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Search results

  1. Bromine

    Bromine Vs. Sovie

    Alright, Good job to the both of you! Theodore First, since you're already up there, use the second part of fly to dive down onto Poochyena. After that, use psycho shift to transfer your poison status to Shroomish. Then use mirror move against Poochyena. If, however, any of your targets...
  2. Bromine

    Bromine Vs. Sovie

    Lets get to it then, shall we? First off, neither of you go anywhere near that poochyena's hole. Croquis: I want you to make yourself intangible to avoid that toxic that Shroomish is going to send at you. Stay intangible for the rest of your actions. On your second action, use an ominous...
  3. Bromine

    Bromine Vs. Sovie

    (Thanks for reffing this) I'll send out Theodore the hoothoot and Croquis the shuppet.
  4. Bromine

    Bank of TCoD

    Good thing it's still Friday then. 8+13= $21
  5. Bromine

    The Challenge Board

    Since my other battle hasn't given me much of a reason to be on lately, I'll take another. Hopefully I didn't mess up making the rules of this challenge. 2vs2 Double DQ: One week Damage Cap: 25% Banned and Restricted: OHKO's, Direct Healing Arena: Element Seal In the heart of a vast forest...
  6. Bromine

    Bromine vs. Wyvern

    I send out Grallator. Alright my arachnid ally, first I want you to throw out some Toxic Spikes around your area, rather than your opponet's. Then, staying put, launch a Pin Missile attack, and finish with Flash. Toxic Spikes (around yourself)~Pin Missile~Flash (also, my thanks to the ref)
  7. Bromine

    The Challenge Board

    I'll take your challenge.
  8. Bromine

    Pokémon Registration Office

    Re: Pokémon Registration Office Oh wait, I forgot to specify which ability for Hoothoot to have. [Wednesday] Feebas (F) - $5 [Theodore] Hoothoot (M) - $5 Ability: Keen Eye Bank Link
  9. Bromine

    Pokémon Registration Office

    Re: Pokémon Registration Office Purchasing: [Wednesday] Feebas (F) - $5 [Theodore] Hoothoot (M) - $5 Bank Link
  10. Bromine

    Bank of TCoD

    Purchasing two more Pokemon $18 - $10 = $8
  11. Bromine

    Profile Archive

    Active Squad Zangoose [Ephraim] Zangoose (M) Ability: Immunity Held Item: None Experience: None Obtained: Here shuppet [Croquis] Shuppet (F) Ability: Insomnia Held Item: None Experience: None Obtained: Here Spinarak [Grallator] Spinarak (M) Ability: Swarm Held Item: None Experience: None...
  12. Bromine

    Pokémon Registration Office

    Re: Pokémon Registration Office Purchasing Starters: [Ephraim] Zangoose (M) - $15 [Croquis] Shuppet (F) - $7 Ability: Insomnia [Grallator] Spinarak (M) - $5 Ability: Swarm Bank Link
  13. Bromine

    Bank of TCoD

    Purchasing Starters $45 - $27 = $18
  14. Bromine

    Bank of TCoD

    Requesting bank account.
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