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Search results

  1. Dodge

    Game Queue Redux

    Also raising my hands for the mafia Spirit Bomb
  2. Dodge

    Dies Twice Mafia - Game Thread

    You scared me half to death back there lmao Even though things went quiet towards the end, I'm still surprised I actually made it all the way Though now I kinda wish we had targeted kyeugh early, shooting ourselves a new friend sounds like fun
  3. Dodge

    Dies Twice Mafia - Game Thread

    Same here, so sure, MrDulfin
  4. Dodge

    Dies Twice Mafia - Game Thread

    I meant most likely out of flora or stryke, who I think are the main suspects Like I posted before, the two of them lost a life right as the mafia started full-killing people, so even though they both have some factors that make me not sure, those are my best guesses so far Namely, Stryke's...
  5. Dodge

    Dies Twice Mafia - Game Thread

    Yeah, flora seems the most likely here flora
  6. Dodge

    Dies Twice Mafia - Game Thread

    So me and kyeugh are the only ones still full. And since the mafia one-shots people, that means one of us is probably getting targetted next
  7. Dodge

    Dies Twice Mafia - Game Thread

    Hmm...I'm not sure on who to trust, here The night vote would have been a weird power for mafia, though I guess I could see it working as a drawback to unlocking the full-killing. But that still feels weird Flora unlocking this by being voted on the same night as the first full-kill seems...
  8. Dodge

    Dies Twice Mafia - Game Thread

    Yeah, at this point the mafia being able to one-shot people feels more likely than us just having the unluckiest vig in all the land
  9. Dodge

    Dies Twice Mafia - Game Thread

    There's a cereal killer out there
  10. Dodge

    Dies Twice Mafia - Game Thread

    I brought up this possibility specifically hoping it wouldn't happen... But again, we probably weren't getting any useful inspections anymore either way, even if the mafia had to take two nights to take out Bfree Stryke being mafia seems unlikely, and that would be the only confirmation we'd get...
  11. Dodge

    Dies Twice Mafia - Game Thread

  12. Dodge

    Dies Twice Mafia - Game Thread

    Well, I also agree that this doesn't look like an effect the mafia would cause, so I feel like Stryke is probably town? I don't imagine the mafia wanting an extra day phase, complete with a vote, though that's a good point that it's a decent cover story Aside from that, I'm thinking about how...
  13. Dodge

    Dies Twice Mafia - Game Thread

    I find it hard to imagine what kind of role would be "dangerous", and yet prove someone innocent. Unless he meant "powerful", but at that point we're on multiple levels of speculation that is probably not super useful
  14. Dodge

    Dies Twice Mafia - Game Thread

    I think RNP being mafia is probably the simplest explanation, rather than him being town AND there being some kind of alignment scrambler for inspections (we can probably assume there's something wacky relating to that, with the lack of flip, but not necessarily for inspections) I don't know...
  15. Dodge

    Dies Twice Mafia - Game Thread

    So the R in RNP stands for Keith? Also, on a similar note to how too many doctors and the like would make this take a lifetime, I wouldn't be surprised if there's at least one vigilante to possibly speed it up (and it fits the flavor tbh). Though they seem to have wisely stayed put instead of...
  16. Dodge

    Dies Twice Mafia - Game Thread

    I witnessed it mewtini cast Wall of Quotes
  17. Dodge

    Dies Twice Mafia - Game Thread

    Butterfree is dead, long live Butterfree
  18. Dodge

    Dies Twice Mafia

    First we revive the mafia forum. Then, the ASB forum. Then, world domination?
  19. Dodge

    Dies Twice Mafia

    Put me in, coach!
  20. Dodge

    Fire and Ice Mafia

    Welp! At least my gut trusted the right person and mewtini wasn't mafia When the game didn't end after the vote, I figured there was just one mafia and they wouldn't target me (multiple people saying they got slight mafia vibes from me, then I go and cast a last minute vote that kills a townie...
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