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Open Legend of the Fifth

((Twiggy, honestly, this is getting annoying. Dragon did not say your character was approved, he told you to change it. If you did so already, then wait for him to approve it. I'm ignoring that post and I would ask Crazy Linoone to do the same.))

((>:/ Is that really what you think of me, sir? Dragon=♀))
((Woah... my bad. I just woke up and my head's still foggy.))

Alone got up off the Smeargle. "Fine. He's yours," he said and walked away.
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Dawn waited quietly from the shadows, watching the other Pokémon. She would wait for them to leave before spinning a web before getting across the river; she didn't want to be too vulnerable to predators. Even though the river was about five times wider than she was long, she could spin such a web. She just had to make it strong so that it wouldn't let her dip into the water. The Ariados shivered, her violet eyes shimmering; she didn't like water a lot. If she fell in, there would be no way to get out.
Ariel didn't bother to reply, instead flying away quickly in the general direction of away. That's what she got for bring stupid, letting her curiosity get the better of her. Around a Salamence, no less; a dragon over ten times her size. Stupid, stupid, stupid! she repeated to herself, trying to instill it in her brain. Of course, the next thing she got interested in would probably banish it from her head, but she could try, right?

Coming across a large clearing, she stopped and flew around the edge for a bit. There was a perfect tree in the middle, isolated and thickly branched. But if it was that great, there were bound to be strong Pokemon who had claimed it. Sighing, she turned to leave but was stopped by a glimmer that may have been…something shining? Sparkling?

Horrible timing. Dangit. Now that there was a possibility of there being treasures and sparkling crystals, or even just shiny rocks, in the small cave in the center of the clearing, she knew that her instincts wouldn't let her leave. She had an affinity for them, and although it was nigh-impossible to carry things around in this forest if you wanted to live, just seeing them satisfied her. And some magpie-like Murkrow instinct made her desperate to fly down, look around, and pick up any nice things inside.

But she couldn't. Too dangerous. She tried to fly away, but restrained herself. She needed to know what was in there. Settling for a compromise, she settled in her sheltered branch and waited. If a Pokemon went into the cave with nothing and came back out with something, then there probably would be nothing of value inside. If there were evolution stones she'd also have to watch for evolution, but that would be blatantly obvious to anyone with half a memory.

((Yes, she's just a tad obsessive about shiny things. Eh, it gives her a reason to stick around.))
((wait who said there was a clearing with the cave in the center Nah, you guessed it mostly right. :o))

Finally. After all this drama, and meeting more Pokemon than they normally would in a moon's appearance, Storm and Rose had made it to their destination.

"All this trouble to get here, huh?" Storm joked, nudging Rose. The few minutes in silence had once again left them with high spirits, and they padded into the large, still rather grassy clearing. Rose still had to stretch up to see past the grass, though the overall lack of bushy undergrowth and trees made the clearing a nice, sunny place. And over to the south-eastish center, surrounded by a thick ring of sand and dirt, was the cave, a rather prominent structure. The entrance alone was tall enough to fit two Storms on top of each other, and three side by side, and seemingly across as well. Though from what the two could see, it went much, much deeper, and was clearly inhabited by cave Pokemon such as Zubat and Golbat, and very likely a Sableye or five.

Though they most likely would avoid the entrance, where the light streamed in, and reflected off the few crystals near the entrance into the cave. The light gave the place an odd, fractured look, as if a strong Pokemon had bashed it a good one and filled the holes with shining stones.

Storm nudged the Leafeon forwards. "Well, what are you waiting for? You said you wanted to find some shiny things, right?" Slashing her tail down behind her, Storm bounded forwards, leaving a clear trail of parted grass for Rose to follow through, and follow she did.

"I'm gonna find a Fire Stone," she laughed, her voice amplifying and echoing through the cave. Their slightly wet paws and claws tracked dirt into the cave, though they could clearly be seen from the entrance and had even left a nice, clear path to follow, straight to them.
"Well? Why would a smeargle want to follow a salamence and a Leafeon then? Didnt you notice the two are, well, bonded for some reason? Anyway, I would prefer it if you were to tell me you're name. now."

Small stones started flying around Lars, all extremly sharp.
(stone edge)
((Uh, I'm sure pinning Pike down would be god-modding a bit, but it's too much effort to do anything about so I'll just go with it...))

He knew he shouldn't have eaten that Ratatta. Food always made him slow, and now... Today was not a good day, Pike decided. He did not notice the Flareon sneaking up on him, since he was focused on a larger, pokemon with more claws. He lay on the ground, tail twitching, knowing full well that the Flareon can easily carry out his threat. He almost yelped in surprise as the Flareon held him down, but swallowed any sound he was going to make in case he attracts more hungry predators.

... Too late. An garchomp seemingly materialized from thin air, or at least popped out of the ground, and growled menacingly. The Flareon got off of him and muttered something. Even with the weight off his back, Pike did not risk to move in case the Garchomp decide to rip him to pieces -- which he probably will, judging by the tone of his voice. The Flareon walked away calmly.

Time to scram. With the Flareon almost gone and the Garchomp slightly distracted, Pike quickly formed a Substitute and ran for his life. Scrambling through the undergrowth, Pike quickly ran all his options through his head. The Substitute should earn him enough time to get at least far enough away from the all those clawed pokemon so that he would have a chance against them. Why are so many pokemon hanging around in one place anyway? Shaking his head, he ran on. Focus. He briefly scented a Murkrow and a Ariados, but those pokemon weren't that dangerous. He needs to hide somewhere for a while, in case the Garchomp or Flareon starts tracking him.

Pike remembered that there was a cave around here. The cave should be a good enough spot to hide, he decided, since there should be some nooks and crannies the bigger pokemon can't fit in, and the stale air would at least hinder the fire attacks from the Flareon. The Smeargle ran for the cave, hoping that his Substitute would last long enough so that he could escape.
((NO! I spent way too much time on this to let it die aaargh))

Storm turned backwards at the sound of rustling grass, and sighed. "Rose," she called for her friend. "It seems.. there's another Pokemon again." The Leafeon flicked her tail, and turned to run to Storm's side.

"Another? How many Pokemon live in these parts? It seems we've met, or scented more Pokemon than we normally would in a moon's cycle.." Sighing, she pawed at the ground. "Well, are we going to go deeper in the cave and run, hide until we see what the Pokemon is, or attack as soon as it comes close enough?" Storm looked down at Rose.

"Well.." She was about to say 'I would normally rip apart whoever it is, but you're here so I'm not going to,' but realized that would cause Rose to not talk to her for.. ever, possibly. Storm pointed her tail towards the wall. "We'll hide, I guess," she muttered, and clawed the ground. The cave was pretty large, yes, and there were plenty spots for a Leafeon to hide, but a Salamence? Nodding to Rose as she ran towards a crack in the wall, Storm padded deeper into the cave, lying down beneath a slight incline.

Our scents! With a wince, Storm realized their scents would easily give them away, and hissed. Well, whatever. If whatever the Pokemon was found Rose, she would rip it apart..

Or it could just be some prey Pokemon, and she would easily scare it away. Or eat it.
((Why is it dyyyyinggggg D: D: D:))

Pike managed to stop himself before he burst out of the undergrowth into a clearing. The cave should be near here... He peeked through the bushes carefully, making sure that there was no other pokemon around. The Smeargle ducked back into the undergrowth. The entrance to the cave looked clear -- there were no suspicious shadows or movements. Pike shot out of his hiding spot and jumped right behind a tree, fast enough so that anyone not looking would just see a blur. There was a familiar scent in the air... Where did it...

Pike cursed. He knew where he had smelt this before -- it was jut a couple of minutes ago, actually. The scent was that of a Leafeon and the large, clawed, thing with red wing-like things. Either way, he was surrounded by clawed Pokemon. And that's definitely not a good thing. There was a crack in the side of the cave that looked like a good hiding spot, so Pike ducked into the underbrush again and carefully sneaked towards the crack. The large clawed thing and the Leafeon probably had went into the cave already, so he should be safe...

Note to self: when you find (and eat) a dead Ratatta with a bunch of berries when you're not about to starve to death, something bad is bound to happen soon.
((Now time for the most hilarious post I've made on any RP in a while. :D))

Dawn's purple eyes were hidden by the shadows of her tree that stood very near the bank of the river, but she could easily see what was going on. There were many more Pokémon on the other side of the river than this one. She had scratched the walking-across-a-web idea and now had a better idea: a parachute.

Her eyes shining with laughter for just a moment, she considered the idea. She would probably have to use Bounce in order to get her across, instead of just jumping normally. And her parachute would take some planning. Still, she could do it.

The Ariados bounded from tree trunk to tree trunk, in something that looked a bit like a circle. She left a little bit of silk that connected each trunk, and then moved on to do the rest with her mouth. Carefully she created an object made of web that looked a bit like a sack. Question was, though, how would she attach it to herself?

Compromise. She carefully tied it to her body, between her head and front legs, ready to take off. This is going to look silly.

With that, Dawn bounced.

She sailed across the river, carefully balancing in the air. The spray just touched the tips of her legs, and the wind direction was in her favor; it wouldn't be hard to finish the journey across. Finally, when she was over the other bank, Dawn twisted so that she could bite part of it off. With the parachute drifting down, she landed nimbly on the grass, leaving her silk there.
((Ahahahaha I love you Darksongggg

Also, since we need this plot semi-alive, gogo deus ex machina plot device :o))

Rose flicked an ear at the fading sound of foot or paw-steps, and let out a little sigh. Whatever had come was either gone, or not coming in.. In any case, the cave seemed to be faintly lit by something deeper in, though the Leafeon wasn't going to go risk seeing what it was. For sure, there were some strong Pokemon in the cave.. and it seemed to go further down. Rose could see the cave was only the entrance to something; very faintly, she could here voices..

And against her will, began to go deeper in, following the lights. "Hey, Rose, I think it's all clear," Storm called from the front of the cave, looking back. "Rose? What're you doing, don't go into the caves, hey, Rose?" Bounding after the Leafeon, Storm stopped in front of her and blocked her from passing.

"Where are you going? There're probably a hundred Pokemon living down here- Don't just ignore me!" Rose gave her an empty look and slid past the Salamence, trotting deeper down into the caves. Storm walked helplessly after her friend, not really sure what was going on.

((Confuse Ray. Don't ask by what, you'll learn in a few posts :o Follow if you want, or just.. stay outside. Either works. >:3))
That river... He knew it was dangerous, but he wanted to know where those two were going. He began walking towards it, and when he got there, he looked up to see an ariados landing on the other side. However she had gotten over there, it had something to do with webs, not surprisingly. He took a deep breath, and prepared to cross in the only way he knew how.

Alone inhaled sharply and blew out the hottest flames that he could. The fire was blue with white tips, and extremely hot. The fire evaporated the river, and if he kept blowing, he could make it across.

He almost didn't make it. He nearly ran out of breath right at the end. But he got across, and continued to follow the other scents.
((I remember this. Really. I didn't forget about it! I'm not lying!))

Pike, somehow, wasn't surprised when a Leafeon walked out of the crack he was planning to hide in and headed towards the cave and the big clawed thing. The smeargle quickly ducked into a bush nearby, hoping that the Leafeon didn't notice his existence. Although Leafeon are usually calm pokemon and don't ramdomly attack, Pike wasn't too sure about its big clawed buddy and would rather stay alive and live for another day than risk getting seen. Although, with all that bad luck that had happened to him today, he wouldn't bee too surprised if he did get seen...

Luckily for the smeargle, the Leafeon seemed hypnotized by something and just walked straight into the cave, ignoring Pike completely. The large clawed thing stared after the leafeon, seemingly exasperated, then followed the leafeon. A while later, their footsteps disappeared, and Pike let out a silent breath. That was close.

He stayed in the bushes for a while, in case the big clawed thing decide to come back out. It didn't, and the smeargle sneaked closer to the cave. The huge clawed thing and the leafeon had gone so deep that he couldn't see them anymore, and Pike pondered whether he should follow after he hid himself into a crack in the rocks. His luck hadn't exactly been holding out today, and he would rather play it safe.

The smeargle decided to wait for the large clawed thing to come out before heading into the cave. After all, there's no point getting yourself lost in an unknown, dark, place along with a large, carnivorous, clawed thing.
Up ahead he saw a cave, but stopped just before going in. He took a whiff of the air. That smeargle... it had been watching the two ladies in the bushes earlier. He turned his head in the general direction of the scent. "You can come out now, smeargle. I'm not going to hurt you, I just want to talk," Alone said. He made no move to approach the direction of the scent. Better to let him come out on his own.
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