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Search results

  1. Mr.RMA

    Sojaveña Wilds Bedaurejo Castle Mystery Dungeon

    Without another reviver seed, Corey was left to weakly recover on his own. Fortunately despite the second knockout his consciousness returned rather quickly this time, likely as their opponents on this occasion were not aiming to kill or severely injure... but he still felt too weak to stand...
  2. Mr.RMA

    Sojaveña Wilds Bedaurejo Castle Mystery Dungeon

    The blast of ghostly force launched Corey back, knocking him against the hard stone floor of the castle parapet. Though he hadn't lost consciousness yet, the ensuing freezing cold wind that subsequently covered him was enough to drain his last remaining strength. Again his frail body was failing...
  3. Mr.RMA

    Sojaveña Wilds Bedaurejo Castle Mystery Dungeon

    No more waiting around. He had his energy back, and he was damn-well going to use it... Would it almost guarantee a lights-out retaliation? Oh, most likely, but Corey said he was here to fight alongside both Pokemon and humanity alike, and if that meant putting his own neck on the line to prove...
  4. Mr.RMA

    Sojaveña Wilds Bedaurejo Castle Mystery Dungeon

    Pain... lots of pain... cutting pain, and ghastly pain alike. Were they targeting him in particular? He should've just kept his mouth shut... why didn't he realize it by now that every time he spoke with any degree of confidence, those words would be thrown right back into his face? Why couldn't...
  5. Mr.RMA

    Sojaveña Wilds Bedaurejo Castle Mystery Dungeon

    Corey was intent on drowning out any potential distractions by getting into the fight quickly, teleporting himself atop the central tower where the opposition awaited, dousing the area in bright fae light before directing his attention to the Noivern, sending a direct wave of pure, crushing...
  6. Mr.RMA

    Sojaveña Wilds Bedaurejo Castle Mystery Dungeon

    Corey shivered hearing the condemning words coming from the unfamiliar Sneasel... Words that sounded just a little too familair to the ones he'd heard from a certain band of criminals who believed they were speaking truth to power by damning the way human culture treated Pokemon... lumping them...
  7. Mr.RMA

    Sojaveña Wilds Bedaurejo Castle Mystery Dungeon

    Corey managed to hold fast after Valere's particularly grand entrance, though he likely looked more than a little taken aback behind the bandages. What a brilliant maneuver, even for a creature as graceful as a Gallade... and yet that didn't seem to dull his cynicism... Not so surprising if he'd...
  8. Mr.RMA

    Sojaveña Wilds Bedaurejo Castle Mystery Dungeon

    So this was a Mystery Dungeon then... The perpetual late twilight was an interesting touch... with a permanent moon and everything. The castle at first glance didn't seem too out of the ordinary... at least, when it came to how ordinary an ornate castle could be, but there were faint... hints...
  9. Mr.RMA

    Frontier Town Sand Veil Archives

    "Honestly I'd be up for regular little battles, y'know, nothing too serious just like a quick spar..." Corey remarked, though as he looked back at Archie and his subsequent reactions, he did begin to wonder if maybe he was starting to lose himself a little bit in this new body... "...Ah, all...
  10. Mr.RMA

    Frontier Town Sand Veil Archives

    "No, no, I'm fine, Archie, I promise," Corey said, disregarding the fact that he had one some fresh bandages to hide some of the bruises left from the sparring match. "Just had a quick bout, y'know, to stay loose and all. That's how word got out about those new techniques everyone's been trying...
  11. Mr.RMA

    Frontier Town Sand Veil Archives

    Corey was up with a jolt, clutching at his chest in surprise at the sudden wake-up call. “Tarahn… god you’re going to give me a heart-attack sneaking up on me like that,” he muttered, telekinetically re-stacking the papers and pushing them a good distance away from the Toxel before he could do...
  12. Mr.RMA

    Frontier Town Nina's Place

    Corey merely looked at Ghaspius with a hint of incredulity at his question. “Uh… I’m afraid I left my notepad in my other suit…” he remarked in a deadpan demeanor. “Nonetheless… I’m sure we’ll attune to the whole geographic nature of the area eventually. Maybe this Nolan will even be inclined...
  13. Mr.RMA

    Frontier Town Nina's Place

    Demons and demonic ferals... A rather horrifying concept to say the least... and judging by how Dakota described them, there seemed to be a pretty good chance these shadow-beasts, or whatever they truly were, were related in some fashion. "Look, Mr. Dakota, we need any information we can get...
  14. Mr.RMA

    Frontier Town Sand Veil Archives
    Threadmarks: [Ch02] "I'm Learnding" (Corey, Archie, Tarahn)

    Back to studying... It was really all Corey could bring himself to do after the eventful few days of sparring with samurai, mythical encounters, and strange bar room conversations. He was closely reading through every newspaper article available, looking for a sign, any sign whatsoever, that he...
  15. Mr.RMA

    Frontier Town Nina's Place

    "Well if that's the case, I sure hope it won't be much longer... Certainly feels like we've been here for a while," Corey said. "We've mostly just been lingering about, trying to help people however we can, hence the whole situation with the mayor and all. Can't speak for all the others...
  16. Mr.RMA

    Frontier Town Nina's Place

    "Hah... you sound like a famous fella from Hoenn, going on about rocks like that," Corey remarked, though as far as he was concerned that had to have been entirely coincidental. No way such a legend would've gotten roped into this ordeal, right? "I... suppose it is a waste of time to try and...
  17. Mr.RMA

    Frontier Town Nina's Place

    So... this Monferno, he traveled with humans? Huh... no wonder why he seemed to have such a high opinion of them... Must've come across some of the kinder souls... hopefully at least, unless they were the highly deceitful type... Plenty of humans that fit that variety too... "Would you...
  18. Mr.RMA

    Frontier Town Nina's Place

    "People talk... and the word tends to travel," Corey said, intentionally leaving things vague... after all, he wasn't going to throw any of his allies under the bus, and they're the ones who had mostly informed him of all this. "Problem is, it's been rather difficult to collect any proof, but...
  19. Mr.RMA

    Frontier Town Nina's Place

    "Yeah..." Corey cautiously replied. For a moment he tried to think back to what he'd learned from the others just to make sure he wasn't completely talking out of his ass. "From the sound of it, there are 'mon of human origin... or possessing of human ancestry, who see themselves as superior...
  20. Mr.RMA

    Frontier Town Nina's Place

    On one hand, he’d been through enough in this world to take to heart the Monferno’s suggestion that this world operated differently from his own… he’d been rather aggressively reminded of that every time he made such a previous error in judgement after all. Yet, on the other hand, this business...
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