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Search results

  1. OliTheGeek

    Snom Mafia

    How does this all work? I’ve never played mafia before...
  2. OliTheGeek

    Snom Mafia

    .... hi?
  3. OliTheGeek

    Umbreon Fan Club

    that drawing is so cute!!
  4. OliTheGeek

    Clue Game Hints

    yes! i got it. thank's for the hint.
  5. OliTheGeek

    Clue Game Hints

    any hints for clue 29?
  6. OliTheGeek

    Clue Game Hints

    okay after looking at some other older forums about the same topic i got the anwer!
  7. OliTheGeek

    Clue Game Hints

    i tried doing that, but forty raichus wasn't the answer :(
  8. OliTheGeek

    Challenge Board

    i accept this challenge
  9. OliTheGeek

    Challenge Board

  10. OliTheGeek

    Challenge Board

    Banned/Restricted Moves: THE USUAL MOVES what are the "usual moves?"
  11. OliTheGeek

    Snom Mafia Signups

    yayy people!! when is this snom mafia game going to begin?
  12. OliTheGeek

    that looks really good!!

    that looks really good!!
  13. OliTheGeek

    Create Stuff & Chill

    Those are adorable!! I want to hug them, they look so fluffy!
  14. OliTheGeek

    Create Stuff & Chill

    These are amazing!! I drew myself (sort of, I traced the pokemon) with some of my favorite pokemon. (Also the art style is based off of Jaiden Animations)
  15. OliTheGeek

    Create a rainbow with Pokemon you like!

    Ah. Indeed you did. My bad.
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