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Search results

  1. kinra

    How to put a link in my sig pic?

    Hi i'm trying to put a link to my sprite shop (http://www.dragonflycave.com/forums/showthread.php?p=327378#post327378) in my sig but if i put and it doesent work. can anyone help???
  2. kinra

    Requests Open Kinra's sprite shop

    Hi, i am opening a sprite shop, (please note i am a newbie at this) i can do: most fusions recolours and that's it :D I'll [IMG] link to my photoshop, because this forum no like mah sprites :o Oh, and you DON'T need to put "made by kinra" if you REALLY don't want to. I'll try and do requests...
  3. kinra

    Ty :D

    Ty :D
  4. kinra

    Hi pplz :D

    i WANT to make it look gritty. Lol the scratch was all one colour, now it looks more... menacing. know what i mean? EDIT: Or should i spend another 30mins-1hour of my life doing it again? EDIT 2: Meh, i might as well do a mewtwo recolou- Oh wait! they are SOOO time consuming X-X
  5. kinra

    Hi pplz :D

    Speaking of sigs, any comments on mine? (Note the blood scratch and the evil mew/mewtwo eyes)
  6. kinra

    Hi pplz :D

    thanks all :D BTW, is there a "rate my sig" place in "Forum games?" i'm surprised theres not :o
  7. kinra

    Hi pplz :D

    eat tea and drink cod Does sound a little wierd XD Btw, is there a Splicing/recoulors section? because (as you can see in my sig, LOL) i do pokemon fusions/recolours
  8. kinra

    Hi pplz :D

    hi im new
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