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Open Legend of the Fifth

((eviscerate is a nice, happy word :3))

Storm narrowed her eyes as the faint spot of yellow disappeared into the forest beyond at some unknown sound, and wondered if there was something she was missing. "Well, there goes our mystery spot. You wanna start moving, or.. Hey, Rose?" The Leafeon was looking up at a patch of sunlight that had drifted through the thick trees, and was glowing again, very faintly green. "Rose.." the Salamence grumbled, and sighed. She'd seen the Leafeon like this before, it was one of her ways to feed, using photosynthesis. This could take a while, but usually..

"Huh, what where you saying?" Rose blinked and twisted around, tilting her head.

"..Never mind. Haven't I asked you to try not to do that while we're moving.."

"But we're not, we just have to wait for the sun a bit!" Looking closer at her friend, Storm saw the tip of her tail was starting to yellow, like a malnourished plant, and her green was lightening slightly.

"Or, actually, it might be a good idea for you to go ahead and.. take a break." She looked across the river. "Whatever that was, across the river, I want to know.. So I think you can take care of yourself, for a little while." Storm playfully glared at her friend. "If I come back and you're dead, I'll kill you and eat your body," she joked, and looked up, hoping to find a tree tall enough for her to fly to the other side from.
Dawn held still in her tree, watching many scenes far below. She carefully jumped from one branch to the other, in a tree with thicker branches that would hide her much better. There were a lot of fights going on, and she would stick behind.

As soon as the commotion faded, the Ariados climbed onto the ground, her indigo eyes glinting slightly in the darkness as a faint ray of light reached them. She began to sneak quickly through the trees, keeping other Pokemon just in sight. However, the Umbreon in the distance stopped -- Dawn saw that it was odd, in some way that she couldn't pinpoint from here. I should take a different route. Carefully, the large arachnid climbed, keeping her claws quiet, and began to cross the branches from there, higher and higher and out of sight of the others. The river would be before her in a few minutes. And that was when she would get stuck.
The Persian was retreating. This was a promising sign.

"Now may bee a good time to escape, but..."

The dark presence was back. Several Pokemon were gathering around a tree quite a ways off. Its over there... He quickly sunk back into the ground, bursting towards the commotion. Anyone looking would have seen a quick black shadow dart underneath the tree hollow the others were crowding around.

"I must investigate."
There was no such luck. Storm growled as she found there was no tree tall enough for her to make her way across the river by, and looked up at a tree that may be able to reach across, if it were knocked down.

Knocked down..

Tilting her head and resting her claws upon the tree's trunk, she wondered if she could fell the tree, to make a bridge. But.. Rose would attack her for knocking down a tree, it would end up a bridge for the others to cross, and she probably couldn't do it.. The great tree was a sturdy oak tree, times her height, but close enough to the river that she wouldn't have to move it far...

Wait, what was she thinking? Did she, a lone Salamence want to fell a giant tree and use it to cross a river? She had wings, dammit! With a growl, Storm paced into the undergrowth and turned, hoping to be able to get a running start to fly up. She wasn't very well practiced in running starts.. There wasn't much space to practice in a forest, and a well grown, crowded one, at that. She might fall into the river and be carried a good distance downstream, where she would be swept over the ever present waterfall and die. Or she might make it, and be killed by the Pokemon on the other side..

Well, wasn't her life a happy existance. Gathering up her nerve, Storm waited for a moment, before running towards the river and flaring her wings, bringing her to a stop, almost in the roaring river. What was she thinking? What reason did she really have to go over to the other side of the river, again? This was all stupid, Storm decided, and as she thought that, a shadow shifted, revealing yet another Pokemon.

What was with these Pokemon gathering on the other side of the river, after she and Rose had crossed? The Leafeon was in no condition to make another trip, and Storm didn't want to carry her, again. With a sigh, she turned around and went back to the tree she had slashed. She could catch a thermal, hopefully, and would rise..
Scazzer hissed when the icicles flew his way, and released a stream of fire, making the icicles disindigrate. He jumped towards a 30 foot branch, wihch was thick enough for him to stay on, and hissed again. "Fair enough. If bloodshed is what you want, You'll get it!"
He released a jet of red flames, that would, if thex would hit their target, badly scorch them. He turned away, and climbed higher, reaching the treetop and jumping to another one. A black figure flew trough the air, releasing a stream of black wherever it flew to. Scazzer rolled his eyes- Lancelot, the oversized honchkrow, always had to do a dreamatic opening when they met. He flew towards scazzer, and landed next to him. Now both were on high branches, already quite far from the crazed Persian. "Got yourself in trouble again, Scazzer?"
Lancelot asked, grinning. "Yes- everyone looks at me as a terror. Well, no wonder, im the size of a, well, big lizard. Im a land-shark. The name makes most pokemon fear me, Y'know. Anway, We've got to pass the river."
Lance simply nodded, and both relaxed a bit on the branch.
((Why am I always posting every other time? I see you guys there >:/))

Storm dug her claws into the tree, wishing she had curved claws or something that would be easier to climb with. Rose would definitely yell at her for hurting the tree so much, she thought with a quiet laugh, and paused, waiting for the tree to stop shaking so much. She had to stay close to the trunk, since there were no branches thick enough to hold her weight on this small thing, and continued painfully loudly. Storm stopped again at the highest branch she could climb to, without falling and cutting herself up on the branches, and looked across the river. There were faint specks of colour that she could see through the trees, though the spray..

This was a stupid, stupid idea, a voice in Storm's head argued, not very pleased with the fact that she was going to risk her life to see whatever Pokemon were on the other side of the river. Storm shook her head, causing a few more branches to rustle. Rose would take a while anyways, and something interesting could be happening, like an exchange of information, or a group of Pokemon getting together to control some land. She'd gain something from seeing what was across the river, for sure...

And there were rumors of humans moving further north, Storm assured herself. Maybe the Pokemon were going to attack them, or organize a group to do something about it?

Well, there was no point in guessing and speculating, when she could be seeing. For all she knew, it could just be that a predator had ripped open a big Pokemon, and smaller scavengers were flocking towards the scent of food. With a grunt, Storm leapt from the tree and soared out over the river, still painfully aware of how obvious she would be to anyone watching, and there seemed to be a good amount of Pokemon on the other side.

Barely crossing, Storm dug her claws into the riverbanks and pulled herself away from the raging water. Didn't want to get swept away, then. Quietly as she could, Storm paced into the undergrowth on the other side of the river, and made her way to the small group of Pokemon.

It seemed to be a fight, she noted, between two predators. There was no reward in it for her, Storm decided, and settled down for a moment. The few Pokemon were in the way of the tree she would need to climb to get back, and speed flights weren't fun. Might as well watch for a bit, then.

In front of her, a Persian stood in front of a Mismagius and Umbreon, shielding them with his body as he glared at a Garchomp, and a newly arrived Honchkrow. It was rather nice of him to spot them out for Storm, she wouldn't have noticed them otherwise. Well, if there was more violence, she'd burst out and help attack the Garchomp and Honchkrow, there were less Pokemon on their side, and the Honchkrow was large and might make a good meal.

In the Fifth, everything was of potential food value.
((Somewhat long post yaaaaaay~))
((Err, Scazzer and Lancelot have already left.))
Scazzer spat on the ground, and groaned- it was really hard to survive in the forests and keeping kelly's code. He jumped again, and closed his eyes in concentration. He sighed, relaxed, and his 'wings' started growing and glowing white, now big enough to carry him, even against wind currencies. "Okay, Im set. Lets go."
Scazzer said, Lancelot simply nodding in agreement. Lancelot spread his wings, looking more like a miserable monster of darkness than a majestic bird that most birds around were. He started flapping his wings, his body gettnig covered in a dark aura, wihch finally created a bubble around him. Scazzer closed his eyes in concentration, finally feelnig a wind currency which would carry him in the wished direction. He jumped to a treetop to the left, and then spread his 'wings', catching wind and slowly rising up. He was then in the air, glidnig on the oversized wings. He started moving, until he was in the right pose for a jet-flight, and got carried by the wind. He flew forward in amazing speed, easily catching up with Lancelot. Once he reached him, he held his arms in a way wihch resembled an airplane, now both the dragon and the witch-raven flying to the other side of the gigantic river.

((Meh also long.))
Edward snorted when the Garchomp retreated, stalking closer to Rinna's side. He nudged her, mostly ignoring Hex.

"I didn't see anything...it will probably be hard to get across, but we'll find a way. Are you ok?" He mumbled, helping the Umbreon out of the tree.

Rinna squeaked as she tumbled from the small opening, landing with a soft thud on her back on top of a fern. She righted herself and shook herself a bit. Edward yelped and started to examine her carefully of any signs of injury, and finding none, he sat before her. Rinna waved Hex closer.

"Maybe Hexxy can help us cross. Can you carry us, with psychic powers or anything?" Rinna purred, bobbing her head. "Or we'll have to find another way."

Edward nodded and sniffed the air a bit. Dragony smell...was it the Salamence from before? He tensed up.
((You guys, it's not a priority to cross the river and get to the cave, we just have to have seen or gotten everyone's names already :< Our characters just have to be able to recognize each other right now.))
As Storm watched, the Garchomp and Honchkrow left and made their towards the river, and the Persian tensed as he scented something.. Damn, that would probably be her.

"Alright, time to leave," she decided, muttering under her breath. She'd seen well enough, and she wasn't sure if the Persian was strong enough to tear into her or not.. though, sitting on him might kill him, she decided with a quiet laugh, before looking up to hopefully find a tree tall enough to climb, while still moving slowly backwards.

Rose yawned and dropped to her belly across the river. She'd had her fill of sunlight, and would probably be able to go for a while.. once Storm got back. Oh yes. The Salamence would take her time, she noted dryly, and found herself a comfortable position to be in. A sudden, unnatural movement over the river caught her eye, and she looked up uneasily. Over the river, not too far from her, were two dark shapes, easily spotted over the white, raging water. One was the dark blue of a Garchomp, she recognized those, and the other was a somewhat unfamiliar dark brown-blue, but obviously a bird, from what she could see.

This could be bad, she definitely wouldn't be able to stand up to the Honchkrow if they found her, though the Garchomp might be a different story.. Unless, like Storm, he know moves like Flamethower and Aerial Ace.. Thinking quickly, the Leafeon concentrated on the sunlight and let a few beams of the light form into a quadrupedal shape.. exactly the same as she looked. Rose looked to her left and blinked at her identical clone, who blinked and looked back.

She was whisked away to a safe spot where she wouldn't be seen, and nodded to herself as the substitute lay down in the undergrowth, completely hidden from sight, scent somewhat masked by the river. Hopefully, the substitute wouldn't even be seen, but caution was always good in the Fifth..
Scazzer landed on a treetop, and roared aloud, just for the fun of it. Lancelot landed next to him, and groaned. "Cant you stop roaring? You know, it might well attract some predators that are even bigger than you."
Scazzer laughed aloud, and smiled after stopping. "Might be, but all of us need ot release they're energy and hormone attacks, you know!"
Scazzer grinned while Lancelot simply groaned and put his wing on his witch-hat, using his wing as a hand and lowering the hat to cover his face. Then, from the corner of his eye, he noticed a salamance and a leafeon- however, the leafeon didnt seem to move at all. "Seems some of these who believe in the 'eat-or-be-eaten' 'code' are looking for our meat- that is, rather mine, your's tastes like diglett shit."
Scazzer chuckled, and grinned. "I see you like to taste everything which is classified under 'disgusting', huh?"
Lancelot rolled his eyes, and dint respond- instead, he looked at the tree they sat on- it was big, leafless, with lots of thick branches. He noticed a hole in the tree- it seemed to be hollow in several parts. He entered the hole, finding out, to his amazement, that it was just the size of a honchkrow- maybe the previous owner.
((Well, Edward and Rinna are trying to find a cave so they and their future kits can be safe, while Pike's just stalking Storm and Rose because he thought that Rose might become food at some point.))

There was still no scent of blood, Pike thought, a tiny bit annoyed. The large blue-red creature should have killed the leafeon already... The smeargle froze as he heard a tree rustle unnaturally loudly. A dark shape zoomed by overhead, something pale with red wings. Pike watched the creature land awkwardly on the other side of the river and disappear in the tall undergrowth. It did not seemed to be carrying the leafeon with it.

What really bothered Pike was that there was no scent of blood or fear anywhere around. Well, there was always the slight hint of fear in the Fifth no matter where you go, but the leafeon was close enough so that its fear should be overwhelming. Yet, it was not there... The smeargle weighed his chances. Leafeons are gentle and don't usually attack, and with the large clawed creature gone, it should be pretty safe to go check out the leafeon. And any chance of food in the Fifth is a good chance indeed.

Pike slowly slid through the thick undergrowth, letting his nose guide him. The smell was getting stronger, and Pike slowed down even more. There. Through the thick leaves, he could see a light cream and green creature. The leafeon... Yet something was strange. He could smell a stronger scent trail not leading to the leafeon, but away. Either there was two leafeons, which was unlikely, or the figure in the bushes was a fake.

Pike was about to investigate when he saw two things fly over the river, one a bird-like creature, the other he wasn't too sure. More pokemon? He ducked into the undergrowth and waited, suppressing his urge to escape. Movement will only cause attention, he knew, and it was better to stay and wait it out.
Scazzer jupmed off the tree he was on, landing on a patch of undergrowth. The palce was full of undergrowth- no wonder he landed in undergrowth. He roared again, but stopped when Lancelot pecked ihs head. "ow, ow, stop it, Lancelot!"
The honchkrow groaned and landed next to him. "You sohuld calm down, Scazzer. If you'll keep shouting it will make the bigger creatures come here, as i said before."
Scazzer shrugged. "Well, it also makes most pokemon run away in fear, so I can go harvest without small pokemon disturbing me while doing it. Also, thats quite a gain since im half vegetarian!"
He said, sticking his claw to the raven's chest. Lancelot gulped, and then said "Well, Im not vegetarian, as you know! I...Wait, did you see that?"
He said, pointing with his wing towards a small cream coloured object in the undergrowth. "Hmmm... I think I do. Well, its still you who always sees things better."
The honchkrow simply smiled, looking at Scazzer as he walked towards the thing, whatever it would be, and stopping 5 feet from it. He roared again, and then shouted "show yourself if you dont want to end up as cooked meat!"
Lancelot slowly followed them, smiling at the hope it might be a pokemon and potential meal.
Haaaaah. Rose smirked as she saw her substitute had worked, there was an odd green, muddy Pokemon nearby.. a Smeargle? Well, at least she had protected herself, Smeargles were rather unpredictable with that paint move.. Sketch, was it? Well, if she moved now, by the time any others had come she would be gone.

It wouldn't pay to wait around until her substitute was destroyed, and then she'd be killed next, though she'd put up whatever fight she could, for sure. Where was Storm? Surely, she couldn't have been held up by the Pokemon on the other side?

Storm looked towards the river, and hoped it was a good enough distance away for her to be able to make it across without anything.. yes, it was far enough, hopefully far enough for a running take off. She needed more practice at this, she decided, and suddenly turned towards the river and spread her wings, hoping for the rare, powerful updraft to be just where she needed it..

There was no such luck. Flapping her wings desperately, Storm took to the air not very far off the ground, and rose a few feet above the river. This is incredibly dangerous, she thought, looking down at the water below. A wave could rise above the tideline, and then where would I be?

Still, flying low had its advantages; the spray would make her invisible from above, and she would be able to roll in mud later and camouflage better. Touching down on the other side of the river, Storm immediately dug her claws into the ground and mixed the dirt with river water, creating a muddy patch for herself.

Quickly slapping some on, Storm raced into the undergrowth and ducked down, feeling safer now. It would be great to move on as soon as she found Rose, they had spent too much time here and a large or dangerous Pokemon of any kind would quickly pick up their trail. Ducking beneath the undergrowth, Storm picked up the scent of Rose and looked in the general direction of the scent. They'd have to cover their trail, later.

Rose glared down at the Garchomp and Honchkrow from her safe haven, and rolled her eyes. How stupid could a Pokemon be, yelling in the Fifth? She willed Storm to drop a Flamethrower on him from the sky, or something. If she was lucky, a Glalie would float over and freeze his head.

Willing the substitute forwards, Rose caused it to stand and shiver a bit, looking fearful, before turning and dashing into the forest. That should distract the Garchomp for a bit, if he went to chase after it, which he likely would. Storm, where are you, Rose reached out with her mind, hoping to find the Salamence.
Dawn's attention pricked to shouting far off. Curious, she began to head towards the noise, cautiously looking for a sign. The Ariados made almost no sound as she sneaked through all the undergrowth, trying to ignore the cold ground; she was used to the branches. What if the screech had come from a Flying-type...? Fear didn't strike her -- she could inject venom into it and then wrap it in silk... it would be agile though... a Spider Web first should fix that....

Dawn was looking forward for the shout, and didn't notice a nearby Leafeon.

((Depends on which one that is: is Rose on the ground?))
((The real Rose is unseen somewhere, the substitute Rose has run off into the forest. Like in the game, where does the real Pokemon go when it uses Substitute? *Answer: no one really knows.*))
Seraphim twitched when the form rolled out of the nook in the tree he was hiding under. So the energy he sensed was an Umbreon...it was natural for a Ghost type to sense other Pokemon...mostly Dark types.

"It appears to be pregnant...a she?" Seraphim tried to keep his voice as quiet as possible.

She didn't appear hostile. Perhaps he could talk to her? He was aware of the Persian from before dangerously close by...so he'd have to be discrete. With caution and invisibility, Seraphim's submerged shadow slowly crept down the tree and merged with the Umbreon's shadow.

"Hello? Can you...hear me?"

His voice was a mere whisper amongst the chatter. Hopefully she would hear and not jump in shock.
Scazzer shook his head. "Hm. Even if this is a pokemon, it should be small and scared. Plus, im not attacking helpless pokemon. And if we'll attack it, we might set the place on flames and you konw the rest."
Lancelot rolled his eyes. "Yea, whatever."
Scazzer looked around, and started digging in the ground, quickly disappearing. "See ya in the base."
He said before disappearing. Lancelot huffed, and jumped, flapping his wings. Once he reached a hieght of 10 feet, he released a dark pulse, meaning a beam of black energy covering almost all of the undergrowth, including the cream coloured thing, and hurting to anyone who might be in the undergrowth.
((20 foot radius, smeargle is in it))
((Yeah um no you're autohitting remember this shit
covering all/almost all the undergrowth is no))

Rose looked on from her safe spot, watching the Honchkrow do.. something. It was obviously meant to be an attack, no one wasted energy without some purpose..

Or it was just stupid. A lot of Pokemon, including the Garchomp it was with, were acting too stupid to live, so maybe it would get struck down by lightning, or something?

Her mother was a Jolteon, if she was here, she would just give the dumb bird a nice 10,000 volt shock and be done with it all. Too bad her mother was dead.

Storm scented something, other than Rose, very nearby. Other Pokemon.. there were at least two others.. A kind of bird-ish scent and something else, what? That bird was probably that Honchkrow from across the river, hopefully, Rose would have put up a Substitute, she was a smart Leafeon.

Once they found each other, it would be great if they just kept moving already. Raising her snout, Storm roared, calling up some strands of the energy inside her to make her voice something else, not just a call or yell. That should alert any Pokemon nearby to her presence, and probably that there was a Salamence that scented prey, or in this case, them.

Any Pokemon near Rose better watch out, Storm thought grimly, and bounded forwards.

Rose raised an ear at Storm's cry, and lowered herself slightly. So she was coming, and had probably scented whatever Pokemon there were. Okay.
"Carry you over? I'm not sure.." Hexagon said, "To begin with, I'm not sure if it would work at all, since you're a dark-type"

Nodding to a nearby stick, it began floating, radiating a deep purple light, as it began flying around him as if he waving it around with an invisible hand.

"if I can lift you, however, it's no problem carrying you over the river, since I hardly doubt that you're too heavy for me" he was now looking at Ed, with a rather malicious look. "But not Eddyboy here, because he's too fat!"

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