• Welcome to The Cave of Dragonflies forums, where the smallest bugs live alongside the strongest dragons.

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    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?

Hi pplz :D

Hey there Kin... I can call you Kin, right? Anyway, welcome to TCoD, the place where you can eat tea and drink cod... wait, that doesn't sound right. =S

By the way, I'm Skroy Horitz. Hope you enjoy your time here. ^w^
eat tea and drink cod Does sound a little wierd
Btw, is there a Splicing/recoulors section?
because (as you can see in my sig, LOL)
i do pokemon fusions/recolours
Welcome to TCod, kinra! You have just joined one of the most random and insane forums the internet has ever seen. Don't let that scare you away though, the people here are some of the friendliest you'll ever find on a forum. So grab some tea and cod and join the party!
There should be a Rate my Sig somewhere around here, i think i've seen it, maybe not in games. Try Misc. discussion, if you can't find it there, try searching the forums.

And welcome, if you find any marbles, they're mine, i lost them. A long time ago...
Well, the sprites look okay except for the JPG, you don't want to save sprites in that, it makes them blurry. You want to use PNG, it keeps them clear. I'm kinda crappy at explaining things though, so you should probably just ask in The Spriters SHowcase, it should be one of teh first things you see under sprites and pixel art.
i WANT to make it look gritty.
Lol the scratch was all one colour, now it looks more... menacing. know what i mean?
EDIT: Or should i spend another 30mins-1hour of my life doing it again?
EDIT 2: Meh, i might as well do a mewtwo recolou- Oh wait! they are SOOO time consuming X-X
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...Recolors take me thirty seconds.

Anyways, hi, I'm Mewtwo, resident hypercat of the place. Nice to eat you!

...Oh, did I say eat?

I mean, er, meet! Yes, meet! *cheeses*
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