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Search results

  1. JHG


    Set wins. Set vs Superman Prime 1,000,000
  2. JHG


  3. JHG

    The hate for inanimate object pokemon seriously needs to stop.

    Chandelure is pretty cool; It's Dex entry makes me think of the One Ring.
  4. JHG


    Set wins. Set vs Ares
  5. JHG

    Things that you just can't understand

    Also, is Leon a high priest of the Charizard Church?
  6. JHG

    He's a homophobe.

    He's a homophobe.
  7. JHG

    Pokemon Go - Strategy/Tips Discussion Thread

    Use up those XL candies!
  8. JHG

    Rate the Pokémon above you on a scale from one to ten

    8/10 Rampardos
  9. JHG

    Legends Z-A

    Definitely no Kalos regulars.
  10. JHG

    Pokemon: Jirachi Wishmaker!

    It's not anywhere on streaming so I dunno where to get it aside from Apple TV rent.
  11. JHG

    Why does Ash look younger in Best Wishes?

    MandjTV says he should be 16 as of Best Wishes.
  12. JHG

    (V2) What do you think of...

    Sounds nice. Calling Turkey Türkiye.
  13. JHG

    Appreciate the Underapprectiated Pokémon

    Thanks to MandjTV, I now say "Minior is a golf ball. Kahili is a golfer. It just works!"
  14. JHG

    Best Wishes is the best Pokemon Series and X/Y is the worst

    Interesting. I actually prefer the Kalos seasons over the rest except maybe the beginning.
  15. JHG

    12th Movie = EPIC

    Arceus and the Jewel of Life? Eh, it's alright.
  16. JHG

    Really? I thought peace negotiators were good.

    Really? I thought peace negotiators were good.
  17. JHG

    Pokemon-ify a thing

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