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Sojaveña Wilds Bedaurejo Castle Mystery Dungeon

"Our current mission is to get stronger and research the current state of the world," Mhynt replied plainly, arms crossed. "I suppose some of us qualify as humans or... otherwise, but we are bound by our circumstances. I suppose you could say that while we grow our strength and research the field, we are on standing orders to not get into too much trouble.

"We appear to be bad at that."
Laura took an automatic bracing stance against the ripple of air and energy from the psychic attack. She'd been in enough big-stadium battles not to be phased by a bit of showboating... but howls, this guy meant business.

She had been quiet as everyone else chimed in, and was quiet now as Valere asked pokémon to speak for themselves. Like hell was she going to put her foot in her mouth now by speaking up. That Gallade probably already knew who was human or not just from their auras, or some shit. There was no way a guy routinely fighting humans – especially clandestine ones – wouldn't have ways of telling.

So she just glanced nervously at the other party members... and braced herself for whatever Isidora would say.
Human said:
"You could say we're something of a united front, humankind and Pokemon-kind alike, seeking to help one another, and we're not in the business of putting one before the other,"
The ralts’ words had bristled the sneasel's fur. Of course he’d speak for her. Why wouldn’t he? It was only natural.

Valere said:
"You're not the first person to tell me that, either," Valere said to Corey, his eyes like stone. "Everyone who says that believes it, too. If you're a united front, then I want to hear what the Pokemon have to say, rather than humans speaking for them."
Isidora knew why she was here. She knew that, by answering this honestly, she'd make everyone look bad.

That, of course, was the reason why Valere asked, wasn't it? The reason she was here.

She compartmentalized all of her fear and dread. And then turned it into words. "It's a load of shit."

She took two steps forward and let them both embolden her. "I've never met a human personally before now, but in the world I come from? It's ruled by humans." A deep breath. "The history of my world is the history of the way they've screwed it up. They've claimed ownership over everything, and use that ownership purely for their own ends, regardless of consequences. That includes the world's pokémon, who have all been enslaved thanks to the use of their advanced technology, something they call 'Poké Balls,' devices that contain and restrict our freedom. And the humans who enslave us have the gall to call themselves 'Pokémon Trainers,' all in the name of the 'unity' they've convinced themselves they've formed." She clenched a paw. "The only reason I'm here is because of a hero long before me who fought to liberate us from that unity."

The sneasel glanced back at the group and glared at them. "In that world, humans and pokémon are fundamentally unequal. Any human you meet, they can say they're dedicated to pokémon. They could throw whatever idealistic crap they want at you." She tapped a claw against her head. "But ideals don't change who you are. They don't change where you've come from. They're born from it."
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"Our current mission is to get stronger and research the current state of the world," Mhynt replied plainly, arms crossed. "I suppose some of us qualify as humans or... otherwise, but we are bound by our circumstances. I suppose you could say that while we grow our strength and research the field, we are on standing orders to not get into too much trouble."
Valere nodded to Mhynt. Something in his eyes seemed like he wasn't sure how to identify her. "That's a mission I can relate to. But even if you're bound by circumstance, you can find yourself on a very different path. And with the kind of strength you'll have by then..." He let out a dry, ironic chuckle. "You all could just as well doom this world, you know that?"

"In that world, humans and pokémon are fundamentally unequal. Any human you meet, they can say they're dedicated to pokémon. They could throw whatever idealistic crap they want at you." She tapped a claw against her head. "But ideals don't change who you are. They don't change where you've come from. They're borne from it."
The courtyard was deathly silent. It was a long time before Valere spoke, his expression grave. "I wasn't expecting to hear the same kinds of things I've had to say so many times. There's differences, but..." He shook his head, as if not letting certain thoughts arise.

His eyes drifted to the others, the humans. "Did you know that the group I'm opposing is also seeking to save us? From our own nature. Would you even recognize them when they claim the same ideals as you?"

The Gallade stopped, letting his arms hang by his side. He exhaled heavily. "No. There's not much good talking will do until I've seen your hearts." He leveled a bladed arm at the party. "We'll battle. Here, now."
Corey shivered hearing the condemning words coming from the unfamiliar Sneasel... Words that sounded just a little too familair to the ones he'd heard from a certain band of criminals who believed they were speaking truth to power by damning the way human culture treated Pokemon... lumping them all together as if they were nothing more than an oppressive machine seeking only to use Pokemon until they were without any further benefit and tossing them aside... How dare they think such things... how dare anyone think he was here to belittle Pokemon or see them as lesser creatures... He wasn't here to play some messianic hero, god knows he wasn't deserving of such a grand position anyways... He just wanted to help, and this was what they thought of it?

"Despite the statements to the contrary... I stand by what I've said, not the words of past humans you have encountered... but... if this is what you wish, then you'll have it."
Farin was silent throughout the entire exchange, her expression unreadable. Towards Valere, she nodded and took off towards one of the many makeshift perches in the area, her wings spread wide, ready to take an assault from above.

'Actions speak louder than words,' she projected, her "voice" sounding far more serious. 'Prove how strongly you believe them to Valere and I. Otherwise...' Farin trailed off, not finishing her sentence, leaving only implication behind.
"Did you know that the group I'm opposing is also seeking to save us? From our own nature. Would you even recognize them when they claim the same ideals as you?"

"I'm not surprised to hear it. Ideals are malleable. A good wordsmith can promise you salvation from yourself, and a fool can throw around words like 'united front' without understanding that the fact he's here disproves his own point. We can recognize them when their idea what of a 'saved world' looks like is one where they've bent the people here to their—"

Gladion sighed. "Nevermind, I guess we can also just fight..."
"I can understand not knowing the threat you're up against," he said with a heavy exhale. "But why are you here? Why you? What is your motivation? Anyone can say they want to help, even while they're causing the most pain."
I've never met a human personally before now, but in the world I come from? It's ruled by humans." A deep breath. "The history of my world is the history of the way they've screwed it up.

She ran. If she were honest with herself, that's really what her reason for being here boiled down to. She'd needed an escape - albeit one she understood from the beginning to be temporary - from the ghosts and cultists hunting them down. But she still knew there was work here to be doing, and that was, in essence, a condition of her escape.

But was her reason for helping nothing more than an agreed-upon obligation?

No, it wasn't. But while she internally debated how best to respond to Valere, the normal-looking sneasel stunned everyone into silence. So much for 'unified front'.

She could argue. In her world, it was the ghost pokemon and the humans that followed them that were destroying the world. Sure, humans were involved, but they weren't the ones in control. But how would revealing that matter when she didn't know why? All she did know was that she was here, now, with a purpose.

When she spoke, she kept her thoughts as precise as she could, struggling not to let her anger spill into her words.

To Isidora: "One world's humans don't represent all humans. We all answered the call, human and pokemon alike. Whether you like it or not, we're still unified in that."

Then she turned to Valere and Farin, sinking down into her defensive position. "You wanna see our hearts? I'll show ya heart."
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Laura burned with anxiety and frustration. This guy was fighting humans who claimed to be saviours, and everything everyone was saying was only gonna confirm his beliefs. Fucking brilliant. And worse than that, Isidora came from a world where humans enslaved pokémon – sapient pokémon – by the sound of it without so much as lip-service to partnership and consent. Howls, no wonder she didn't trust any of them. She must be fucking terrified of them. And nobody seemed to care.

She tried to catch Isidora's eye, her own face aghast with sympathetic horror, and mouth I'm so sorry to her, signing under her breath, paw-over-paw, [I don't blame you.]

There was no time to talk this out. They were gonna have to fight. Now would be a great fucking time for the cloud of light to vouch for them...

She wet her mouth, and clenched her paws until her claws pricked her palms.

"You wanted to know my motivation," she said, trying to project her voice above the hubbub and bicker. She couldn't ramble. Not now. "In my other life... my best friend was a purrloin. She's... in trouble now, and I'm responsible for it. I made a mistake I'm still trying to make up for. And I'm here because I think it's what she'd want. She'd want me to answer a call for help."

She swallowed, glancing around at her party members. Confused, offended, angry, hurt. How the fuck they'd measure up here, she really didn't know. But they had to try.

"We'll fight you, Valere," she said, decisively. With conviction. "We'll show you how determined we are!"
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"You can stand by what you've said and still have the same ideals as the humans I know," Valere said simply. Then he leaped high into the air, landing on Farin's back as she swooped by. The pair circled the great stone tower at the center of the dungeon's stable zone until they reached its apex, where Valere jumped from her back and landed right in the center of the pillar. He aimed a blade skyward.

"Our first battle will be as neither allies nor enemies. Show me why you fight!"

Enemy Phase, Turn 0

Valere's Vigilance - His defenses raised by 1 and he gained +1 King's Shield. The terrain became psychic.
Farin's Alacrity - Her reflexes raised by 2. A tailwind started to blow
Corey was intent on drowning out any potential distractions by getting into the fight quickly, teleporting himself atop the central tower where the opposition awaited, dousing the area in bright fae light before directing his attention to the Noivern, sending a direct wave of pure, crushing telekinetic force her way. A leppa berry floated into his mouth as he shifted his focus to Valere, seeking out the Gallade's ability.

Corey (60 STM, 5 TMP, +0 SPD, +0 ACC)
- Teleport to Central Tower(-20 STM, +2 TMP)
- Dazzling Gleam @ Farin, Valere (-20 STM, +3 TMP)
- STRONG Psychic @ Farin (-27 STM, +5 TMP)
- **Bonus Action:** Item (Leppa Berry) (+40 STM)
Net change: -27 STM, +10 TMP
Net totals: 33 STM (48 after regen), 15 TMP
Trace: Valere
"But why are you here? Why you? What is your motivation? Anyone can say they want to help, even while they're causing the most pain."

Silver stared numbly at the Gallade. Those were reasonable questions, and yet he couldn’t think of proper answers. He blinked slowly, his gaze and mind blank.

‘Why me…?’ He blinked again, uncertain. ‘Why… me…’

But before he could even think of some answer, the other Sneasel began a tirade about humans, making them sound like slaver freaks. All Silver could do was stare at her in numb shock. The words cut deep, mercilessly unearthing phantom pains he had buried years ago.

Because deep down… she wasn’t really wrong. Many humans he knew were far from the noble heroes of legends…

Pokémon. What an interesting resource they are. Don’t you agree, boy?

Wealth. Power. Status. That’s all that matters in this world, and Pokémon are the tools to reach this goal.

…Make sure to never forget that.

Guilt began bubbling painfully in his chest and his breathing quickened. Slowly, he brought his poncho to his mouth and clutched it tightly, digging his claws so deep that they scratched his chin, and he squeezed his eyes shut.

Calm. He needed to stay calm. Calm! Calm. Calm…

…And then, it clicked. Silver couldn’t really blame the Sneasel and Gallade for not trusting humans. They… probably never got the chance to meet a human they could truly trust, if at all.

Just as slowly, Silver lowered his poncho and stared back at the glaring Isidora. No longer was his face marked by guilt. Instead, only sorrow and sympathy shone into his red eyes.

“…I’m sorry.” Silver told her, before looking away while rubbing an arm with his claws. “I’m sorry that the humans in your world were pieces of crap.”

He breathed out deeply. “I’m not gonna try defending myself or others because I doubt you wanna hear the words of a monster. But lemme ask you this: There are millions of universes. Is it so unreasonable for humans in some worlds to be actually… good?”

Then, Silver turned to the Valere, just as he mounted Farin.

“As of why I’ve been summoned…” Silver shrugged and shook his head. “I dunno. I never considered myself a hero, so I dunno why it was me.”

Then, he lifted one claw, and his voice resonated with determination. “But! There is one thing I know for sure. Humans, Pokémon, gods, whatever! Everyone has the right to pick the path they wanna follow, without anyone forcing their views onto them.”

“And that’s what I keep fighting for…” Silver took his usual battle stance, the silver of the moon shining on his claws and gems, “the right to choose your own destiny. That’s my ikigai!”
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[Just pretend I put Mobile Scarf flavour here I don't have any clue how to flavour this thing— I might edit it in tomorrow, we'll see]

Farin was fast, but... Well, Gladion had his own trick up his sleeve. He'd work a bit with thermal regulation before because it was just useful here, and once it started to sound like Farin had been challenging him to a fight, he'd refined it into Icy Wind. That should help keep her and Valere under control.

However, he wasn't the only one to chase them up the tower. If they were swept off the tower, it would give the duo the upper hand... But turnabout was fair play, and so Gladion moved to try to shove Valere with his helmet. With so many of them up there, and limited space to move, Gladion figured there would only be so much that could physically be done to avoid it all. Either Valere would concede hits to the others to avoid the fall, or he... wouldn't.

"Listen, the dramatic tower thing was cool once, but you're overdoing it a bit, don't you think?"

Gladion (61 STM, 5 TMP, +0 SPD, +0 ACC)
- **Bonus Action:** Dash to Central Tower (-2 TMP)
- Icy Wind @ Farin and Valere (-23 STM, hit, -1 TMP, +2 TMP)
- Roar @ Valere (-15 STM, +2 TMP)
Net change: -38 STM, +8 TMP
Net totals: 23 STM (38 after regen), 6 TMP
Isidora ignored the comments from the 'snivy' and 'weird sneasel.' They sure believe some convenient things, don't they? But it didn't matter, they didn't need to get it and she didn't expect them to. That's what this fight was here to prove, after all. Her claws flexed as the anxiety in her stomach pulsed. She was ready to do something with all this.

Isidora dashed towards the tower and lodged her claws into its side. They were not made for scaling stone, and she could feel that as she began her climb, but she put her best into it. She was still here to prove herself, too.

But as she hopped over the edge, that's when she noticed it. There was an odd, violet energy suffusing the ground. It made her feel... slower? What?

She had to play this safe then, especially with the gallade close by. White energy surrounded her and she pounced forward, and as her foot hit the ground, the energy in her body split. As she jumped left, another her jumped right, and then both of her rushed towards the noivern with bared claws.

Isidora (66 STM, 5 TMP, +0 SPD, +0 ACC)
- Walk to Central Tower
- **Bonus Action:** Dash to Central Tower (-2 TMP)
- Double Team (-9 STM, +2 TMP)
- Power-Up Punch @ Farin (-14 STM, Sure Hit, +2 TMP)
- [Spotter T0, Farin's Gear]
- Feint @ Farin (-4 STM, +2 TMP)
- STRONG Ice Shard @ Farin (-7.5 STM, +4 TMP)
Net change: -35 STM, +8 TMP
Net totals: 31 STM (47 after regen), 13 TMP
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When Laura offered her own motivation for being here, Kimiko debated stepping up again and sharing her own, too. But she didn't. She'd already said what mattered. Valere and Farin were prepping for a fight, and they were about to see her resolve. Words weren't important now.

There was nothing else to do but hitch a ride up the central tower and dive headfirst into the fight. For all his showboating bluster, Valere seemed to be in a defensive stance. So Kimiko ignored him, betting on her hunch that the noivern Farin was the more immediate threat.


Kimiko caster aux Dragon-type @ Farin

Ignore these if Cress/Jackie post before deadline:

Laura spotter aux (Farin's moveset OR Valere's offensive stats, whichever Mhynt does not pick.)

Silver defender aux (protect shield on Isidora)
"Hm. Interesting." Mhynt crossed her arms, analyzing the battlefield. Listening to the noise in her mind as everyone rapidly connected and understood everyone's intentions. This power of coordination... Yes. this was a powerful tool.

"Hello," said Mhynt to Ridley, patting the him on the head--cloth? What an odd texture--before saying, "Get ready."


And one blip later, and they were at the top of the tower. She hopped away and went for a quick jab with a strange, ruinous energy in her fingers, aimed with great precision against Farin right off.

Perhaps that'll give them something to think about...

Mhynt (63 STM, 5 TMP, +0 SPD, +0 ACC)
- **Bonus Action:** Focus (+5 TMP)
- Teleport w/ Ridley to Central Tower! (-20 STM, -10 TMP, +2 TMP)
- Toxic @ Farin (-20 STM, Sure Hit, +2 TMP)
Net change: -40 STM, -1 TMP
Net totals: 23 STM (38 after regen), 4 TMP

SPOTTER: Farin's moveset!
Pokemon weren't people in Ridley's world. Maybe that helped him here. He could see, suddenly, the sort of person he might have been if things were otherwise. It was easy, so easy, to make unilateral statements about unity, and not even notice you were doing it...

People are people. Those are my ideals, or whatever.

And the best thing he could do right now for people - for pokemon - was to stay quiet instead of drowning their words out with his own. This wasn't his argument to win.

Then he leaped high into the air, landing on Farin's back as she swooped by. The pair circled the great stone tower at the center of the dungeon's stable zone until they reached its apex, where Valere jumped from her back and landed right in the center of the pillar. He aimed a blade skyward.

"These two are a real pair of showboaters, huh," Ridley muttered, half-admiring and half-amused. First their introductions, silhouetted dramatically against the moonlight, and now this; Ridley was almost surprised when Valere merely jumped off Farin's back instead of backflipping.

"Hello," said Mhynt to Ridley, patting the him on the head--cloth? What an odd texture--before saying, "Get ready."
And one blip later, and they were at the top of the tower.

Get ready for wha- oh.

The sudden teleport was disorientating. "Thanks for the assist," Ridley managed. A little more warning would have been nice! He hadn't even known she could do that!

He took a moment to focus and reorient himself - the tower, the noivern, the gallade - and felt fairy-type energy building under his disguise.

All right, then. Fight time.

Ridley (66 STM, 5 TMP, +0 SPD, +0 ACC)
- **Bonus Action:** Focus (+5 TMP)
- Baby-Doll Eyes @ Valere (-10 STM, +2 TMP)
- Scary Face @ ROGUE FEAT: Farin & Valere (-18 STM, -8 TMP, +2 TMP)
- Play Rough @ Farin (-16 STM, hit, -2 TMP, +2 TMP)
Net change: -44 STM, +1 TMP
Net totals: 22 STM (38 after regen), 6 TMP
Silver flexed his claws, his gaze focused on his opponents. Indeed, he was a Trainer, and he was going to do what an Ace Trainer can do best: Gauge the situation and act accordingly.

So, the matchup wasn’t favorable for him. Flying and Psychic were tricky types to work around. His teammates had a better chance at dealing some good damage, which meant…

The now-Sneasel snorted, not looking forward to what he was going to do. After bringing his claws to his chest, he began sapping some of his own energy, his body shivering a bit due to the strain.

And then, poof! A small red-haired human doll appeared in his grasp, its chest glowing with a peculiar aura. He held it over his head, and after quickly deciding who he believed was the most vulnerable teammate, he flung the doll in the direction of the other Sneasel.

Turn 1 (Defender Action): Silver used Substitute! The Silver Doll is drawing attacks to itself and shielding Isidora! (Protect +1)
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Laura's eyes flicked around the battlefield, automatically thinking like a trainer in battle – look to the terrain, the high ground, the type matchups, everything that could matter... Hard to tell who was most at risk, but the Sneasels sure seemed vulnerable. And of those, they desperately needed to back up Isidora. If they left their born-pokémon teammates out to dry, they may as well have lost already.

Just how bad was the threat, though...?

Laura scrambled up the tower without thinking, each jump hardly an effort, her claws gripping at chiseled stone. Cat instincts! And there was Valere, his gaze only on angles of melée attack, his blades up, clearly a physical fighter. Close quarters, of course. She'd seen enough well-trained league fighters by now to catch the tells...

Laura's Spotter Skill!
Valere's offenses: 52 Atk, 33 Mag!

He was a good fighter. Serious. Prepared. He'd prepare a Fighting-type strike, and—

"Isidora, heads up!" yelled Laura, as the Sacred Sword came cutting through the air. Dodged. Thank the howlers.

Just draw fire, call attacks, get a read on their opponents... She could do that.

...And maybe more than that, she thought, her eyes on some tightly-bundled fabrics at the edge of the tower's crenellations.

Interact: unfurl Protectorate banners down the sides of the tower to mitigate the difficulty of climbing it.
Player Phase, Turn 1

Corey's Dazzling Gleam was dodged by Farin! Valere's King's Shield broke.
Corey's STRONG Psychic dealt a grazing 10 dmg to Farin!
Isidora's Power-Up Punch dealt 6 dmg to Farin! +1 Atk
Isidora's Feint dealt 8 dmg to Farin!
Isidora's STRONG Ice Shard dealt 25 dmg to Farin!
Mhynt badly poisoned Farin!
Ridley's Play Rough dealt 17 dmg to Farin!
Kimiko's Dragon Wave dealt 14 dmg to Farin!
Silver is defending Isidora!
Gladion's Icy Wind dealt 4 to Farin and 3 to Valere! Farin was slowed.
Gladion roared Valere into the courtyard!
Isidora's intel: Farin's Gear
Detect Bandana - The holder has +1 innate Acc and Eva.
Bright Powder - Once per turn, the holder may pay 10 tempo to gain +1 half-dodge.
Mhynt's intel: Farin's moveset
Air Cutter
Dragon Pulse
Shadow Ball
Laura's intel: Valere's Offenses
52 Atk, 33 Mag
Farin was hurt by poison...

Valere’s eyes went wide for a second before Gladion’s sound waves sent him flying over the edge of the tower. He drove a blade into the side of the pillar to slow his descent, landing in the courtyard below.

It was clear he hadn’t been expecting that.
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