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So...yeah...I'm here!


Because MYghToxiTank is the best!
Well, yeah... I'm L_X_F and I joined the forums, so...yeah... You can go and congradulate me if you want...so...yeah...

So...I play the PTCG (Pokemon Trading Card Game) competitively, and I'm pretty good at it, so...yeah... If you play competitively (As in go to CC, SC, RC, and (possibly) Nats (And understand whatand of those mean) and can recite the text of Cosmic Power by memory, then that's who I'm looking for! :D), PM me. If you need help, PM me. If you want to talk about the TCG, PM me... I'm just a TCG guy, so...yeah...

I play the VG, and I know a LOT of competitive stuff! Just to brag a bit, I am a proud owner of an UNMODIFIED (No AR or other tools used on it) 31 IVed in EVERY STAT, Adamant, Technician Scizor (Which I use for Trapping XD)! I don't have Wi-fi, so...yeah...that's kinda bad... =P

I dislike the anime.

So...yeah... That's a bit about me, so...yeah... Oh...and I like saying "so...yeah..." a lot and I overuse ellipses...so...yeah... =P Bai!


BTW, I don't know how to get an Avatar... Help me! I have one option in the "Edit Avatar" thing, and that is to NOT use an Avatar...so...yeah... Do space for text...

I also want that word bar underneath my username to be filled... How do I do it!?!? I just can't find that place...

...and why don't you people who view the page actually POST something... >=O (GASP)
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Hello; bonjour; ciao; Γεια σας; こんにちは; kumusta; hola; hallo; hei; 餵; hej; merhaba; xin chào; derkenshnob; ellohay; and "hello" in all other languages which I have yet to translate.

Hi, nice to meetcha. I'm Skroy. Sorry for not replying yesterday when I viewed this thread; I was sleepy at the time. :3

Anyway, to fill that word bar underneath your username, or in other words your custom user title, go to "User CP" then click "Edit your details" under the section "Your Profile". Hopefully you'll know what to do once you're there.

To get an avatar... well, all you have to do is upload a picture 120 by 120 pixels or 64.0 KB (whichever is smaller). You should see that option there in the "Edit Avatar" sub-section.
Ooooh, a TCGer, eh? well well C:< Greetings, I am FMC / Lady Cookies / Full Metal / what have you, and I am also a player of the game. My main deck has been dubbed 'Black Ice', and I'll let you guess why, heh.

I hope you enjoy yourself and stick around~
Thanks Skroy! =3

Yay! I have no clue what your deck is, but...uh...IDK...but I recognize the cards in that banner (IDK why I'm saying this... It sounds n00bish to say them, but it also tells you I'm not a n00b... =P ) Roserade GL RR and Gardevoir PT. Sure... BTW, what's in your deck? Just wondering... I'm running MighToxiTank and I'm trying a teched-out Flygon! I'm trying three techs now, so...yeah... I just need a bit more consistant draw power...because after one prize I get too many cards in my hand to Cosmic Powah away... =P Looker's might be okay...or Cynthia's... =/ Oh, well... I'm glad another TCG player is here... BTW, is there a TCG section here?

Nah, we don't have a TCG section here - not many players here I guess. It'd be cool if we did though.

My Deck runs mostly on the earlier DP sets - Majestic Dawn and before mostly. Based around Darkrai (and the LvX) and Vaporeon/Glaceon/Umbreon. Shut stuff down with sleep and leech health with Darkrai (this one here mostly. I love this one.). Articuno and Regice run clean-up if I need them, and Kingdra comes in late-game to clean up. Sounds more complex than it really is x3. and I have one of the best Eevee cards ever, but I can only use it in non-tounrey play, sadly. :C

I run a few others too, mainly a killer Grass deck based around Leafeon LvX and a Colourless Energy mill with Blissey.

Meh... Oh, well... There should...

Well, first off, there's too much going on in the deck... Darkrai's is too slow compared to a TON of other cards...but...yeah...it's sill usable. If you do want to use it, run a 3-1 (MD-Lv.X) line with 4 Darkrai G. It's a LOT better IMO. Also, don't forget your PokeTun and SSU if you do that.

It goes rather well, especially if you lead with an Eevee or maybe Carvanha. Eevee is my best bet since I have four of them, and both of Eevee's water-typed evolutions have strong one-energy attacks. If you can't evolve the Eevee for a while, then stall with Sand Attack (and hope to god luck is on your side) or just Gnaw for no energy to build up the bench C: Umbreon's Poke-Body allows the Eeveelution you chose escape (provided you can get a hold of it) If you have the promo Eevee there on the bench (since it has very low HP I don't put it up much) you can pull it out free when you evolve the other Eevee.

I'm rambling! x3

I think that I set up a TCG club a while back... I could find and revive it. *nod*
Uh...well, if you do run the promo Eevee (I guess you play unlimited...), run one of them and use the MD CFF (Call for Family) Eevee. THEN you can get out your Eeveelutions fast. I'd focus on the Eeveelutions if I were you...and I'd take out the other cards... I don't play unlimited, but...I'll try the Pokemon Line...

2 Leafeon Lv.X MD
1 Leafeon RR
1 Leafeon MD-7
1 Flareon RR
3 Eevee MD-CFF
1 Eevee BSP-That one you were talking about
2 Shaymin Lv.X PT-126
2 Shaymin PT-15
1 Bronzong SF
1 Bronzor MD
2 Uxie LA
1 Azelf LA

And run 3 Scoop Up BaseSet for the Uxie. That's all I know in Unlimited... =/

Hello, my name is Zoltea, I am the friendly Jolteon who can tell you almost anything about the pokemon world that isn't even in the games.
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