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Search results

  1. #1 bro

    Obsessive Scribblers

    soooooooooo hey everyone, I'm getting into drawing and art and such a lot more recently. Mostly fakemon. In fact, almost entirely fakemon. :P Here's my DeviantArt that I just made. I currently have no friends :( so if you could add me (watch me? I haven't figured this site out yet) that would...
  2. #1 bro

    Your favourite genre of music?

    I voted "folk/indie/hipster" and "rap/hip-hop". I pretty much listen to p4kcore and rap, with a bit of metal sometimes too. I don't really have any genres, or at least major genres, that I dislike. For all the choices you named, I can give you multiple albums that I love. Well, except for...
  3. #1 bro

    What makes a pop song, a pop song?

    You guys have it all wrong :( Pop music is a genre with a certain "sound", much like how rock and blues and folk and classical are all genres with certain sounds. If I were a music theorist, I would be able to tell you what defines pop, much like how I can tell you that rock is music with an...
  4. #1 bro

    Is the Bible a quality book? (Fiction or not)

    This seems like a pretty irrelevant question for a few reasons 1) Like ultraviolet said, it was written a very very long time ago and it's impossible for us to read it the same way the intended audience did. 2) Somehow, I don't really think the writers of the Bible wrote it for people to read...
  5. #1 bro

    Theism, Religion and Lack thereof

    I apologize for derailing the thread, but are they not? I have never heard of this and it sounds like a genuinely interesting subject.
  6. #1 bro

    Hogwarts Houses

    I like how these quizzes make out Slytherin to be for stereotypical goth kids or something, despite the fact that none of the Slytherins in the book remotely fit that description. (well except for maybe young Snape) Clearly in real life Slytherin would be the "bro house". Not caring about...
  7. #1 bro

    Hogwarts Houses

    probably a Ravenclaw b/c 1: not nearly enough of a main character to be a Gryffindor 2: i like to think of myself as "not an immense vagina" so no to Hufflepuff 3: also like to think of myself as a kind of decent human being so no to Slytherin 4: am kind of smart I guess?
  8. #1 bro

    Slender Man: The Thing That Scared Something Awful And CAD Forums

    Are you sure? I couldn't make him out. The dialogue in this one seemed a bit forced, but I'm glad that this is up and running again. I'd imagine that the next few have already been shot, due to the cost of booking a hotel room and whatnot.
  9. #1 bro


    Re: brokémon I made two more. Chapome kind of sucks, but I really like how Arborm turned out. "50 told me go ahead switch the style up, and if they hate then let them hate and watch the money pile up." I started using colored outlines instead of the thick black outlines I used in the past, and...
  10. #1 bro


    Re: brokémon Thanks for the comments, guys! Go ahead, that would be awesome. I'm not exactly sure what you're proposing, but I can't imagine objecting to it. Go ahead, I suppose.
  11. #1 bro


    brokémon So recently I've been making fakemon. Right now, I have more than enough concepts for a dex of 150, perhaps 70 or so unassorted rough sketches on school papers, about 15 finished designs, and four finished pieces of artwork, which are below. Crits on both the pokémon design and the...
  12. #1 bro

    Easiest Final Bosses in video games

    Agreed. Ocarina of Time is a classic but it has a very weak final boss. I really hate the volleyball thing it makes you do with Ganondorf, and then the Ganon part is very boring/anticlimatic. Plus, Ganon himself just looks really strange and unimpressive. All 3D Zeldas since then have been...
  13. #1 bro

    Everyone's racist

    What country do you live in? I cannot imagine that anyone could live in the US and live a relatively average life (middle class, suburban house, public school) and never have heard this stereotype. I think that racist stereotypes are mostly caused by the media. It seems to me that people have...
  14. #1 bro

    haha np bro

    haha np bro
  15. #1 bro

    Theism, Religion and Lack thereof

    Re: STUPID, BIGOTED EVANGELICAL FATHER! think you mean westboro baptist church, bro, landover is a parody website oh sorry, probably should have rephrased that what I meant to say is that you cannot argue that supporting an all Christian society is somehow intolerant or morally wrong, but...
  16. #1 bro

    Everyone's racist

    okay then how about "i am gay" or "i hate all authority" or "i suffer from anxiety" or "i prefer to hang out in groups of 3-4 people than in a large crowd" or "i get bored very easily" or pretty much anything or even "i am sexist" or "i am homophobic" (I don't think everyone is these things...
  17. #1 bro

    Everyone's racist

    i do x, i had an average upbringing, therefore the average person does x? this is definitely not true edit: also this doesn't make sense, that's like saying "the equation x^2 - 1 will always be a positive number", followed by a person saying "not if you plug in 1/4", and you arguing that...
  18. #1 bro

    Everyone's racist

    I don't think that this is very good reasoning, (and I also am somehow doubtful that this actually is your genuine line of thought). You could substitute the first line with "i like milk" or "i played video games as a child" or "i am gay" or "i dislike short people" or almost anything you can...
  19. #1 bro

    Favorite Cover Songs?

    You aren't - the original Hurt is definitely better imho. I think the reason why people (including me) like Johnny Cash's version so much is the fact that he was able to transcend genre, and even cultural lines so effectively. Johnny Cash was a devout Christian who recorded in the country music...
  20. #1 bro

    Theism, Religion and Lack thereof

    Re: STUPID, BIGOTED EVANGELICAL FATHER! Pwnemon: Out of simple curiosity, do you believe that Adam and Eve story literally happened? What about the first part of Genesis, where God makes the world in seven days? Do you believe in evolution?
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