazzer mummbled a VERY small 'hmm' to himself. "Pah, Lancelot can wait, he looks for himself fine anyway"
Then, a gigantic shout of pain could be heared. "or not. I guess the idiot has killed himself."
He started sinknig in the mud, only his eyes and the top part of his head popping out of the mud- the whole area was still a little muddy, so he could easily go around. he looked like some strange, blue stone in the mud- not something to attract much attention.
He followed the two. From what he learned by that time, the Salamence was very agressive, and was apparently called 'storm', and the Leafeon, 'rose', seemed to be a weakling, or at least...soft.
((Might i ask if my (mildly) Mary-sue character might be accepted? The (somewhat) fixed version.))
So the two had not decided to follow him. Fine. That was their choice. He thought maybe he could at least do them them favor of finding out who was watching them. He began to circle around the area. Sure enough passing one bush, he could smell a smeargle. He dove into the bush and tackled the smeargle to the ground. "Were you having fun, spying on these two ladies? I'm sure it must've been the shouting that attracted you. A shame you had to get caught. There are better ways to find food if you're hungry," he said, "So now I have the choice of killing you here and now, or being merciful and sparing your life. Why don't you beg and maybe I'll choose the latter. And don't even think of getting any ideas or I'll cook you on the spot."
"Or you wont."
The voice was cold and unfriendly, the tone being very low and rough.
"If you'll make him lose one drop of blood, I'll shredder you into pieces. You know why?
Well, because I will take care of this little *censored*. And dont get any ideas- Im here to avenge the fact he killed my friend."

This guy doesnt know, to his luck, that its acctualy him that is on my target list right now...

((Edit: Forgot to mention its Scazzer.))
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((Twiggy, honestly, this is getting annoying. Dragon did not say your character was approved, he told you to change it. If you did so already, then wait for him to approve it. I'm ignoring that post and I would ask Crazy Linoone to do the same.))
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