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  1. L

    A TCG Section here?

    Well, the PTCG is a part of Pokemon, and it deserves a little part of this forum to itself... lal So wut do you think? ~L_X_F
  2. L

    So...yeah...I'm here!

    Uh...well, if you do run the promo Eevee (I guess you play unlimited...), run one of them and use the MD CFF (Call for Family) Eevee. THEN you can get out your Eeveelutions fast. I'd focus on the Eeveelutions if I were you...and I'd take out the other cards... I don't play unlimited, but...I'll...
  3. L

    So...yeah...I'm here!

    Meh... Oh, well... There should... Well, first off, there's too much going on in the deck... Darkrai's is too slow compared to a TON of other cards...but...yeah...it's sill usable. If you do want to use it, run a 3-1 (MD-Lv.X) line with 4 Darkrai G. It's a LOT better IMO. Also, don't forget...
  4. L

    So...yeah...I'm here!

    Thanks Skroy! =3 Yay! I have no clue what your deck is, but...uh...IDK...but I recognize the cards in that banner (IDK why I'm saying this... It sounds n00bish to say them, but it also tells you I'm not a n00b... =P ) Roserade GL RR and Gardevoir PT. Sure... BTW, what's in your deck? Just...
  5. L

    Hai people!

    Hey! ^_^ Well...uh...I'm L_X_F, and I'm just curious...do you play the video games competitively? Well, yeah... That's it...so...yeah... =P I'm new here, too...so...uh...have a great time at TCoD! Yay! ~L_X_F
  6. L

    So...yeah...I'm here!

    Well, yeah... I'm L_X_F and I joined the forums, so...yeah... You can go and congradulate me if you want...so...yeah... So...I play the PTCG (Pokemon Trading Card Game) competitively, and I'm pretty good at it, so...yeah... If you play competitively (As in go to CC, SC, RC, and (possibly) Nats...
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