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Bromine Vs. Sovie

Lars The Turtwig

Will probably not come back.
Arena description:
2vs2 Double
DQ: One week
Damage Cap: 25%
Banned and Restricted: OHKO's, Direct Healing
Arena: Element Seal

Team Bromine:

[Ephraim] Zangoose (M)
Ability: Immunity

[Croquis] Shuppet (F)
Ability: Insomnia

[Grallator] Spinarak (M)
Ability: Swarm

[Wednesday] Feebas (F)
Ability: Swift Swim

[Theodore] Hoothoot (M)
Ability: Keen Eye

Sovie's team:

[N/A] Torchic (Male)
Ability: Blaze

[N/A] Poochyena (Female)
Ability: Quick Feet

[N/A] Ralts (Male)
Ability: Synchronize

[N/A] Wingull (Male)
Ability: Keen Eye

[N/A] Shroomish (Female)
Ability: Effect Spore

Reff's note:
-Bromine sends out first
-Sovie sends out and commands
-Bromine issues commands
-I reff and will totally abuse the one week DQ time!
Alright, let's take these fools down! I'll start with Poochyena and Shroomish!

Poochyena, I want you to go into the circle and dig a hole underground, but stay in the hole. If you see a pokemon pass over you, I want you to fire a Shadow Ball upwards. After that, I want you to leap out of the hole and attack the closest pokemon to you with Sucker Punch.

Dig(stay down) ~ Shadow Ball ~ Sucker Punch

As for you, Shroomish, I want you to send some Spore the way of that Hoothoot, unless it's protected itself. If it has, use Toxic on Shuppet, then try and get a Leech Seed in on Shuppet. Finally, if either Shuppet or Hoothoot tries to attack you, use Protect. If not, use Sludge Bomb on Shuppet.

Spore/Toxic ~ Leech Seed ~ Protect/Sludge Bomb
Lets get to it then, shall we?

First off, neither of you go anywhere near that poochyena's hole.


I want you to make yourself intangible to avoid that toxic that Shroomish is going to
send at you. Stay intangible for the rest of your actions. On your second action, use an ominous wind against Shroomish. Then, chill.

Intangible-ize ~ ominous wind @ Shroomish ~ Chill


Use protect so Shroomish won't target you. Then while Shroomish is busy with
Croquis, hit it with wing attack. Finally, fly up as high as you can (but stay in the circle)

Protect ~ Wing Attack @ Shroomish ~ Fly up
Arena description:
2vs2 Double
DQ: One week
Damage Cap: 25%
Banned and Restricted: OHKO's, Direct Healing
Arena: Element Seal

In the heart of a vast forest lies a circular clearing with a complicated geometric pattern burned in the grass. Like the clearing it is circular, and it has 17 inner circles connected to each other by a number of lines. Each of these circles has some type of symbol within it. It has been observed that all beings within the circle lose their elemental affinity. Because of this oddity, the seal has gained popularity among trainers wishing to try something a little different.

Additional Rules:
-Flying/hovering above the symbol, burrowing under it, or phasing do not remove the effects of the circle. Only leaving the area will.
-The loss of elemental affinity means that every pokemon within the circle loses its weaknesses, immunities, resistances, and STAB.
-Flying/hovering pokemon will still be able to stay aloft, ghost pokemon will still be able to phase, water pokemon can still breath underwater, etc. as those abilities are more biological in nature.
-Immunities, resistances, and weaknesses granted by abilities (such as Flash Fire or Dry Skin) will not be affected.

In a gigantic forest, exactly in the middle, lies a strange, circular symbol that is burned on the ground. The strange symbol has 17 circles in it, each bearing the energy of one of the pokemon world's elements.
Four persons appear next to the symbol- A turtwig, the referee, two trainers, Sovie and Bromine, and the referee's Abra. The Abra and the referee walk aside, watching as both trainers eaxch grab two pokeballs and throw them and Theodore the hoothoot, accompanied by Croquis the Shuppet, appear on Bromine's side, While a nameless Poochyena and Shroomish appaer on Sovie's side. The trainers give their pokemon commands, and both sides get ready to start fighting.

Round 1

Team Sovie(OO)

Health: 100%
Energy: 100%
Commands: Dig(stay down) ~ Shadow Ball ~ Sucker Punch

Health: 100%
Energy: 100%
Commands: Spore@Theodore/Toxic@Croquis ~ Leech Seed@Croquis~ Protect/Sludge Bomb@Croquis

Bromine's Fellas(OO)

Health: 100%
Energy: 100%
Commands: Protect ~ Wing Attack @ Shroomish ~ Fly up

Health: 100%
Energy: 100%
Commands: Intangible-ize ~ ominous wind @ Shroomish ~ Chill

The four pokemon looked around, each of them inspecting the area they were about to fight in. Theodore and Croquis looked at each other grimly, a smug grin growing on their faces.

Theodore acted before any of the other pokemon realized what was going on. He started flapping his wings, and a blue glow started covering his eyes, slowly pulsing trough his body and going all the way towards his wings, which started creating something out of that glow. After a few moments, a barrier of glowing blue light was created before him, ready to block anything that will be thrown in its way.

Croquis was next to act. She started gathering ghostly energy around her body, eyes glowing red as her boy started becoming halfway transparent. Moments later, it became impossible to physically touch her, although she also locked herself to using special attacks, not that she cared about it much.

Sovie's Poochyena was a little confused about what reason her opponents would both throw up defensive moves, but didn't bother about it anyway. She started digging in the ground, throwing dust and dirt everywhere as her body started sinking into the ground, soon creating a straight downwards tunnel. She looked up and sat down, wondering how long she would have to wait until one of her opponents will show up.

The Shroomish stared murderously at Thedore, angry he foiled her plans of making him fall asleep. She looked at Croquis, a bit confused that the Shuppet became halfway transparent, even if she was a little transparent anyway. She started gathering acids in her body, crearting a disgusting sphere of poisons, and then released it towards Croquis, a satanic grin growing on her face. However, it quickly disappeared when she realized that what should have ruined Croquis' health actually missed it's target miserably, flying a few feet to the right of Croquis, hitting a tree, exploding and getting smeared on the ground.

Theodore chuckled to himself, and let the shield down, seeing it was of no use. He started flapping his wings again, and tucked in his leg, making him look like a legless hoothoot, and then flew towards Shroomish with astounding speed, slamming his wing against her, and flying backwards. However, when he reached his place, he noticed something- a lot of purple spores were stuck on his wing. He started flapping them in panic, but to no avail- the spores entered his body, and poison started flowing in his body. Theodore's face became a little bit green-ish, making Shroomish giggle.

Croquis groaned and rolled her eyes, thinking to herself how useless her partner was. She started muttering and creating wing around her body, ghostly energy going trough her body, and then released a tornado of ghostly wind towards Shroomish, knocking her backwards and making her roll a little.

Poochyena sighed, seeing that there was still not even the smallest of life signs above her. She decided she would have to wait, and curled herself down on the ground, getting sick of sitting and waiting.

Shroomish looked at Croquis agressively, getting ready to set up her next trap. She started storing seeds in her stomach, and then shot five seeds towards Croquis, each of them being connected to her by an almost transparent line. However, like the previous attack, the seeds landed on the ground, missing Croquis again, making Shroomish jump around angrily.

Theodore flapped his wings again, this time much faster than the previous times, and his body started moving upwards, and found out he was high in the sky after a short while. He looked at his enemy, Shroomish, from upwards, seeing how miserably weak she seemed to be now.

Croquis let out a sigh, and stopped floating, landing on the ground and closing her eyes, still staying intangible. Energy started filling her body, and she knew she was ready for the next round.

Poochyena growled, seeing nothing was happening above her, and reminded herself what her trainer's commands were. She jumped out of the hole, and looked around, seeing there were no opponents nearby, except the transparent Shuppet.

Shroomish charged towards Croquis, her mouth filled with poison, and spat towards her, throwing a big blob of poison that flew towards the Shuppet and exploded on her.

End Of Round 1

Team Sovie(OO)

Health: 100%
Energy: 100%
Status: Bored...

Health: 90%
Energy: 88%
Status: Grrr!

Bromine's Fellas(OO)

Health: 97%
Energy: 96%
Status: Hehehe. (Poisoned; 3% per round)

Health: 92%
Energy: 100%
Status: Feeling evil.​

Reff's notes:
-All attacks counted as non-STAB.
-Sorry about the late reffing, but my fucking computer made me a lot of trouble.
-Might have screwed up some stuff, sorry.
-Bromine attacks first next round.
-Both of Shroomish's status attacks missed.
-Effect spore poisoned Theodore.
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Alright, Good job to the both of you!


First, since you're already up there, use the second part of fly to dive down onto Poochyena. After that, use psycho shift to transfer your poison status to Shroomish.
Then use mirror move against Poochyena.

If, however, any of your targets should protect themselves I want you to use agility. (because I think that would be totally cool)

Fly@Poochyena / Agility ~ Psycho Shift@Shroomish / Agility ~ Mirror Move @ Poochyena / Agility


Since you're intangible and all, I want you to shadow ball Poochyena, then Shroomish, then chill.

If they protect, just forget the shadow ball and do ghosty things. Or something.

Shadow Ball@ Poochyena / ghosty things~ Shadow Ball@ Shroomish / ghosty things ~ Chill
Late DQ is late, but it has to be done.

Sovie is hereby DQ'ed.

Umm, so, if im not mistaken, Bromine gets 16$, I get 10$ for reffing, and Sovie gets nothing.

Thoedore, Poochyena, Shroomish, and Croquis each get 1 xp point.

Also: If money part doesn't count for double battles, then its 8$ for Bromine, 5$ for me, and nothing for Sovie.

This is my first double battle reffing so im not sure how it's done...
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