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Search results

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    Personality Types

    ENFP. After reading through everything and conveniently closing those tabs, its seems fairly accurate. But only fairly. The percents were, like 55% to 45%. Like I said, I conveniently closed it before I read through all the responses.
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    background image

    I know how to set a background image. And I know how to make it repeat. But how do I make it work with a pattern of images (same size and everything)? I have three images and I want them to alternate for the background. If I set them all as the background, it seems to just pick the top one. :'C
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    Should Spanish be a required course in American schools?

    No! OK, so we have a Spanish-only speaking population mostly in the southern parts of the US. Where I live, however, less than 2% of the population (not sure of the exact number here) speak only Spanish and not English. I think that it is in the best interest of anyone immigrating to anywhere to...
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    Hi! ^_^

    Well, um, actually, I had an account on here a couple of years ago...but then I left. And I would totally be using that account, but I kinda forgot the username. And the password. And, uh, the email address I gave you. So...you may have seen me before, as another person, but I'm not quite sure...
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